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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. I depended on that thread too and yesterday was up for the fight to pull it back on track. Then today I was just too tired and will just let the trolls think they won. They didn't. I however have very good memories of the people who connected on that thread. We may not ever speak elsewhere but I am very aware of the good people who helped each other. Maybe in time we can recreate it. BTW Prince flounce 💗
  2. Yeah Beth nuke it. Sock puppets are so last year 🙄 I'd rather it just be gone than have some sad bored muppet crapping over somewhere I came when I was going through one of the worst times of my life.
  3. I was so glad they swapped me from that stuff. My side effects were unbearable. The Pregablin is not without its side effects but at least I don't wake up covered in blood from where I was trying to scratch my own skin off in the night anymore
  4. Well I lost the plot yesterday. Ranting and raving about a towel that fell off the upstairs bathroom door in the morning and even after people had used the bathroom all day long, it was still there when I went up at bedtime (I use the downstairs bathroom all day) It's always something stupid and insignificant that tips the scales. So, wound up, I didn't sleep well at all and ache all over.
  5. Usually just ignore it unless I am bored then I might play with them a bit while they embarrass themselves.
  6. You joined 2 minutes before your post just to say that... 🤔
  7. You know everyone @Beth Macbain, myself and others have fought really hard to keep this thread on topic. I know threads derail and sometimes take on a life of their own but not this one. I have shared some really painful stuff in here as have others. I have needed the compassion of those in here during those moments. There are other threads to post your issues with the virus, losing your forum status or whatever. If anyone actually goes back to the start and reads this thread you might understand why we have tried so hard to keep it on topic and invite others to post their lowest moments and feel understood by those who get it, care and would like to offer their support in a small way. I don't need to be quoted and have you put forward an argument as to why you posted stuff not relevant to this thread. I just want you to understand why those type of posts will rile up those who need this thread. *steps off soap box*
  8. Pet peeve... people who stated on the first page that she doesn't have many pet peeves and 18 months later realise I lied. I do! 😂
  9. Nah. I often have to read mine half an hour later after my eyes woke up and ninja my morning typos but I usually type typo or added a word in the reason for edit box.
  10. This was 2 years ago. they might not even exist anymore
  11. People who go back and edit their post after dropping their bomb and before anyone quotes it in its original state. Not going to make the same mistake with that person again. She is definitely in my crosshairs now.
  12. Steam rollered again. I was actually having a laugh in SL.. yeah go me. TPing my friend into the middle of the sea as payback for him posting "she who will not be named" songs on my facebook. Light hearted fun stupid stuff. When bang, I accepted a lovely notecard from a past customer. She had been looking for the store and followed through to my profile and wanted to offer her condolences. Obviously I then had to thank her for her kind words and then a conversation started. I would/could talk about him all day long but on my terms. When I choose. I have had a few of these notecards or IMs and would never want to discourage them because I am proud of what he created and its so nice to hear from people who appreciated his stuff. It is very kind of people to make the effort. It just knocks the stuffing out of me. Then in RL I knocked a full salt cellar all over the kitchen which after cleaning up made my legs so tired that I stumbled carrying a not quite empty cup and threw the tea all over the place. Things happen in 3's so watch this space. There's still 5 hours until bedtime for that 3rd F up to clean. Anyway carry on. Just had to get that out.
  13. Well you are my sanity guru sometimes when the idiots appear
  14. well I just relogged too and you are still an advisor to me
  15. Pretty please. I mean they must be really bored every day
  16. Only if they know what to do with it though
  17. I just... can't. I have no doubt it would be hilarious but no no no no 😂 (he had to work anyway so thats for another day) phew
  18. I prefer they just stayed up all night to moderate the 4 hours of horrid spam we had earlier
  19. My partner was a fabulous creator of adult furniture and animations. Maybe he was HIM. I am going to guess this OP is an alt posting for bored reasons to stir up the forums. Here we are at page 9 and I have no clue where this is going but going to say IBTL in case nobody else said it yet.
  20. I love my middle finger hud. Yesday was gloriously sunny and being in the garden was an absolute joy. I have the red nose to prove it. A couple of pics for you of my decks This is the chilled spot. I am going to change the seat when I find the right thing. This is the new deck area and walkway which is the sofa sunbathe and party deck and to the left with no picture us a short walkway back to the original deck outside the kitchen where theres a dining table and chairs. Today there is no sun and I am waiting for the shopping delivery which is always (not) fun. I slept for 9 hours straight which is some sort of miracle. I promised to SL this morning and help my best friend finally turn his 13 year old avi mesh. A task I am not looking forward to. Though he did make me laugh when he said what about my p e nis? I said you are on your own there mate. He can colour match that himself.
  21. Just woke up feeling excited for the first time in a long time. It's 12 weeks today since Ki died 💔. I finally got the email to say my holiday to Spain is cancelled for next weekend 😥 but my new deck is finished (well a few finishing touches to do) This means I can now safely travel from one end of the garden to the other via 3 decked areas and interconnecting boardwalks. No more bumpy ground to jump up and attack me when my leg is having an off day. No more steps to navigate when I want to take a drink down to the bottom deck which is the early morning sunny spot with jasmine and honeysuckle growing over the trellis with dream catchers and birdfeeders hanging down. This area was paid for by Ki, indirectly because he suggested I use my share of the money we made from our SL business for my garden. So the honeysuckle and some of the other plants are his favorites. I want it to be a corner of calm just like he was to me. I also have a decked area near the house set up as an eating area and a central deck for sunbathing and partying. Hopefully the weather is kind to me because it is my intention to take my CBD vape and a coffee (in a lidded no spill mug) down to the chill deck every morning. I probably should have done that before reading some of the *struggling for the right word* posts on the forums.
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