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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Excuse me? Keep your name calling to yourself. Where in my post did I say I was a know-it-all?
  2. Thank you for your restraint. I was typing... deleting... again with that one
  3. I tried to put @Alwin Alcott on ignore to test something earlier. He cried and I got struck by lightening 👼
  4. it was to many posts I was about to reply to then thought better of it because it is not going to work
  5. How have we gone from supporting Black Lives Matter to Princess Diana, English slums and the church?
  6. Pet peeve. People who talk utter bullcrap on the forums and make me have to walk away from my desk in case I slam my head into it one time too many
  7. I am still getting "Despite our best efforts....." I didn't want to log in anyway. I just tried it to check before the sky is falling in posts start.
  8. I can't log in either. Just keep an eye on the grid status, they probably just recieving reports now and will update it
  9. French fries aren't close to chips. Fried fresh air Chips are more like this and best served in a butty sorry for the detail but figured you all need some sustenance before continuing. Black Lives Matter
  10. I'd AR the child and quote the specific part of the TOS (which i need more coffee to recall) that mentins child avi's in the vicinity of adult content. It's on the child avi if they deliberately visit an adult location and use adult furniture.
  11. Pretty sure there was a case on the forums a year or so ago where someone was banned because their AFK avi was "griefed" in this way by a child avi who took pictures and AR'd their throwaway account and the AFK avi. It took a long process for her to prove her case to LL and get her account reinstated. The post about it will give better details than my recall and will be around the forums somewhere if you wanted to dig for it.
  12. You don't need to send in your ID to Tilia if you want to buy lindens. You only need to do that if you want to process credit ie sell lindens and move them out of SL to your skrill
  13. Do you not see the irony then? You chose to be in those groups and advertise the places in your pics then come here to complain they.... 🙄
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