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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. You mean like this she just posted . Blog posts are featured right top and centre of everyones dashboard. It's not the lindens fault if people don't bother to look.
  2. They've got one of these new automated systems when you call them. I presume its something to do with that
  3. Lots of people having an issue. The lab are aware and working on it https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/33tshl3y0rny
  4. Peeve - myself. Sitting waiting for a call from my doctor for over an hour before calling the surgery to find out why. They rang 3 times and didn't get me. I rant a bit about nothing being wrong with the phone as I am talking to them on it. Eventually they forwarded me to the doc, he sorts the medication out then says btw do you have call blocking on for witheld numbers /me ooops 😊 btw @Madelaine McMasters I went to bed at 7 pm and slept solid 11 hours (unheard of) and feel I have shaken off the after effects of the flu shot. Hope you are feeling better
  5. This! Almost called someone out for that this morning but they aren't worth my time so I scrolled on by.
  6. They are working on it. Keep an eye on the grid status https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/33tshl3y0rny
  7. They don't know. Keep an eye on the grid status https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/33tshl3y0rny
  8. Mine was Tuesday. Like you no real reaction before and the actual jab I didnt feel a thing. I was fine yesterday and this morning. After lunch BAM. I had to climb into bed and sleep for 2 hours. I am really hoping it will be a 24 thing. I hope you feel better soon
  9. There are a few people reporting the same thing on the forums. The grid status says the issue was resolved hours ago but I guess when support opens in a couple of hours they will get a lot of reports its not fixed. I can only say you are not alone (its working fine for me) and keep an eye on the grid status
  10. Grid status also says they were/are doing marketplace maintenance
  11. There were some people reporting earlier that the dashboard was not showing groups or friend lists but if you mean the forums, there was this https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/r8cpvcw7xjv3
  12. Before you start, have you had a look through the knowledge base first?
  13. Grateful that even though where I live is in the worst of the lockdown regions in this country, its a sunny day and I was able to go for a walk (wheel) down to the sea today
  14. Try changing your log in location to another region. The grid status does mention teleport issues https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/8dmy96jb80vn Also it is Tuesday so some restarts will be happening in some regions. What message do you get when you try to log in?
  15. You are possibly having issues while they move services to the cloud
  16. Us guys are doing the same as you. This is a residents forum. Reading the recent blog post might explain more
  17. So he can come back and see all the ignored people replied here and therefore he proves his own point, to himself as we don't care? Checked my own ignore list and just weird name spammer bots. There are sometimes 2 people that pop on and off there when it all gets a bit much and I can't be bothered with their drivel affecting my day. Mostly I just scroll and carry on and leave them to twist themselves up in knots.
  18. Maybe ask the merchant or their CSR that you paid all that money to? They might have a group you can join and ask for customer service
  19. Gawd i have a list of people who talk out of their butt on the forums she could test it out on
  20. My annoyance is not with Prime Day BUT with all the other stores I have bought from in the past spamming my email with sale offers in competition in case I suddenly won the lottery.
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