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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello sicilijano. As others here i bet, i have difficulties to understand your English. The queen vampire hacked you because you didin't get married? Did you lose stuff from your inventory? What means "bed things"? I have no idea really.
  2. Hello FenixGaltieer. It is an old bug which is back again and affects many residents. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 You can vote there, watch, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Alexa Linden: Alexa Linden added a comment - 27/Jan/12 10:36 AM For avatar which are stuck "ghosting" in Second Life, thus preventing logging back in, you will need to file a Support Ticket so they can unstick the your individual account. See also: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2012/01/28/post15​53/ and follow the suggestions there. Summary: Change hislogin location and if this does no work, submit a ticket under account issues --> second life web login issues and wait for a reply. If you are a premium is preferable to use LiveChat. You find the option on the right. Good luck.
  3. Hello Foxtails and welcome to SL Forums. It is an old bug which is back again and affects many residents. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 You can vote there, watch, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Alexa Linden: Alexa Linden added a comment - 27/Jan/12 10:36 AM For avatar which are stuck "ghosting" in Second Life, thus preventing logging back in, you will need to file a Support Ticket so they can unstick the your individual account. See also: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2012/01/28/post1553/ and follow the suggestions there. Summary: Suggest your friend to change hislogin location and if this does no work, to submit a ticket under account issues --> second life web login issues and wait for a reply. If he is a premium is preferable to use LiveChat. He finds the option on the right. Good luck.
  4. Hello shymus. You can find everything about your settings (no only for the badge) here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/personalization#personalization
  5. Hello Rhojen. It is possibly a graphics issue. Download the last drivers for your graphics card. Nvidia: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Amd: http://support.amd.com/US/Pages/AMDSupportHub.aspx Intel: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/ If it doesn't work, clear your browser's cache and try again. Alternatively download another version of V3 here.
  6. Hello SOPABill. You do that in world. Mute (block) the griefer and fill an Abuse Report. EDIT: A new article in Knowledge base also (30/1): http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-deal-with-griefing/ta-p/1339983
  7. Hello prettyparkin. Just of curiocity i checked out my avatar and i have to say that more or less it looks similar with yours. I don't think that there is a problem. It is possible an illuzion depending of the angle you look, how close you look and of the animation / stand. I don't think that you have to worry about.
  8. Hello Max and welcome to SL Forums. It is some rare someone here to ask how he can change his birthday after almost 2 years in SL. Usually new users ask for that when they "discover" that they have no access in adult regions. If you are at least 18 years old: If you are stuck in General regions you have to submit a ticket as others already mentioned. If you have access in General and Moderate regions try to add payment info in your account. It is possible to fix the problem that way.
  9. Awesome pic and link, Marianne. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Good news, underworld. You are welcome.
  11. Hello Mianki and welcome to SL Forums. I am sure that you got a clear answer that it is no suggested to open a sex club in a moderate region. It is no only the "sexual conduct" using pose balls. Think that girls there can't even stay or dance naked. Only with their underwear.
  12. Hello pumpkinrh. As others said we need more details to be able to help. Except of your system specs, do you get an error message? What happens when you launch the viewer?
  13. Hello Nany. Another resident asked here yesterday how to use joystick in SL. I don't know if your post is an answer for that post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-to-use-joystick-in-SL-enabled-but-no-movement/qaq-p/1357607
  14. Hello Zappa. Did you try to hold "Ctrl" and click? It equals to right click for Windows.
  15. Hello Melian. Everything about your settings here (no only your badge) here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/personalization#personalization
  16. Hello desertway. The first you have to find and decide about, is your shape, this is your base. I don't think that is a good idea to buy clothes at first because after you would have to change again all the prim parts (vest / jacket) fitting them with your new shape. Build your avatar slowly and don't rush. Maybe you will spend long time (maybe months) till to see your avatar and completely enjoy it. I agree with others. Don't purchase shape and skins without trying demos. Don't get carried away also by the pictures at Marketplace, they are a compination of a specific skin, specific shape, hair, prim attachments (like eyelashes), make-ups, taken under specific windlight settings and often edited with photoshop or other programs. So first of all find a shape, after a skin (from the same creator is preferable if it is possible) and after look for clothes, why not for complete outfits.
  17. Hello underworld. Start trying the suggestions here one by one http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail Post back here leting us know if you fixed the problem or you need more help.
  18. Hello Dewdrop. If you have no land holdings under My Mainland you teleport in another parcel not yours so you can use the control panel etc. LiveChat is available from 9am to 6pm PST. In less than 1 hour you can use it. Also it is no necessary to create new threads, it doesn't help really. You can edit your posts (options on the right --> edit) or to use permalink under the answers if you want to reply.
  19. Some difficult to manage a club when your joined SL with this account today.
  20. Hello ArticxFrost85 and welcome to SL Forums. It happens sometimes. We can't remove something we wear. Usually a relog fixes the problem. If not, make an avatar test under Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female.
  21. Hello Be11a. I see that you edited your post so i can't understand which is the mistake. This is a bug which affects a lot of residents. Please see: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209
  22. LoveAngeL Lyre


    Hello fskatya and welcome to SL Forums. It is a old bug which is back again and affects many residents. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28209 You can vote there, watch, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Alexa Linden: Alexa Linden added a comment - 27/Jan/12 10:36 AM For avatar which are stuck "ghosting" in Second Life, thus preventing logging back in, you will need to file a Support Ticket so they can unstick the your individual account. See also http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ and follow the instructions. Summary: Try to change your login location. If this does no work, submit a ticket under account issues --> second life web login issues and wait for a reply. If you are a premium is preferable to use LiveChat. You find the option on the right. Good luck.
  23. Hello aztec and welcome to SL Forums. If you speak for the known slave hud, this brand has a great customer support. Please visit http://www.getxcite.com/cs.php and enter your question. One of the customer service agents will contact you personally to assist you. Good luck.
  24. Hello VioletaGrace. Just now i gave an answer for this error message in another thread. Please have a look: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/I-have-problem-i-can-t-log-in-and-i-have-issue-quot-Unable-to/qaq-p/1358475 If you can't find a solution you can submit a ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ --> Account issue --> Second Life Web Login Issues. Report there the problem analytically and wait for a reply. Alternatively use the LiveChat (if you are a premium). You find the option on the righ. Good luck.
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