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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I sometimes get that that error message too, when the sim region I was last logged into (and logged out of) is currently restarting, was closed, or was deleted. Do as @animats suggested from your SL viewer log-in page, instead of logging into the usual "Last Location", type in a different region name instead, such as Natoma.
  2. @Patch Linden @Quartz Mole LL's LDPW builder/scripter worker avatars are given the Mole last name. How about LL volunteer mentors being given the last name of Vole? ("Vol" from "Vol-unteer") "Mole" and "Vole" are both rodents and they rhyme!
  3. I was told as a child that writing in green ink/Biro is something one shouldn't ever do because it's unusual, not formal and even a little bit weird. If that's true, then why do green pens even exist?! πŸ€”
  4. These new finds now remind me of something I speculated about a year ago. Back on 31st May 2022, I went to Puffin Head Events Centre in Bellisseria for a look around. I watched the Bellisseria build history slideshow there. In it, there was this "Log Homes Layout Plan" slide. ^ In this slide, I noticed part an unnamed landmass located to the north of the current Log continent, which I ringed in red. I found there was even a railway line running north from Moose Tracks! At the time, I thought I'd found the plans of a secret new sub-continent, until Abnor replied that "plans change". And below, here's a repost of my "new continent" speculation map I drew at the same time in 2022, which I based on the "Log Homes Layout Plan" slide above. Might be true afterall! Or not, if plans really have changed. 😜
  5. New region deployments on a Saturday? I don't think I've ever seen that before. Very unusual. Nicely found, @Nika Talaj I wonder if the continuation of Moose Tracks' railway will go northwards through this new group of 9 Welcome Hubs, or go around it?
  6. I wouldn't hold your breath...
  7. Sorry to disappoint you, but what you currently see on the map in Clemente and Coffee Mill are ghosts of former regions that were once there; they're gone now.
  8. Squeaky Springs is undoubtably named after @Squeaky Mole
  9. With some certainty, I think those are map ghosts, the echos of older regions that used to be there.
  10. 27 new regions have appeared on the map to the west of the Stilt Homes. Some have "Wild West" or rural farming sounding names, while others don't. And none, as yet, have "SSP" in their titles either. Curiously, there's an empty void within the new group. Possibly a space reserved for a special region, such as a community area? I've noticed these new regions extend as far west so that Moose Tracks (in Log Land) is directly to the south of them, meaning that the train track in Moose Tracks could, or might (or will?!) be extended up into these new regions (and other additional ones) sometime in the future. Their names (from top north row to bottom south row) are: Cow House, Silo, Starline, Pinto Pastures Rassle, Highland Spur, *empty void*, Cowtown, Callaghan Gullywash, Deadpan, Woodyard, Lumpkin, Clemente, Coffee Mill Knott Mine, Ralph, After You, Bear Mountain, Talon Peak, Squeaky Springs Beagle, Snakehill, Oxbellow Canyon, Buttercup Lane Hundred Prim Woods, Starlight Fay Gorgeous Aurelia Dream
  11. My question: "It's been almost five years since a new version of Linden Homes was begun. Some would say that Bellisseria has now become too large and has taken up too much time, too many resources and staff to create it, while simultaneously neglecting or ignoring the remaining Mainland and grid on which Second Life was originally based and born from. When is Linden Labs (ever) going to stop building Bellisseria and complete Linden Homes in order to allow LL staff to actually get back to work on dealing with the mountain high pile of remaining problems and issues found in the majority of the SL grid infrastructure and addressing resident's actual wants, needs and worries?" - would've been my question, if I believed they would even allow that question to pass through their pre-screening, filtering and question vetting system...
  12. Most similar viewer to original LL v1.23 viewer: Singularity Best/easiest viewer UI interface: Singularity Best/fastest viewer for FPS/speed: Singularity. Best viewer for stable driftless editing of prims: Singularity Best viewer for still using Windlight (not EEP): Singularity Best viewer for creating an accurate bodyshape height: Singularity Best viewer for uploading larger higher resolution textures: Singularity
  13. Try: CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-H Then watch what appears in local chat. Works in all viewers. 😜
  14. Even partially seamless could still cause a lot problems. I feel SL is now too well established with its current system to start messing about with a "seamless" one that would cause massive issues. I suppose one possiblility is to have a new second "seamless" SL on another alternate grid and start all over again there instead. I doubt that would be financially feasible though.
  15. Does this "Seamless" possibility literally mean that the entire SL grid becomes one gigantic "seamless" sim region without any borders? Because I don't think that's plausible, unless SL is actually on the surface of a gigantic planet-sized sphere! It could also mean we'd all live on a flat world with 4 sides, where moving to the extreme ends of the map would make one reappear on the opposite side of the "seamless" map in a 2D "Pac Man" style way? Having SL as one gigantic sim region could ruin a lot of things, especially some scripted items which rely on conventional region coordinates for their operation and landmarks too. They'd become broken and useless, right? And ban lists would result in either everyone being unbanned across the entire world or fully banned from the whole thing! I hope "Seamless" doesn't mean this.
  16. Peeve: ^ This is Tower Bridge, not London Bridge. ^ Actual London Bridge, which even has it's name enscribed on the underside columns!
  17. πŸ’­SarahKB7 KoskiLinden: "We are going to give all the mainland continents fully completed and protected coastlines, road bridges to neighbouring continents and free ice cream."πŸ’­ β›΅πŸŒ‰ 😜🍦
  18. Although I now live on a private island, I used to "own" (cough!) land on mainland (Gaeta I, Satori and Gaeta V, at various different times) for eight consecutive years, even without a Premium Account, which I've never had, needed or wanted. My landlord, whom I rented the parcel(s) from, granted me full permissions to the parcel(s) to do with as I pleased. With the appropriate group tag, I was made a "Sim Owner" too, even though I didn't technically own the sim(s)! But not once did I ever feel the need to buy an orb object which kicks a person out of "my" land because I felt like I didn't want them there. Yes I could ban them, but there was a far easier solution that that, one which sometimes gave me amusement. The Eject button. I learned that Naughty Avatars don't fly very well when you eject them. 😜
  19. @Zalificent Corvinus Clearly, you don't know how to use the minimap parcel boundary filter either, to avoid such ban lines and orbs. However, I do. And have used the minimap's features several times. An example of one of my explorations below, in which I didn't encounter a single ban line or orb.
  20. 1,000,000 % wrong. You've clearly never heard of renting land parcels and homes on private island sims?
  21. ^ I'm neutral. I'm neither a Bellident or a mainlander. (I used to be a mainlander, but moved to an island!) I only care about exploration, coastlines, inter-continental travel and continent connectivity. 😜
  22. @Patch Linden, @Derrick Linden, @Quartz Mole Please consider moving the S.S. Galaxy to here! The S.S. Galaxy and it's three sim regions could form part of a new water channel between two continents, much like the ANWR Prim Rig does between Sansara and Heterocera continents. The traffic generated from a water link between Gaeta I and Corsica would be much greater than that found at the Galaxy's current location in Bellisseria. And Galaxy could be used as a midway rest stop and boat rez zone between continents by sailors. Galaxy would also be much nearer to the Blake Sea than where it currently is. Ten new water regions would have to be created (instead of 13) by LL to create a water link between Gaeta I and Corsica continents for the first time! Maybe some other existing rescued regions could be used to fill in those other ten? And if moved, S.S. Galaxy would be located far enough offshore to not disturb the views from Corsica and Gaeta I residents. In a way, putting Galaxy there would make it act like a real cruise ship or passenger liner, allowing people from one continent to move to another...
  23. If you'd like to learn to build things with the existing tools provided in the SL viewer for free, take a visit to the Ivory Tower Library of Primatives in Natoma region to learn building with Prims. Prims, (short for Primative Meshes) are those funny looking plywood cube things you can create, reshape, join together and retexture to create objects. The Ivory Tower has an extensive walk-through guide and has been a valuable location for builders over the years to learn such skills. However, if you want to create more modern and more realistic looking and detailed objects than those possible with prims, then you'll have to log out of SL and download something like Blender (which is free), then learn to use it to create mesh objects (and texture them) which you can then save and upload into SL as DAE files. For scripting, you could join the Builders Brewery group, which also has their own sim regions. You could then ask the group members for assistance in creating or obtaining scripts.
  24. A few pages back, I mentioned that I would love to see LL complete the unfinished continents. Back in 2021, after I informed @4lice Cerise about missing Gaeta continents that were never built, 4lice carefully mapped out all these hidden Gaeta regions to reveal this! You can find these yourself using the official SL map website and clicking the spaces to find them! There would have been three additional Gaeta continents, Gaeta II, III and IV! They would have been positioned to the east of Gaeta I and to the north of Gaeta V. And now you know why Gaeta V was named Gaeta V and not as "Gaeta II"! Using this data, I then drew an imaginary map of "missing" coastline to reveal what possible shape Gaeta I should/might have been. Then, using 4lice's data again, I drew three additional maps to reveal the unbuilt Gaeta II, Gaeta III and Gaeta IV and their possible imaginary coastline shapes. I am not asking LL to build these three unbuilt continents, I think these additional Gaeta continents are no longer required. But they are an interesting "What If?" possibility in SL's history. But interesting maps aren't they? I didn't bother with imagining interior mountains, lakes, rivers or islands. At the time I drew them, I was more interested in the maximum extent of their possible coastlines. With hindsight, I now realise I should have created more inland water areas too, as vast open plains are unattractive to most people, as seen in the existing continents with similar sized expanses of interior land which are barren and unused. But I do still think that LL should complete Gaeta I and connect it to the other mainland continents with a channel of water regions. Perhaps use S.S. Galaxy and her three sim regions as part of this water connection to exploit the traffic and lessen the costs? Hmm...! πŸ’‘
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