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Perrie Juran

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Everything posted by Perrie Juran

  1. My question was pretty simple, "Why am I tipping this person?" And there have been points and counter points made, pros & cons, etc. I've been tipping hosts for many years, and while I did not say this at the start, a couple of recent incidents led me to ask why. The Second Life economy has some strange quirks.
  2. I guess I could walk back into the kitchen and tip the Cooks and the Dishwashers also. I do tip venues and musicians and DJ's generously. I guess I will trim that back and start tipping the hosts instead. (BTW, I never said that I didn't tip hosts. But I am asking a question about it.) ETA: Reflecting on this a little more, isn't that what some hosts who do not really add value are expecting, a free ride on my Linden Dollars. (and note that I said "some")
  3. I didn't notice any one complaining about private property here.
  4. And while I can't state any off of the top of my head at the moment this is the case with many things that fall under the umbrella of "Linden Lab Official." It is often unclear what category to use.
  5. I have pretty much given up on freebies, especially any form of hunting for them. The 99% discard rate just made it not worth my time. Especially clothes. The vast majority of freebies are so badly made they give my poor Martian skin a rash.
  6. I will understand if a DJ tells me a request does not fit in the theme of things though usually if I am requesting a song it is because something they played inspired me to think of the song I am requesting.
  7. Which raises the question, under what category would you abuse report this?
  8. Actually everything that you have said here, and especially this last statement is all the more reason for why I should not tip. If the host is keeping the club running smoothly and making life simpler for you then the responsibility for compensating them (tipping) clearly belongs to you and the club owner and not me.
  9. That is where my thinking leans. And actually I do know many Musicians and DJ's who do tip their hosts and hostesses.
  10. I do enjoy many activities in Second Life. One that is very central to my Second life is music. First there are live performers. It is amazing the quality of some of the musicians who perform in Second Life. There is a lot of talent on the Grid. Next there are live DJ's. There are actually a few of them in Second Life who do actually know something about music and actually know how to put together a music set. I enjoy spending time at some clubs with friends while listening to the music. Which brings me to my question. I do tip the musicians and DJ's generously. I also tip the Venues. It is a pretty well known fact that most clubs are money pits, that the odds of making a profit much less breaking even is pretty slim. So I support them also. But next are the hosts and hostesses. And I really wonder why I am tipping them. What is it that they are adding to my Second Life. You arrive at a venue and they may greet you if they aren't all absorbed in IM'ing with their friends. And then there is all the gesturebating they do saying how wonderful the musician or DJ is and also begging exhorting people to tip the Venue. So at the risk of upsetting some hosts or hostesses I ask why I should I tip them?
  11. For some history about calling cards I would refer you to: https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Calling_Card I do still make use of them. Occasionally instead of friending someone I will ask for their card. Also I will embed mine in a notecard. I usually do this when contacting a merchant to help facilitate them getting back with me. I do believe there have been some instances when overly full calling card folders have been associated with log in problems.
  12. I have never heard of anyone that did not have a copy of their own card. Everyone has it by default. After all there is function in the pie menu to "give card." That would make no sense if you did not have a card by default.
  13. Forgive my cynicism but since when did LL care about votes. In fact I seem to recall years ago that they said they didn't even look at the votes. And while LL tolerates a small amount of discussion in the Forums about some issues I seriously doubt that they would allow in the JIRA the kind of discussions that happened about Red Zone and Revealing True On Line Status. Those two subjects received several hundred comments. But perhaps I should be heartened by the way they responded to the concerns about the Bonnie Bots.
  14. I am very aware of that history but no where does it state WHY that information was added to the profile.
  15. A. At the time I did not own any mainland B. I do believe it would be outside of the ability of 99.999999999% of Residents to be able to determine if I owned any mainland unless I publicized it.
  16. It wasn't until BonnyBots that I knew my status as a premium member was exposed and scrape-able. While maybe a minor matter it pisssed me off that they publicly published that info. It was really nobody else's business. I've also not fully understood publishing "payment info on file" other than it was to assuage some people's paranoia.
  17. As others have mentioned, "Sometimes" needed included in that poll which is the case for me also.
  18. Perhaps we could use a Gripes and Complaints sub forum that gets cleared every four hours like a sandbox.
  19. Really overall not a bad review. While we could poke holes in a few details it comes across as positive.
  20. As the old saying goes: "Second Life, where the men are women, the women are men, and the children are the F.B.I."
  21. Those regions were in shambles. The amount of raw plywood everywhere was insane. Not just in the sky but at ground level also.
  22. Once upon a time some issues were handled in the LL JIRA. Subjects like "True On Line Status" (via script) and Red Zone are a few examples. They resulted in very lengthy JIRA's as people voiced their opinions. There have been others but those are two I recall off the top of my head. In the early days there was an issue where everyone descended on the Linden Village protesting a decision. (I am pretty sure Prok would remember). You could try and post the subject matter here and see if it survives censorship, I mean moderation. I really wish I could think of a practical way for you to reach people with your petition. Perhaps one of more popular Bloggers would at least report on it if not take up your cause.
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