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Perrie Juran

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Everything posted by Perrie Juran

  1. When I started (2007) there were places that offered "free" apartments. They were minimally furnished and any one could use on a first come basis when you'd log in. It was quite a surprise to me when I started getting "paid" for being there. I knew nothing about camping or traffic at that time.
  2. So far all the accounts I have seen promulgating this have only been one or two days old. What saddens me is seeing one still active after 24 hours. Is Governance understaffed? I do get that a lot of their time is wasted having to sift through unactionable AR's but in my mind twenty four hours is too long.
  3. One thing you have to be careful with about Mainland is to not conflate "abandoned" with "undeveloped." A lot of Mainland looks empty because people are building in the sky and not on the ground. When I lived on mainland I did plant some vegetation on the ground but lived up in the sky at about 1,000 meters. Not all the sky dwellers do that. Tyche Shepherd's Grid Survey (if the numbers are still valid) puts abandoned Mainland at ~20%.
  4. I've read those old baloney forums discussing Dullahan and it was so obvious from reading that they had never actually looked at it. And Dullahan comes from LL. It is in the Official SL Viewer. It is the media handler for Second Life. And I am not aware of any Third Party Viewer that does not use it.
  5. Inara Pey has an excellent write up on this scam: https://modemworld.me/2023/11/06/dissecting-the-free-l-viewer-scam-chaser-zaks/
  6. Thank you for clarifying this. As I had said I did not know how this worked.
  7. I wonder how you would feel if day after day, 20, 30, 40, 50 times while logged in for a couple of hours you saw the message "Chief Idiot has payed you One Linden Dollar." Insane sounding but I knew someone who was harassed like this. Tell me that it wouldn't get old.
  8. No where in the quoted policy is "Privacy" mentioned. That comes under the heading of "Remote Monitoring." Privacy is covered in the next section of that policy statement. To be clear it is not "Builders Brewery" that is using Discord integration. There are some members of the group who are using it. And I will give them this. I don't know what is involved in making the integration work but the posts always state "Via Discord."
  9. Linden Lab know that a great deal of minor content theft is also occurring and yet they do nothing. Content theft is definitely against LL ToS so their inaction on any given matter is no guide to its correctness with regard to the LL ToS. Passive complicity does NOT indicate compliance. I have a suspicion you may not like my reply. Intellectual property theft is rampant across the entire Internet. It is not limited to just Second Life. To police this has sadly become an insurmountable task. At the inception of the Digital Millennial Copyright Act there were some attorneys who counseled companies to not be proactive, that it could actually put their Safe Harbor status at risk.** And even if it did not put their status at risk exactly how is LL supposed to go about policing content. How are they to know who may or may not have a license to use certain content? How are they supposed to go about vetting content? There must be a million textures in use in SL. I have some sounds I use in SL that I personally recorded in RL. How do I go about proving that those sounds belong to me? I understand how maddening this can be for content creators. But unless a creator files a claim LL's hands are pretty well tied. **I apologize for not documenting this. Years ago I had a hard drive go belly up on me and I lost all the book marks that I had on this subject.
  10. There was someone last night who raised a stink about the Second Life to Discord chat connection in the Builders Brewery group chat. They maintained that is was a violation of Linden Lab's privacy policies: "Remotely monitoring inworld conversations (text or voice chat) without the knowledge or consent of all parties involved is a violation of the Terms of Service. If you feel recording a conversation is necessary, post a clearly-visible sign in the recording location so that all Residents who enter can see it" https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Residents'_privacy_rights#Remote_Monitoring The only justification any one could offer was, "Linden Lab knows that this is going on and hasn't done anything about it." For all intents and purposes it does appear to be a violation to me. We may need Linden Lab to clarify this for us.
  11. The two things I find that help me the most with inventory management are: 1. As much as possible "do it now." The moment I see an unpacker script I zap it. Landmarks that come with the purchase get zapped on the spot also. If I don't have the time to deal with a purchase at the moment I have a "needs unpacking" folder. 2. It took me a little while to change habits but I no longer drag anything around. Cut and paste is so much more efficient. And much less prone to accidents.
  12. Linden Lab will never make the Camera Floater resizable in the Official Viewer.
  13. While a lot of the tech goes over my head I have been watching that thread also. Over the years there have been some projects supposedly dealing with region crossings. That thread leaves me with the impression that there has actually never been a serious dip into the problems that occur both with teleports and region crossings. While there may not be a way to know how many people, especially new sign ups, have given up on SL because of these issues, I would propose that it is a significant number. It's been a few years since I last had my motorcycle out on the Mainland roads but I should probably give it another try now. I'd given up on it because the odds of a successful crossing was about zilch. Considering the popularity of motorcycles in SL it is telling that you never see any of the motorcycle clubs out riding the Mainland roads.
  14. Back in the days when camping was lawful it wasn't hard to find free places to "stay," to change clothes, make outfits, etc. And I recall how surprised I was when I got paid for using the little apartment. It was only one or two $L at a time but still surprised me. But of course having just started I did not understand what "camping" was.
  15. Like Qie I will tempt fate. To the best of my knowledge I have never lost anything from inventory. In all my years I have only had one occasion about two years ago that all my inventory failed to load and clearing inventory cache quickly fixed that. Sometimes the solution is more complex. The Firestorm folks have done an excellent job on documenting this. It is more thorough than Linden Lab's knowledge base article on the subject. On a side note it has become really important to whitelist the Viewer in your anti-virus. All the suites have become stupidly crazy in how they work. Point in case: Up until a month ago I had never whitelisted. I logged in one day and media would not work and relogging and checking at other regions proved fruitless. Checking task manager I see no instances of dullanhan. Turned out Window's Defender had suddenly randomly decided it did not like dullahan and was killing the process. Did the whitelisting and no more trouble. I have since that time learned of other people using other security suites that have had the same thing happen. This makes me suspicious of what other problems the security suites may be causing with Second Life. Could many instances of inventory failing to load be do to anti-virus interference? I am not an expert on this so will just leave the question here and leave it to others who know more than me to chime in.
  16. Needed a bit of fixing. 😉 And then Resident Y finishes with the 'threat,' "I am no longer going to use FS," like somehow this is going to hurt FS.
  17. Then there is this variation on the theme: "I hope you've learned now."
  18. I could swear there was a current JIRA requesting the ability to block payments but I can not find it right now. There is an old one from 2017 that was closed. I'd suggest filing a JIRA requesting this be implemented perhaps referencing this thread to document the harassment. It is a common enough form of harassment LL should look at dealing with this.
  19. Someone accused me of being a spammer once, because I had a link to my sim in my profile. So, whereas I would not consider such stuff spam, other people might. I would have told them to cry me a river.
  20. Casper no longer owns Caspervend and I'd be shocked if he still had access to its database. They said they contacted Caspervend. How? LL owns Caspervend now. If I had a problem with a Caspervend transaction I'd have to contact LL about it. The $1,000L fee makes absolutely no sense. The ultimate destination of any $L transaction is always listed on your Dashboard. The bottom line here is that none of this makes any sense outside of someone creating some kind of spoof to make it look like it was a transaction through Caspervend. Linden Lab would have ZERO tolerance for a spoof like this.
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