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sven Homewood

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Everything posted by sven Homewood

  1. We are here also only residents, it is resident to resident service. The account will be reviewed as stated here before get finally closed: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.3.1 Otherwise you may need to file a ticket (case) here: https://support.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US to ask them
  2. Please follow these steps as soon as possible: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017#Section_.5 Even if you are from Belgium, you should be able to call them, you can use skype to save some money. I never used a toll free number with skype tho.
  3. It's not the viewer and it seems not to be an ISP issue. There are some regions having issues to connect voice at login. What you can try to login in a region where it works after a login and then TP to your region and see if it is still working. My homeregion has the same issue and if I login in the neighbourhood region, it works right away, even when i TP back to my region. You can login at the Voice Echo Canon to try. I did serveral tests because of that yesterday. I see in JIRA that many others reported also this issue. So its some netwrok issue at the Lindenend or a bug bothering us. For them (those who reported the issue) it's also Mainland as it is for myself. For my case I filed a ticket.
  4. None. As said here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.10.8 . The chance that one works is very low and some of my friends cards were also canceled by LL as payment info recently.
  5. Also, wenn du ernsthaft vorhast, meshkleidung zu machen, kommste frueher oder spaeter um das Zusatzteil Avastar nicht herum. Da ist so ein Avatar dann dabei. Aber fuer die puristen unter den Blenderusern gibt Gaia auch eine Datei so raus. Hier ist der Link zu der Hauptseite: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/ und hier der Link zu der Datei selber. Die Erste http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avatar-workbench/ ist die alte, ohne fitted mesh knochen. Und hier die mit den fitted mesh knochen: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/fitted_mesh_survival_kit/ Der Unterschied ist halt der, dass das fitted mesh sich dem Avatar besser anpasst (also auch Fett, bzw Musklen) aber schwieriger zu riggen. Ich wuerde dir auch das deutsche Forum slinfo dazu empfehlen.
  6. LL itself makes the suggestion to keep the account and not to cancel it, if you click the cancel button. They also say to downgrade, if money the is reason (with nicer words tho)
  7. Once I got griefed very badly, being called a pervert and idiot that has to vanish from SL and not only verbal abuse she called her friend to grief me with pushers and such. Her intention was to get rid of the kind of my avatar. Well, I AR'ed her and her friend and it took LL about 10 minutes to close down his account and sometime later hers. All we heard from her between that was her question: "What happened to my BF?" and then she poofed too. This was evidence enough for me that AR's work, if they are filed correctly and not only done for false accuse or kindergarden disputs;) OH, I don't wanna judge YOUR reason to AR someone, I just wanna say, it works.
  8. Hello NinaStJames, You use either a Viewer that can't handle fitted mesh at all (and is very old) or you have an AMD graphics card with an old driver. If you use AMD, make sure you use the driver version 14.4 that should fix the issue. Go to http://www.amd.com/en-us and there to the driver and support section. Do NOT use the windows update system, it will usualy fail with that. Make sure, you have closed all software while you do the update. Assuming you use Windows. As Mac user you have bad luck maybe to get a new dirver, but you can use the workaround to turn of the hardwareskinning. Take a look here about: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5139
  9. In theory LL can save a state of a region (as it is done for rollback requests), but it is very unlikely that LL will do it. But the best way is to ask the conicerge team, that extended support team you have access to as estate owner or manager.
  10. First of all you should follow the rules here yourself before accuse someone else: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Participation_Guidelines please. Keep the name out of here and ask in a general way. 2nd... you can report people inworld via Help->Report Abuse. Fill in the form as requested. You might want to read this link as well: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065
  11. Go to the preferences (ctrl +p) for move and walk and set the single click action to none should help (I have no viewer now, can't see the exact names for it and I refer to the LL viewer, even others might have similar settings. If you can't find what I mean, send me an IM, please.)
  12. If you can't get a real flatrate or at least one with a 30-40 GB limit, no. But you will have issues with any other existing 3D world like SL then, because all will send the data needed.
  13. Doppelt fragen ist nicht foerderlich. Auch solltest du wissen, dass die antworten hier von Resident zu Resident sind und nicht von Mitarbeitern von LL:) Schau bitte in deine erste Frage, danke!
  14. Du hast ein Loch in der Tasche. Ueberpruefe doch bitte, ob das tatsaechlich der Fall ist, in dem Du auf Dein Dashboard gehst, da unter Konto - Transaction History. https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history/?lang=de-DE#/?page_size=25&start_date=2014-06-18&end_date=2014-06-18 und da dann den Zeitraum auswaehlst fuer einen Monat und schaust, ob du irgendwelche Zahlungen an Gruppen hast. Du kannst dann den Gruppeninhaber fragen, ob er es aendert oder die Gruppe verlassen. Ist deine Kontoanzeige im Viewer urploetzlich nach einer Zahlung auf -1 gesprungen, schau auch auf deinem Konto nach, denn was auf dem Konto steht, zaehlt, und nicht das was im Viewer. Das -1 bedeutet nur, dass der Abgleich Misslungen ist. Bei einigen Viewern reicht es auch, dann auf den Kontostand zu clicken und es aktualisiert sich wieder. Oder eben ein relog machen. Sollte sich in deinem Konto keine Erklaerung finden, kannst du auch die Billing Hotline anrufen, die Nummern findest du hier: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  15. SL tranfers a lot of data! Everything needs to be downloaded first before you can see it. My average amount of data is about 30 GB a month! There is not realy a way to reduce the traffic, only reducing the draw distance and staying in one spot and not listening to music is the only way to lower it a bit, but then you have no fun;) The only way to use SL more is to get a real flatrate. Anything then that I can't suggest
  16. Please ask the Billing team, but double check carefully the transaction history of your account and the history of the marketplace. The billing team you can reach here: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  17. Well, Amethyst is right so far, also a low bandwidth is not helping, for exmaple I have 2mbps down and 230kbps upstream. My connection is also pretty stable, I have only a few very short spikes in packet loss, ping sim is stable around 230 ms (european guy), it works pretty well as long I use SL "normal". I can see when my upstream is getting busy the issues starts, when it reaches like 90% of the bandwidth I see that the packet loss gets worse and also Ping Sim rises... If I wear many attachments and some scripts it will become even worse. Then the servers don't know where you are and you get kicked off the vehicle. Sometimes even logged off. Its also a matter of speed, the faster the worse. So, reduce what you wear, be script free to reduce to load what has to be transfered between the servers and your PC as well and slow down the speed. SL's protocols are also not made for speed optimisation. To turn off HTTP Textures can help a bit as well. Maybe also tell your anti virus not to scan the incoming stream from SL, look at your user manual how to do this. Wifi can be a bit of trouble too, so you might need to switch over to cable. If your bandwidth is close to mine, try to get more speed. A friend of mine doubled his speed fro, 1.5 mbps/150kbps to 3mbps and more than 400 kbps and for him its fine now! And it should be stable, stable, stable.
  18. And please, don't open a new question, edit the old one if you still have issues.
  19. Nicht starten? Welche Fehlermeldung kommt denn ganz genau? Und hast du versucht, den Treiber ueber den Windows Mechanismuss zu installieren oder von Hand von der Nvidia Seite? Die Windows Systemsteuerung packt das naemlich so gut wie nie. Auch ganz wichtig ist es, alle Software inklusive des Vierenscanners abzuschalten bei der Installation, sonst werden ggf naemlich Teile des Treibers nicht erneuert. Also, erst deinstallieren des alten Treibers, neu starten, Virenscanner abschalten und dann den Treiber installieren. Den Treiber bekommste ueber diese Seite: http://www.nvidia.de/Download/index.aspx?lang=de, dort bitte die richtige Karte angeben, das richtige OS und runterladen. Wenn es danach immer noch Probleme gibt, klicke bitte oben rechts "Optionen-Edit" und trage nach, was du gemacht hast, bzw was als Fehlermeldung kommt.
  20. If you are running some firewall and or any anti virus software, spyware etc pp. they might have gotten an update to be more strict about blocking things. If you don't know where to look, try to revert back the OS to a point where it still was working.
  21. Adding to Lindal's answer, look into the creator's profile, which way they prefer to contact them. Look if they have a group to join. Sometimes you can use the group for support or find someone, who can point you to a solution. If the language is a problem, you can try a machine translation, or try to find someone, who can translate, not everyone speaks english.
  22. Du musst das Stueck wohl auspacken. Dazu musst du Land finden, eine Sandbox oder aehnliches, wo bauen erlaubt ist und dann diese Kiste auf den Boden vor dir ziehen, rechts click drauf und dann kopiere ins Inventar klicken. Danach die Kiste loeschen, wieder rechts click drauf dazu und dann solltest du im Inventar einen entsprechenden Ordner finden und da sind die Sachen drin. Den Ordner oeffnen und die Sachen mit einem Rechtsklick tragen.
  23. Maybe you hit a loading issue. Always try a relog first. In 99% that fixes any issues like that. You can also try to clear your cache (depends on the viewer, but usualy in Preferences, Network Tab or Advanced) if a simple relog doesn't help. Wait till your Invenorty is fully loaded then.
  24. Maybe that link might help you: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Error_messages#Computer.27s_clock_is_set_incorrectly
  25. Depends when you started you might had the bad luck and got one of the avatars with no modify rights. Choose again and the best is to choose one of the classic avatars from "Me" "Choose an Avatar". From there you can start and change anything you want. Also you should be able to fix the cloud issue with the older account. Try once also a complete change of the avatar and it should appear again after some time. If that is fixed, you can simply switch back.
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