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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. Go ahead, I've done it for years. works some what, but population is kinda dying off, so it's one of those things, dont expect a massive amount of business from it. I range between 25 and 30 bucks a month.
  2. Banning ip/mac address is irrelevant. as those are very easily changed. so LL putting a ban on anything in this day and age is derp.
  3. Look good, but the power supply, you will need atleast a 750 watt or more. so you are not choking voltages from the gpu. but everything else is fine.
  4. My setup. if I'm above 64m draw in some areas even on ultra i get fps choked, I do not even run shadows, as that's another fps hit, but there are sims that I goto that have 30+ av and I'm sitting at 1024 draw and still hitting 50+ fps. so SL is very unique and vast with different amounds of renderings, so milage varies. CPU: Intel® Core i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4124.99 MHz) Memory: 32669 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 10240) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2
  5. Private linden network on a fiber ring, and these things are clustered in nodes. your friend is not able to "affect" them in any manner.
  6. Even if the rift had been in the 350 dollar price range they said at first, the problem is the computer still would be needed to be high end like they suggest now. it even was for the dk1/dk2 units. it's what is the biggest draw back to VR. any bottle necks and you drop below that 75fps they need for this, otherwise people get sick and other crazy crap. SL is not going to be very useful with the head set, sansar, hifi will be though.
  7. Remember too, LL has a limited skeleton crew typically on the weekends and one of them has to have the ability to be able to post on the status page. so sometimes it might take a bit until somebody remotes into work to help and then it's posted. This used to be quite a bit worse then it is now. but they used to be able to send full notices through out all of SL. but that ability was removed because of compatiblity issues and the issue of only certain people had level access nesscary to send those messages and well M. Linden punted almost everybody at the lab couple years back mostly taking out all the people who had the ability.
  8. If a person is an estate manager they can return anything, even if they are not in a group belonging to the land. Tested by myself and a few other em's for an estate we help manage where we are NOT apart of the land group.
  9. Alwin, they never listen. and they refuse to check into things to verify what we tell is correct. at some point it will be fully eliminated so people will stop gaming search.
  10. you have to buy first from the lindex before your limit will be raised and then I think it's 30 days. how it used to be not sure if it's changed or not.
  11. and to add onto that, quite a few places have given employee's off until monday and some are just running a skeleton crew. so people need to remember that too.
  12. the world.secondlife.com is part of the search service for in world serivces, you are not able to restrict it.
  13. Jumpy, the irs made LL kill the L$ resellers. not much the lab could of done there. biggest problem was, it's maybe on the forum still was the bitcoiners coming in and exchanging massive amounts of bitcoin for L$ then cashing it out. guess somebody was not paying much attention as the irs caught wind of it and then some rules changed and such things.
  14. all I can suggest is http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Get_source_and_compile looking there.
  15. hacked=phished. If there was hacking going on, we'd have to change our passwords again like they forced upon us in 06. so users are getting phished or using clients which transmit their details. but there is no hacking
  16. very helpful, ~slow clap~ you can find other thigns to do right, instead of trolling, I'm pretty sure of it. because I think you troll them, I troll you from now on, this could be fun.
  17. Bit of a suggestion. might want to lower that number on a per basis. "10" is actaully pretty high. as sometimes. you might meet new people who need a bit more of a tour and help. it's best to keep the groups smaller or on a 1 to 1 basis. also make sure you are doing this as a service to the community and not charging folks. that's just in bad taste to charge.
  18. Sadly people expect LL to meet all demands for just them when it comes to their system that was build in 2007. just for me to be here in SL. I've had to build a new system every couple of years, there is no choice in the matter if I want to keep being here. sansar as they will learn, will be a stepping stone that they will not get into without a massive upgrade to everything they have. basically they will need to buy all new equipment if they want to be apart of it. (this is what I'm gathering here) ok question time Currently you offer promotions on premium, but the promotions do not offer more then typically a month off. I've been wanting to be premium for 8 years now. but currently at the price it's at, that's about impossible. I've been wanting, even asked on twitter for 50% off for a year. then I would buy it. even if that did not include the stipend. long as the 512m was still with it.
  19. They seem to be trying to buy lindens with pre paid cards. another thread this was mentioned. all I can tell them. as many others will. it's going to be hit or miss. real advice. setup a skrill account. link that card to it. then should be good to go.
  20. Grandfather sims no longer transfer with the cheaper 195.00 month pricing, when transfered to a new owner they goto the new tier of 295,00, renting them would be cheaper. instead of trying to own them. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-and-Sea-General/Island-Monthly-Fee-Pricing-for-2010/ba-p/65480 which is what we have to use currently.
  21. I'lll just say this. people in the state would **bleep** if LL was a company based in the EU and did this, EU people **bleep** because LL is in the states. it's a non win win situation. just live with it. how I've learned to be in sl 8 years.
  22. pep you are bored again it seems, another alt, another attempt to control the forum. new users wont know what the answers section is until they are told, but you'r way of telling them feels harsh and threating to them at times. might need to adjust your tone and be a bit more helpful instead of how you currently are trying to help.
  23. well I'll look at it again, once you get the new issue published.
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