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Derek Torvalar

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Everything posted by Derek Torvalar

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: ChinRey wrote: But actually, the main reason I think SL can have a much broader appeal than other virtual environments is that it is so "undirected". In SL you are not locked to one specific theme or genre. Essentially you can do or be anything you want here. I think SL's "undirection" is precisely what prevents it from being mass market. "You can be anything you want" isn't compelling to someone who's looking for a lightweight diversion. McDonalds is suffering under the weight of their "you can have anything you want" menus. Ebbe's focus on curated experiences in the new world seems to admit this is a problem for SL as well. "Your World, Your Imagination" doesn't resonate with people who want to enjoy someone else's well crafted imagination. It isn't that they want to enjoy someone elses "well crafted imagination". It is because they are lacking any imagination of their own.
  2. irihapeti wrote: depends if Philip cant use any LL or other companies patent stuff for HiFi then he has to invent new ways of doing pretty much everything thats not already in public domain, opensource or patent expired if prev. patent. LL can use what belongs to them already or have licensed eta. HiFi wants to opensource everything (seems like) so will be slower to dev than LL, assume LL is going closed source and in part using others peoples licensed stuff HiFi and LL have a loose agreement. It would not be surprising to learn that one hand is washing the other in this endeavour.
  3. Bobbie Faulds wrote: I spoke with someone today that does some scripting for one of the beta testers of the new platform. It is TOTALLY different and I don't really see it having much impact on the current SL. From the beta test, there won't be a grid, per se, like there is now. You'll pay a fee per year and have to host your own "domain", the equivalent of a sim, among other things. So totally different that It will probably attract a totally different crowd than those that play in SL. That is what HiFi is doing. Surprised? ETA HiFi is only in Alpha, for about a year now, and it is still in Alpha. The new platform here is nowhere near being in Beta, especially if they are doing what HiFi is doing.
  4. Shaun Boyd wrote: LlewLlwyd wrote: PROMPTED by SL Go closing down with minimal notice Why do you do this? It's really annoying to see you use those huge characters. ok, back on topic.... LL didn't close SLGo, Sony bought it for some reason, maybe a patent, and said - "but, we don't want to run it." I would go to Hi Fidelity I think. it's now in open Alpha and pretty good. Why are you whinging about his style of posting? It is really annoying. And HiFi is in rudimentary alpha at this point. It looks like crap.
  5. Gingir Ghoststar wrote: Llew. I don't know why you seem to want to capslock everyone to death. You don't have to shout. I have read the TOS. Thoroughly. Hmm We shall see.
  6. What!!? They are closing SL??!! Does that mean there will be no more Forums???? What will I do??? Merc work, I suppose. Wait, what was the question again?
  7. Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote: Higher Level - Chronic Functioning Retrograde Amnesia is what they have labled me with - after spending the first 4 months assuring me that everything will come back. I basically have a 4 - 5 week memory span, unless something is connected with something negative in some way, or upsets me, scares me - or I do something every day, or at least it's repeated or bought up in that time scale. It's been like this since 22nd June 2010 now. It certainly makes life interesting. You mean malingering then.
  8. Canoro Philipp wrote: the development of the next virtual world is very advanced by now, they will probably release it next year, during the development time and ideas, they must be developing a way for it to be accesible with phones and tablets, knowing that the popularity of those devices is on the rise, and is still going more popular. LL seems to be creating this new virtual world because the one we have right now it has too many problems that cant be solved with the old technology that has at its core, in order to make a good product, they have to clean up and make it from scratch, eventually they will get rid of "Second Life" and replace it with something very similar, maybe with a new name, they have to completely reinvent and rethink themselves to leave all the bad reputation behind. something that they can do to widen the audience of their new platform is to promote it in game streaming services like Sony Playstation Now and Nvidia GRID, that way they can have it accesible in Smart TVs, they could still offer it to PC users, during the time PCs are still popular. before that happens, they are gonna keep improving SL as much as they can while they complete their new virtual world, SL users are not going away to competitors because nobody offers what SL does, SL is the best of what it does, nobody is even close to offer such flexibility, such freedom, so much potential as SL does, World of Warcraft is limited of what you can do, IMVU has movement restrictions, Sony wanted to make a virtual world and failed in a few months, Second Life is still here after 10 years, and thats because there is nothing better at what it does than SL. http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/3/8134417/hands-on-with-the-galaxy-s6-version-of-the-gear-vr Noticed this the other day. It isn't bad enough people walking around with their heads buried in their phones crashing into everyone and thing, now they will have the added encumberance of wearing the headset as well.
  9. LlewLlwyd wrote: Gavin Hird wrote: LlewLlwyd wrote: Gavin Hird wrote: I worked in Apple product management. I know my audience. ;-) And for the record, Photpshop was delveloped for the Mac as was Excel originally. FOR the record, a study comparing Apple and PC "audiences" found that the average reading age of documents produced on the former was mid-teens, and for PCs twenty-something, and that the former displayed five times as many orthographic errors of one kind or another. ***As you have conveniently demonstrated*** For the record a study of forum posters who gripe about typos usually have English as their only language, and are out of valid arguments. ;-) THAT wouldn't be me then - on either count. ***No gripe, just pointing out characteristics of the iAudience - and delighted not to be one of them**** Could you remind me again please, is the "i" signifying idiot or imbecile?
  10. It seems that removing posts to the appropriate Answers section has been too strenuous a task for the moderators and they have thrown in the towel.
  11. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Maybe the way the question was asked; something in the phrasing. I've figured it out. It's not the way the question was asked, it's where the question was asked... at the top of LL's Facebook page. So, it's not that the question resonates with the silent majority, it's that the vocal minority of us here in the forum are ignorant of a much larger world. ;-). Ah yes, that was Tweeted, too. No clue how those comments wind up as forum posts tho. I don't know about Twitter, but the Facebook post asking for responses links to the OP. So that part is orchestrated. That explains the "flood" of activity from people who've never posted here before. Some of them have been in SL longer than you (2007) or me (2008). It's not that these people are allies/alts of the OP who popped up in support of something in an attempt to garner attention, it's that they saw something on a page that gets far more attention than the forums, and that page pointed them here. The forums are not on most people's radar. It doesn't bother me to discover that the world I inhabit may be inconsequential to most. That's been the case since I was born. And let this be a lesson to us, or at least me. What appears suspicious may simply be the result of our own ignorance. I find it helpful to remind myself that Hanlon's Razor, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (I think "ignorance" would be a better term)." doesn't require the ignorance to be someone else's. ;-). I have always found that Occam's Hammer is appropriate in situations like this. "Operor non mictum in meus tergum quod dico mihi pluvit."
  12. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Peter Gray>>>>Xiola suggested to this person to undertake this. Especially considering the timing of the "Share your Educational experiences' post with the VWBPE.
  13. Innula Zenovka wrote: I had no idea that Drax holds contentious political views until now (and, indeed, I'm still not sure what's said to be so contentious about them, but that's neither here nor there), and I think we can be pretty certain that none of the target audience for these promotional videos will have heard of either Drax or his political views, either. Maybe it's different in the USA, but as a Brit I'm really not aware, that, for example, an advert for a particular product is made by M&C Saachi, a British advertising agency founded and part owned by Maurice Saachi, the present Chairman of the Conservative Party, and even if I were, I wouldn't take a particular company's decision to have M&C Saachi handle its advertising as any sort of endorsement of Maurice Saachi's political views. I just don't see the force of objections to Drax's videos, unless it's simply, "LL can do nothing right." But if you were the president of said company that advertised with R&M and Saachi went on the telly and said that everone who voted Labour were crazies, and had no empathy, insulting half your customers and alienting other potential customers, how the hell would you feel about that? Would you continue to use R&M as your representative for your products???
  14. Rosenwood wrote: Does SL/Fs browsers still save chat logs on your comp? unable to find logs on a link on the browsers or in my folders. Thanks
  15. We interrupt this thread to bring you the Psychedelic Sunday Great Gig in the Sky. Dark Side of the Moon released 42 years ago this month. Sing Clare...
  16. NytStalker wrote: this person is called DANLINDEN Resident claims to be Dan Linden, i get sick of fakes in this game, See that the right people see this and bann his butt from sl Thank You for your time I see you use uTorrent. I hope you are paying royalties for all the stolen downloaded material you are getting. Otherwise someone will ban your butt. LOL
  17. Innula Zenovka wrote: Derek Torvalar wrote: Gee, maybe they should sponsor a video maker who puts together a series of videos about people who do a wide variety of interesting things in SL. Oh wait, they have... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/The-Drax-Files-World-Makers-Episode-27-Nylon-Pinkney/ba-p/2907688 Oh christ! Yes, that weasel Despres is a fine ambassador. https://my.secondlife.com/draxtor.despres/posts/54960e85a8014171be0000ec Be sure to checkout the link he posted for 'context'. I complied with your request to check out the link. The link he posted for context was an article by Steven W Thrasher, a weekly columnist for The Guardian newspaper in the UK, about how he felt, as a Black man, covering a pro-Police rally during the "I can't breath" protests following the decision not to indict NYPD officer David Panatleo for causing the death of Eric Garner. He felt frightened and threatened, he says, and very conflicted about whether to respond to racist chanting or maintain a professional distance: Here I was, being “protected” by the NYPD on duty, surrounded by angry, white, retired and off-duty cops and their supporters. Who hated the press and, it seemed, Black people — and I was in the middle of them. I wanted them to talk, and I wanted to hear what they had to say, so I didn’t say much back, even to the man trying to convince me that if Garner had been pliant enough, he wouldn’t have died. http://contexts.org/blog/i-can-breathe-and-the-occasional-fear-of-covering-protests/ What do you say is so objectionable about the article that someone should be condemned for linking to it in an apparently approving way? The timing was inappropriate. It demonstrated a lack of respect for what had just occurred to the NYPD officers their families, and.co-workers. Personally, I found it offensive that he would choose that particular day to make that potentially inflammatory post. Especially when taken in context with some of the other posts he was responsible for concerning the shooting in Mo. In his capacity as a LL representative he should not be drawing attention to himself and his questionable political agenda.
  18. Theresa Tennyson wrote: So your position is that people should be subjected to a political litmus test when considering things they do completely unrelated to those beliefs? As a sponsored representative of LL Despres is not in a position to espouse views which would serve to give anyone the impression that there are those who are less equal than, or entitled to the same benefits or respect than those of his definition of what is acceptable. It is an explicit conflict of interest and is self defeating to his overall purpose.Which is to attract new members. Regardless of their politics. Most professional/corporate codes of ethics require the membership to adhere to their tenets whether they are actually performing their function or simply out playing golf, having dinner at a restaurant or engaging in any other activity. If the company has or relies on their public image then they need to protect their brand and cannot have their employees bringing it into disrepute by their extracurricular activities. It's bad for business. Hence, many have morals clauses. You cannot be a school teacher and also be a member of the Klan. (swap in any reprehensible belief system you like into that example, godwin it if you like) (minor eta).
  19. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Deltango Vale wrote: Maddy, been ages Look at Hippistock. Why hasn't LL tried to promote it with a cool YouTube trailer as an example of self-organizing inworld communities? Or music videos done in nightclubs (some of which have extremely well-dressed avatars). Where is the glossy coffee-table book outlining interesting stories of SL residents? Or a limited-edition book on SL jewelry or fashion? Has LL contacted any of the long-standing SL merchants to publish such artwork? Where is Torley? Where is the LL staff? Where are the videos of devs talking about their projects? Where is the annual fanfest at which LL managers and devs outline the future plans of the company? I'm sure residents from across SL would attend, either in costume or to meet others in RL or incognito, to interact with the staff, formally and informally, at various side events or in the bar. Where are the guest speakers from related projects or academia or education or inworld merchants or related industries? SL is full of brilliant people. Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? What are their stories? Many would love to share their experiences with other residents in a social setting. Linden Lab is a sealed envelope, stuffed into a folder, wrapped in a box, locked in a drawer, enclosed in a safe, hidden in a storeroom, located in an abandoned warehouse. Second Life is a distant memory in the media. The official SL blogs consist of 'pic of the day', 'pic of the day', 'pic of the day' and 'update 2011'. It's appalling! The standard responses when I tell people I'm in Second Life are: what is Second Life? does that still exist? you're joking why would you waste your time in a virtual world? That's when I send them info and videos about virtual worlds OTHER than SL because the SL promotional material is crap. I then try to work backwards from there to explain SL. Linden Lab is a huge handicap in getting people interested in SL. Do you think I'm going to send them a link to Ebbe's speech? I blush at the embarassment it would cause me. Surely to god, Linden Lab can do better than that. Gee, maybe they should sponsor a video maker who puts together a series of videos about people who do a wide variety of interesting things in SL. Oh wait, they have... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/The-Drax-Files-World-Makers-Episode-27-Nylon-Pinkney/ba-p/2907688 Oh christ! Yes, that weasel Despres is a fine ambassador. https://my.secondlife.com/draxtor.despres/posts/54960e85a8014171be0000ec Be sure to checkout the link he posted for 'context'. Then there is this gem, which he refused to clarify. https://my.secondlife.com/fl0.cale/posts/54037418661f031bf4000001 There are other examples where he manages to alienate a significant proportion of the SL population through his exclusionary socio-political views. You had better be careful Theresa or you may be one of the 'crazies' he intends to have rounded up. Not since Sus posted how people who were not optimists suffered from a genetic deficiency have I read such drivel. Except of course mona's psychotic diatribes.
  20. Markham Weatherwax wrote: Deltango Vale stated a very important thing which is Linden Labs not performing the valuable service, and that is telling. It unfortunately has been that way and looks to continue on that way. Madelaine McMasters had some other good observations in her reply. The problem with Linden Lab is that it doesn't see the obvious. So many people lost money in SL, creators and innovators left for other platforms after being either scared away or ticked off, so that any new project LL does no one is going to trust them. Very few will invest time or money or effort in that new project. If LL won't take care of the primary (Second Life) then it is assured that they won't take care of anything else they do. In the beginning they always go all out, then sort of abandon whatever it is they create to it's own devices. Second Life is not going anywhere for the forseeable future, but unfortunately... it's not going anywhere at all. Really? You impress rather easily. Here is a good read. http://www.fleeptuque.com/blog/2012/07/personal-perspective-the-end-of-the-second-life-community-convention/ Perhaps McMasters forgot about these, flummoxed by her inapt comparison to Star Trek. The SLCC's or 'fanfests' ended 4 years ago. I think that this was the type of thing Del was referring to and lamenting. The (a)pathetic LL attitude. When Ebbe first blurted out the plan for a new platform he didn't have anything to show anyone as opposed to other companies which actually wait until they have a bird in the hand to show everyone when they announce something new.
  21. Nikitaa Carter wrote: Hello.. Ive been a resident for many years.. this is the forst time Id like to transfer linden into my paypal account. I have it all set up.. but when I "sell" my linden... it doesnt seem to work. I type my amoount in the sell... press enter.. then I get a message saying "Unable to Complete Your Request".. why is this.. what am I doing wrong? Thanks! You are asking your question in the General Discussion area instead of the appropriate "Answers" area.
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