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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. You're such a big meanie, Ima!!
  2. I'd love to see a place with a wait staff! I've popped into a few diners (not classy, I know lol) hoping there would be someone working there, but they were all empty. :smileysad:
  3. Thank you, Valerie! Though I think you served me Wildcat's breakfast by mistake! :smileyvery-happy:
  4. Good morning, Valerie and everyone! I woke up too early...only five hours sleep is no good! /me hugs Valerie and waits for breakfast to be served
  5. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: If that doesn't work, make a copy of the hair without taking it off (right-click the hair within your inventory and select copy, then right-click a folder and select paste). Since the changes are not saved until you detach the hair or log out, you've copied the unaltered version of the hair. Of course you can also make a backup copy before you modify something Oh cool, I didn't know this...I thought changes (especially bad ones lol) were saved immediately. Thanks for the tip! :smileyhappy:
  6. I don't think I've ever actually gone to eat at a SL restaurant...I like the idea. :smileyhappy: We don't actually lunch, and we're not all women. I think the "who" in the club name might be the only potentially accurate part. :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Oh, I have not heard of that store...I know what I will be doing this afternoon! :smileytongue: :smileyvery-happy:
  8. Hi Mickey! Mexican food is my favorite! /me grabs a taco and runs away
  9. You aren't vain, but I wouldn't blame you if you were....you're beautiful as always, Valerie! (And your table and chair set is so cute!)
  10. Take care and hurry back, Wil! Thanks for all the gingerbread! :smileyhappy:
  11. Good morning, all! /me smiles at everyone and adds in a special hug for Val <3
  12. Oh, that must be why I keep having to buy new microwaves! Thanks, Dee!! :smileyvery-happy:
  13. If you have added an item or items to your shopping cart on the Marketplace, then click on the little cart that is in the upper right corner. Click on the Checkout button, review your order to make sure it's right, then click Continue. When it says "Click 'Place Your Order'", scroll down to the bottom of that page and click the Place Your Order button.
  14. Venus Petrov wrote: What I wish more people would do when they TP someplace is to take a few steps away from the landing zone. There is nothing more ridiculous than getting someplace and flapping arms and legs over one or more who are just....standing....there. I agree, Venus! I know it takes a minute for everything to rez, but why can't people just go ahead and move those few steps it would take to get away from the landing zone? It's like they think a dragon will eat them if they move before they can see the shoes on the bottom shelf at the very back of the store. The really annoying ones land and just stand there for ages, probably IMing with someone....it makes me want to go give them a shove. :smileytongue:
  15. Good morning, everyone! /me heats up a bowl of Campbell's soup in the microwave for Maddy...pffft!
  16. That's a really open question...first of all, have you downloaded the SL viewer?
  17. Zooby makes cat avatars, if you are wanting to actually have the animal shape.
  18. Thanks for the info, Mickey, I will take a look next time I'm in world! :smileyhappy: I accidentally bought a fork lift today (don't ask lol) but it just doesn't have the style needed for a proper food truck race!
  19. Awesome van, Mickey! That makes me want to go buy a hot dog van I saw recently...I didn't think of races when I saw it but I like the idea! :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Morning, Cat! /me looks to see if one of the finger sandwiches is made out of mouse fingers!
  21. Good afternoon, everyone! :smileyhappy: /me hopes Hippie shows up with snacks soon
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