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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. The parcel name has always said Pie, as far as I know, and I visited it when it was first made available to the public.
  2. Lindens do own some of the new parcels for their own use (they are Residents, too, after all). I hope people won't be complaining about that, but I assume there will be some that have a problem with it. I think it's nice because they will be invested in the place.
  3. Countdown to the arrival of the script police in Bellisseria...
  4. Good points. They may also have a skybox just STUFFED with furnishings. Even NAUGHTY ONES, maybe!! lol
  5. Well thanks for sharing it here, then.
  6. And I have no doubt concerning the intent behind the posting of this thread.
  7. If I have to actually click on an item and go into Edit mode just to see who made it, I don't consider that to be "advertising". Again, what exactly is the issue with these houses? The owners dared to use their own products? Didn't you do the same with your own home?
  8. I have been premium (on multiple accounts) for years, but have never liked the old Linden homes. They are too cookie cutter and, frankly, not attractive IMO. But the main thing that brought me to the new continent wasn't the houses, which are fine. It was the continent's layout and landscaping that caught my eye. I am terrible at even making a flowerbed, so to have such a pretty and varied area with interesting roads, beaches, parks, etc., already in place and ready to explore was really appealing to me. The active community is nice as well (the old homes did not have that), though it's resulted in a bit more "policing" than I like.
  9. And here is the other home in question. Again, no store name on the sign, and the parcel is not named after the store, either. What exactly is the issue here??
  10. LOL same experience for me when I fell and broke my foot! My cat came over to inspect, then promptly lost interest. There was no Lassie moment of running to get help; instead she headed to the kitchen to wait for me to serve her breakfast.
  11. Oh, look. My memory had faded a bit, so I just went back to the AF house. The sign doesn't even have a name on it. ETA: And the parcel's name is not the name of the store, either.
  12. Hey, I have an idea. You could just derender the entire continent if you find us soooo offensive.
  13. And some will say the same about people who have more than one home. *shrug*
  14. I was in agreement with you until you passed judgment on how your neighbors use their homes. They are not required to furnish them or hang out in them, just like you are not required to have only one home.
  15. That's fine. I'm sure you will be much happier on the other continents, then. *waves bye*
  16. Open the fridge door and climb up the shelves, like in the grocery store! (Short people will know what I mean!)
  17. Have you actually visited the new houseboat area? Or are you complaining based solely on peering at the map? It's done very well, with lots of nice landscaping, beachy stuff, etc. but you have to actually VISIT it to know that.
  18. It's a slippery slope if we (again) start trying to police how much time people spend in their homes, their intent in owning the homes, etc. If you have to dig that hard to determine whether there has been a technical violation, I think you should just leave it be. I think it's telling that the only actual neighbor of one of these homes who has spoken up is in FAVOR of the homes. As someone who lives next door to a person who has questionable decorating taste to the point I am wearing out my derender finger, I would be THRILLED to have one of the beautiful model homes next door to me!
  19. I just hope that if the ones who have the lovely model homes are told to stop, then all the creators who "subtly" showcase their items in these forums have to stop as well. Do I object to either activity? No, I do not. But I don't like hypocrisy. If you make add-ons for the homes, and you show photos here, and let us know, one way or another, that you made them and that they are for sale... well, I hope you aren't complaining about the model homes, that's all.
  20. Ooh, I love screened rooms. That's a great idea!
  21. I did not know this had already been run by the masses in world! lol
  22. And while we are at it, let's have some clarification as to what exactly constitutes "advertising". I think that is the REAL issue here. ETA: I still think doing this in world would have been way more appropriate.
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