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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Not abuse, just report posts that violate the forum guidelines. If there's nothing to report, I won't report it.
  2. I will however being making liberal use of the "report post" option, so everyone keep your opinions of me to yourself please.
  3. Europe is a total mess right now, but for me to comment on it in here would see me denounced as hatemonger and probably banned from the forums again. In fact, this whole topic is a minefield of forum bans. My participation will be extremely limited. The mods should do us all a favor and lock the thread right now.
  4. In April 22, 2009 LL invented time travel, and went back to 1970 and claimed that parcel of land.
  5. I use Firestorm with the Phoenix layout. I recommend it to everyone.
  6. A lot of long time SL users will say that SL 1.2x was the best LL viewer ever and that when SL 2.0 came out LL totally messed it up big time, and never recovered. It's as if the official viewer was designed to frustrate noobs and drive them away.
  7. Probably the biggest "disadvantage" of living in a free society is that you have to take responsibility for your own choices.
  8. there are lots of prim pubic patches that look way better than a tatoo plus when you go mesh you can keep using it. Also you can right click and edit to adjust the position and if they are mod you can edit the color
  9. I landed in the middle of a snowstorm someplace yesterday and a script monitor imed me and told me that because my script usage was above some arbitrary limit they had set I must reduce it or be tped home. It gave me a three minutes warning. Every thirty seconds it repeated the warning. When I figured I had ten seconds remaining I left. I still don't understand how an inactive script can affect anything except the sim owners need to be a control freak, because once i got away from the blizzard there was no lag at all. 😁
  10. I think we can guess why you are using an alt 😂
  11. I'm sending my bf over as soon as he logs in.
  12. Yes but with a slurl it would be a destination and be in the wrong spot on the forums. Anyone interested could IM the OP inworld or check his profile picks. I'm sure they have the location there.
  13. Wasn't even thinking about that one. I was thinking about viewers that you run on your computer. And yes Lumiya runs on a computer if you use an emulator, but why would anyone want to?
  14. Too bad you didn't ask what is the worst viewer, that one would have been easy 😂
  15. There are huds you can buy that will deflect the attack back on the person initiating it. But of course that makes you just as bad as the griefer doesn't it?
  16. I read it, I even posted in it, and was accused of being too insensitive.
  17. No, I meant a sensitive soul might be offended by the whole content of the original post, not your laugh reaction.
  18. Didn't someone in another post in another thread say that you can't assume everyone will respond in the same way, since no one knows everyone's background and mental state? Someone else might be highly offended at such a post, thinking their genuine feeling were being belittled and made fun of.
  19. deleted.... I didn't want to be accused of promoting griefing
  20. If you want to kick someone from your land, you right click them and from the pie graph choose eject. It doesn't politely walk them to the door, it throws them in the air and they land outside the parcel. It's not orbiting per se but it does send them flying through the air, arms and legs flailing. I know because before I eject someone I lock my camera on them.
  21. Sandboxes would be far worse, because you can't rezz at info hubs, but anything is possible at a sandbox
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