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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. I'm pretty sure the OP stated some weeks back that she was done with SL for good. A person usually finds in SL exactly what they are looking to find. If one tells themselves SL is full of racists, that's what they will find. If one tells themselves SL is full of rude ignorant people that is what they will find. If one tells themselves SL is full of s e x perverts, that is what they will find.
  2. Well, it's because RL is filled with petty and rude people. *shrugs*
  3. I would love to debate the Holocaust in here, but the stakes are far too high for me. Consider this my last word on that topic.
  4. There are a thousand tales out of the holocaust. To question even one is considered the same as denying the whole thing. Ask a question about some of the more outlandish claims, you are a denier. You are expected to accept the whole story without exception. There have been Holocaust memoirs written that have been proven to be outright frauds from start to finish, proven to be frauds by serious scholars. But say, "oh that's absurd" about anything Holocaust related will brings the full weight of condemnation down on ones head, because as I said, questioning any part of the holocaust is forbidden. *waiting for the condemnation which will prove my original contention is right*
  5. I said in at least one country. If you like I can research and provide a list of countries where it's illegal to discuss the holocaust
  6. Its Germany. Not only can you be arrested for discussing the Holocaust, but if you try and defend yourself in court you are liable for a new charge... aaaand, if you have a lawyer to defend you, he is liable to be charged too. If you are arrested your only hope is to plead guilty and throw yourself at the mercy of the court.
  7. Well, in at least one country I know of, discussing the Holocaust will get you arrested and thrown in jail. I believe its called "dishonoring the memory of the dead"
  8. Phew, I finally made it to the end of the thread, time to make dinner.
  9. See, I'm not a denier, I just said the Holocaust was a historical event
  10. Oh my, when did I ever say that? Oh wait I forgot, The holocaust is the one historical event no one is ever supposed to discuss, never ever ever.
  11. Its funny really, in America we get all upset because some guy refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding, but in other parts of the world, they murder homosexuals on a regular basis. Maybe it's okey because it's just part of their culture... who knows.
  12. I'm 100% in favor of reparations for slavery. I say we give every Black American that feels entitled to slavery reparations $25,000 and a one way ticket to the African country of their choice. In exchange they renounce their american citizenship. Hey, its what Abraham Lincoln wanted, only without the cash payment
  13. I'm curious.. do you think whites are the only race to have abused "others"? Or are all races guilty of racism and abusing people that are different?
  14. First you make it sound like you were there as an ally, and now you were just loitering and a few of the black women took offence at your present. They were 100% correct in telling you to leave.
  15. Who is talking about religion? He believed gay marriage was wrong and refused to have any part of it by baking a cake.
  16. well then, I guess the black women hadn't heard of allies, or maybe they just wanted you to butt out and let them have their meeting on their own
  17. Yes and in a "perfect" world, pre K wil start before the parents can have any sort of effect on their childrens attitudes, I'm thinking 18 months. Get em young and brainwash em right.... errr left
  18. Well you see, if gay marriage is legal in Kentucky, the clerks are obliged to give out marriage licences to anyone qualified. I personally believe the government should get out of the marriage licence business. I would prefer to see Civil Union Licences. ANY two people that have a desire to enter into a relationship of mutual support would be eligible to apply. Then after they get their licence they can go get married, or whatever, to formalize their commitment in a public ceremony.
  19. I bet your salivating over the prospect aren't you? Oh yes, now those evil whites will see what it is like.
  20. I went to a christian church untill i was about 13. One day i was sitting listening to yet another boring story about the Jews and though, why am i listening to this, I'm not Jewish. I never went back.
  21. i never said the educatonal system i said government funded daycare for all
  22. actually when my spelling and capitalization suffer its because im posting on my cell phone is it time to start the insults yet?
  23. i'm not trolling im showing the absurdity of your position by agreeing with you
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