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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. The point is, if I had a security orb that pushed you off the property it wouldn't be griefing, I didn't rezz the nest for security, but since it acts like an orb, I can't be accused of griefing for having it. You know, I could have just as easily asked the question without referencing my own land at all. Rest assured, next time I ask such a question, I won't make any mention of my own circumstances
  2. That description was a relict from when I divided the land for sale. That part was outside of the scan range, so visiting that parcel looking to buy it you wouldn't be bothered by the hornets.
  3. I' m sorry, but I never asked if it was acceptable, I asked if it was griefing. And since it's on my own parcel, with the wasps acting as a de facto security orb, it is totally completely 100% acceptable.
  4. The only opinion I actually asked was is it griefing if you push someone on your own parcel? It's everyone else that derailed to thread to question the morality of pushing them without warning.
  5. I certainly hope I'm not "typical". I take great pride in not being typical. But, seriously? People stop and read the about land before crossing a property line? I just walk across. If an orb tells me to leave, then I leave. If not, i figure it's open to explore. If i get half way across and get attacked by killer bees or a rabid dog, or zombies, i just laugh and move on.
  6. There's nothing in the area that the wasps scan that I want to protect from visitors. If someone tps in while I'm there I'll give them an oops and turn off the nest. I've even tped friends in, forgetting that wasps will get them. They get added to the safe list The only reason I have wasps to chase away visitors is because I thought it would be amusing to have wasps chase away visitors. So anyway, the consensus seems to be, since its my land, it can't be griefing. Thank you all for your input.
  7. In SL I plan on making one of my alts premium so when the inevitable happens, it will be a seamless transition.
  8. Don't forget, prims look more "real" too. I'll take prims over mesh any day.
  9. Obviously if there is a chance that a relationship could go to RL then complete honesty is necessary, but when one makes it clear right from the start that whatever relationship develops will forever remain strictly in SL, then it should be WYSIWYG. I've been with my rl partner a long long time, in fact we met online,. I have no interest in that ending that for someone new. But if i did, I certainly wouldn't be using SL as a dating site.
  10. That's not the point, the point is the land IS open to all, until you get attacked by the hornets. There was nothing implied about how long you can stay. If you stay out of range, you can stay all day, if you get too close, you have up to 30 seconds
  11. As far as I know, the only place it says its open to all is in the "about land" and you probably won't look at that until after you were chased away, so where exactly am I advertising a park open for all to explore? I don't even describe the land in my picks, there is certainly no invitation to come visit.
  12. You are still missing the point. If you were in the woods in RL there would be no warning if you were attacked by hornets. It's just not your lucky day, that's all. you got swarmed. People go on and on and on about making SL as "real" as possible. I did this in my own small way, but because it's not how others would do it, it's all wrong. Anyway, thank you all for your most gracious input. If you ever want to drop by, send me an IM and I'll add you to the safe list, or just take your chances with the swarm.
  13. So are you suggesting that every private parcel in second life that has a security orb active states somewhere in the parcel description that the parcel is private? As I have stated before, I don't advertise my land anywhere, or perhaps you are trying to tell me that before you walk onto a private parcel you look at the "about land" first before crossing the property line? I've never seen a parcel description that says "stay out, I have a security orb and its active".
  14. There are no ban lines and there isn't a security orb. If you manage to stay out of range of the wasps you can stay for as long as you wish. So it is public access. The land is group rezz only, so no need for auto return, since no one can rezz anything except group members. Believe it or not I'm quite amused to find a crashed car or crashed airplane on my property, it adds to the realism that is Second Life.
  15. Wonderful post, except that last line. In my opinion, if you were "born" female in SL no further explanation or clarification is needed.
  16. yes except i'm the one being swarmed by angry hornets 😁 its funny how my threads always seem to end up going hot, like omg BJ posted something, lets go get her 😆
  17. The sole point is its a natural area and a swarm of angry hornets are a part of nature. There is nothing on the property inviting people in, its just there. As far as I know its not "nabbing people" outside the parcel and they only push people to the property line because i get the message "object entry not allowed on this parcel"
  18. In the first place, any time i specifically invite someone to my land I either 1) turn off the nest or 2) add them to the safelist. For anyone that just shows up being attacked by a swarm of hornets is simply part of the experience of being on my property. If they never wander into scan range they will never be attacked. Many might consider it griefing but they are the same sort that would consider it griefing if they are accidentally bumped into in a busy club. For some reason they always end up spreading their tales of woe here in the forums where of course the proper reply is a laugh emoji.
  19. oh I need 1 more emoji to have 1000 feedback. A laugh is just as good as a like.
  20. it depends. What do you mean by a public area? My land is a "public area" but no one has a LL ARable right to be there.
  21. Thank you for your input but, my original question was "would this be considered griefing?". So far the replies have shown that its not.
  22. I'm not sure where spite comes into the equation but I respect your right to feel that my actions are spiteful.
  23. Actually the swarm only covers half the property so if u entered right after a scan you'd have 30 seconds to walk out of range. Maybe I could be more sporting and drop the range to 15 m
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