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Ann Otoole

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Everything posted by Ann Otoole

  1. Use the destination guide and look at the what's hot now category (if you can get it to open). That has busy places listed with the number of avis present. If you can't get it to load then log out and run SL again and on the login screen is the what's hot places. Click the one of interest to you and then log in. You will be deposited there. Of course this assumes you are using a current LL viewer.
  2. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/25/us-internet-gambling-idUSTRE7BO0HA20111225 Getting closer.
  3. If land was pay for what you use instead of this doubling thing then a lot more people would scarf up land that is currently laying fallow. I am not willing to double my bill to get one 512 to add prims. The current system works against itself.
  4. Yup. The sooner people stop voting for democrats and republicans and vote out all incumbents then we can commence repealing all the bad things that have happened since 2001. And maybe get some serious campaign finance reform in place. Make it illegal to sell votes. Vote smart. Vote independents.
  5. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: All I read is: ... recently launched Linden Realms, the Lab's first-ever game prototype ... this will make the polished creation of full MMORPG’s or people/animal simulators within Second Life easier and of high quality. ... For those LL deems should have such privs.
  6. All is well for friends of LL. The rest get to go suck an egg. I.e.; rodvik let out a glimpse of stuff. Now he has to immediately publish exactly what he meant so people can make their decisions. Otherwise the rumor mill will cause even more attrition.
  7. I already decided that 2012 will be a year of getting my certifications updated and going back to work as a consultant. Not because of LL decisions or anything but because there is little future in non tablet applications and I am not into stupid childish 2.5D garbage on facebook. The ominous suggestion that permission to create and sell will become limited to only those LL wants doing it spells the end of SL if LL does that. And it won't stop content rippers from vacuuming content out of SL much the same way a number of authorized mesh uploaders are vacuuming content from every video game they can into SL and selling it unimpeded on SLM. Even LL appears to be moving on and developing non SL products so I'll take the hint. SOPA, if passed and signed into law, is the end of all user created content in the USA anyway.
  8. Although I suspect that creating and selling content in SL/SLM is about to become limited to only those who manually identity verify with LL and "meet LL's standards" (are people LL wants selling content) the issue will continue. The more people are alienated the more content will jump to the many many alternative SL based worlds which increases the whack-a-mole factor by log amounts. I doubt this conversation will even be relevant in 1 or 2 more years since LL is moving in other unstated directions unrelated to SL with the money we SL customers are paying them to advance SL.
  9. You are being invaded by Crusaders: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Lorraine
  10. Sorry to hear you are still engaged in this battle. Have you considered putting all your stuff on a small mainland parcel to see what happens?
  11. Yea well seems setting your "wall" to nobody has no effect anyway so in reality it is just like facebook. Don't use my.secondlife.com at all unless you want anyone to see everything despite the privacy settings.
  12. You will see that while a mesh is being rezzed. I expect LL will make visibility of that info a debug setting before too long since mesh is in maintenance mode now and they should already have made it a debug setting to see that data.
  13. Pick a music niche. Specialize in it. Get "DJs" that know that niche. Get hosts that can entertain. Learn how to write ad copy for event ads. Let the fun begin.
  14. Lexi Zelin wrote: ... In the dmca email it only requested that I remove it from my lucky chairs ... I am having a difficult time believing this. If true then get a lawyer and let the lawyer deal with LL.
  15. The item description is not capable of containing the full legal text of a professionally prepared license. So there is still a problem of yes there is a license but you must buy the product to read the full license. After all we cannot link out to external websites and using PDF files is a risk for the customer.
  16. I do not wish to be tracked so I insulated myself. I am not the only one that is stealthing the internet now. One main reason I do not want google or whoever up in my stuff is because I want accurate search results. Google tailors search results based on what some guy from India thinks you need to see. Forget that. Anyway, like I said, ask for it. Maybe LL will do it. It won't bother me at all since google and facebook cannot see me. There is no reason for anyone to argue against your request since they can stealth themselves and never be counted by google analytics (which, of course, means google analytics is as good as the failed GSA in SL that you hated too).
  17. I don't have a blog (anymore). So no I don't read any blog stats.
  18. I knew you would say that lol /me blows jasmine incense smoke in your direction... Yes 30 Mbps. Down. Only 2Mbps up though.
  19. I have an extensive hosts file and yes it is effective. But you go ahead and ask for what you desire. Maybe LL will do it. I just don't support the spyware of google and facebook and a number of their minions. Yes I really do read site source code and identify the spyware widgets and block those domains. Recently the New York Times pushers (push down) had to change it's service since so many people are blocking the previously used spam provider. Well I have the new one all blocked now too. For those unaware if you see a facebook like button your movements were logged by facebook whether you have an account or not. And facebook admitted this surreptitious surveillance activity too.
  20. hahhaahah mistype. sorry. gawd sticklers for exact specs around here lol. Also to the OP: Disable HTTP textures. That seems to be causing a lot of people issues. I watched my port monitor the other night with only SL running. The clients (sl app and the horde of plugins) kept opening and closing dozens of ports to dozens of LL IP addresses. I kid you not. After all rezzed and i was motionless with draw distance at 128. Since I have a 30 mbps link I don't notice it.
  21. I have all facebook and google domains/subdomains blocked in my hosts file so they cannot track my movements. Therefore I won't be asking for any google spyware. Sorry.
  22. Did anyone say to go through the arduous process of inviting all the old members to the new group so they don't have to try finding it in search? Oh, and yes, never make anyone but an alt an owner of a group you want to keep. (is that 4 times pounding it in enough yet?
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