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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: LittleMe Jewell wrote: My job is to be a good consumer of SL products, to help the creators make a few more bucks....... and I enjoy it a lot. :matte-motes-big-grin: great job! Love you for it too, even though you haven't bought anything of mine (at least not with Littleme) Well there are quite a few creators in SL - I imagine there are many I've not found yet. I'll look you up on one of my next logins and see if you've anything up my alley.
  2. My job is to be a good consumer of SL products, to help the creators make a few more bucks....... and I enjoy it a lot. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  3. Abram Violet wrote: I spoke to a live agent about this matter and they told me this would be the best place to post my issue, as it is monitered and reviewed by lindens whatever department would handle this issue. The live agent was giving you a load of crap, likely just to get rid of you. Here is the first portion of the "Forum FAQ", which you can read all of here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/posting#posting "The Second Life Forums are the best place to exchange ideas, advice and experiences in Second Life with other Second Life Residents. Although moderators and Linden Lab employees will often read activity in the Forums, we will usually only comment only when a piece of content is flagged as inappropriate. This is not the right place to give Linden Lab product feedback." Sorry, but here in the Forums, you are stuck with our opinions only.
  4. No can do - sorry. I have wanted this feature since I started in SL so many years back. I would love to be able to sort, eliminate duplicates, etc.... within my inventory when not logged into SL. There is something called SL My Inventory Viewer which will read from your cache files - though I think it does need to at least make a connection to SL to gather inventory info. It would then show you your inventory in an Excel file and you could sort it however you wish and from that make notes to yourself to make for faster inventory processing when you did log in. Go here for more info: https://code.google.com/p/slmiv/
  5. Princess Gata wrote: Well then you should know that sometimes there isn't enough factual evidence to make an official report and that people can be scared to, secondly it can feel too real and not a game that you can tp out of . First off, if there isn't enough factual evidence to report something then there sure as heck isn't enough factual evidence for some third party to put someone on a 'bad list'. If someone is too scared to report something then they should leave SL or stay very isolated in SL and proceed to some RL therapy. Yes, SL can seem very real at times to some people, but if they are so overwhelmed as to not be able to TP away or log out, then again, the should leave SL or stay very isolated and proceed to some RL therapy. However, in case you didn't really get my first point, I'll repeat it: if there isn't enough factual evidence to report something then there sure as heck isn't enough factual evidence for some third party to put someone on a 'bad list'.
  6. Innula Zenovka wrote: Back in the old Resident Answers, where manners were less refined than are they nowadays LOL - Love the way you worded that.
  7. If I knew where to upload it, I'd give you the install for the 1.23.5 version, but I know nothing about upload sites. I also happen to have an old 1.18.5 version that I use with an old Nicholaz install. ;p
  8. DixonHill Hawker wrote: I believe, PR wise LL has to make it more clear what SL is (about) from the beginning, tell people, they actually have to *do* stuff, like build or script. Not totally true though. For the most part, I am completely a consumer. I buy, buy, buy, buy and the only way I contribute is via my L$ and my charming personality. :womanwink: However, too many people come here for either sex, thinking they'll make a million, or wanting to "be entertained". For some, the sex they find is good nuf, but often if those are the only reasons for being here, they'll ultimately be disappointed.
  9. And if you want to be really nice, you could send an IM to the group owner as they may not realize that they have it set up that way.
  10. I was being a bit facetious in my comment. I would keep her as a friend and be there to answer questions for her, but don't try to parent her. If she asks your opinion, give it honestly, but otherwise simply give light guidance.
  11. JonathonAnthony wrote: Colour me jaded, but how do we know she was 16 and not just some perv looking to PLAY a 16 year old.. I am just a little suspicious about the constant "I WANT SEX" mindset. Sure, teens are amourous to be sure, big ball of hormones that they are. But she seemed a little... eager. That part actually made me think she was really a teen boy.
  12. Riviera - On the main inventory tab and the Recent tab, you can tell it to always sort system folders to the top.
  13. Ah, nice catch - I didn't at first notice that the inventory picture was on the 'Recent' tab. That one, I actually bounce back and forth on my sort method.
  14. Orca Flotta wrote: And please don't be fooled by fools claiming they don't use the main folders. They must be terribly unactive residents. For example my Notecards folder must be the biggest folder in my entire inventory. Of course I made subfolders for different categories in there as well. Even started packing notecards in boxes now, as well as other stuff. That way I keep the invent on a little over 30k items, since years. The only use of the system folders that I have is for the arrival of items. I move everything to other folders - inlcuding my own Notecards, Calling Cards, Landmarks, etc...(not that I actually keep many notecards or LMs anyway). That is how I more easily keep track of what I have dealt with and filed. Pretty much nothing lives in one of my system folders for more than a day. And while I don't log in as much as I used to, I've maintained that method of inventory usage since my early days in SL. My primary inventory index also fits on one screen - and my inventory is over 100k.
  15. Ceka Cianci wrote: yes true l33t is 7337 hehehe sorry couldn't resist.. touché
  16. Hmmm, alphabetical - what a concept :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  17. See this thread - that might the issue: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/can-rez-furniture-in-linden-home/qaq-p/1539633
  18. But I don't want them bolded and in red because I don't use most of them.
  19. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I think that's the issue as Linden Lab likes to view it. What is the outside legal world view though? Is there history of disputed agreements between residents settled outside of LLs control? Here's one guy that took a few things to court: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroker_Serpentine
  20. Czari Zenovka wrote: When I went out dancing more I used to have on my profile that l33t speak would be muted. Haha - the vast majority of SL users wouldn't know true l33t if it whacked them upside the head.
  21. Brenda Connolly wrote: Chatspeak. This is something I'm almost snobbish about. I can't deal with it. I don't use it, even if I send a text message, which is rare, I spell everything out. Poor spelling and grammar in General. I don't look for perfection, I make my share of mistakes, but the way some native English speakers attempt to communicate in SL is simply horrifying. People who presume to dictate how other should or shouldn't be using SL. You don't have to like or approve of it. Just move on. This is a biggie for me. I had to chuckle a bit here, as the second statement seems to contradict the first. (lol, btw u r rly gr8) :womanwink:
  22. Everyone is here for a different reason. Some do a lot of role playing and that will dictate most of their avatar appearance. Some go for a younger avatar because they just like looking at it more; some because that look will get them what they want in SL, whether that be friendship, intimacy, or something else entirely. I've known a couple of people that have created skins that make their face actually look like their RL face and I've known people where their avatar seems to be a mix of RL and fantasy. Others wear an older looking avatar because that results in whatever they are trying to portray -- 'a sophisticated college professor', 'a crotchety old man', etc.... For me, I've always considered age 30 to have been the best year of my life, so that is what I based my avatar on. While I've not bothered to try to duplicate the shape exactly or put a RL face on the skin, the overall look is me back then. While that is the look that I present, anyone that is close to me knows my real age or age range.
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