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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Are you talking about a prim top? if so, you just need to put it on, right click it and select Edit from the pie chart and then reposition. Then take it off and when you put it back on, it should go to the repositioned spot.
  2. I was in the mood for super sweet this morning and decide to share. Doughnut holes rolled in cinnamon sugar and filled with icing. Also some hot cocoa because it is a bit chilly here this morning.
  3. I haven't actually done much with my land in the past many years. At the time that I bought it (mainland) there were 117 prims with a 512 sq m - and I just confirmed that with a Knowledgebase article that hasn't been updated sine 2011. However, today, I was looking at the About Land for my primary parcel and the number of prims available seemed really high, so I started doing the math, with results that seemed off to me. I then popped to a 512 that I have and it is showing 175 prims. Is this correct and therefore a change from my oldie days or is something messed up on my land information? The idea of such a huge increase (almost 50%) in the number of prims seems too good to be true.
  4. Here is life explained as a video game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWIi6Pytde8
  5. Wow, one minute it was there (and I was on the page) and the next - poof, it disappeared. It would have been nice if they could have merged it or even just locked the other one, but left it around for access.
  6. At the top of the thread page, click on the Follow button to the right and then click Unfollow. [ETA] - You can manage multiples, by clicking your name at the very top, clicking Manage Followed Content and then dealing with each thread listed.
  7. Found it, in a round about way. The main Community Home page, right under the first bit of verbiage is a link to the Support Page. From there, on the right is a link to the Account Summary, which then brings up the login page or takes you to your summary if you are already logged in on that side of things. Yeah, they definitely need a direct link.
  8. I think it may be a completely separate log in. If I open another tab and pull up the bookmark directly to my account, I get the login page for it, even though I am already logged into the forums. It does seem odd though that there is not at least a link to it from forums.
  9. No, but I do remember that some of the super early SL folks were a bit condescending to those of us that came after. So I could see that view continuing with some.
  10. This is probably the only truly valid reason that I could see for this, because the online world is definitely infamous for abusers. The abusers will often just keep making more alts to keep doing it and it really isn't fair for the abused to have to completely start over because of some a**hole that keeps showing up in new incarnations.
  11. About the time that the last name went away is when I started drastically reducing my inworld time, so I never realized there was an issue. Do the lastnamers assume they are better because they've been around longer or something?
  12. Besides, LL is always wanting to get their numbers up. They wouldn't do anything that might keep people from creating new alts. It doesn't matter if many of the new accounts are alts, they just want the total number of accounts to stay high and preferably increase.
  13. Yes, but it takes a lot more work - building up a some inventory to create the new look and such.
  14. L$ 30,000 is only about $120 US - I've met many creeps here in the last decade that would easily drop that to be able to stalk an ex.
  15. I had one that didn't get auto-cleaned up for some reason. I added someone back to the group, let it sit for a day, then removed them leaving only me and the group finally went away a couple of days after that.
  16. /me wonders just how ***** they are on this? Are we major PG (i.e. no 'h**l' and such) or just limited to not using the hard core words? ETA - LOL, well, I just figured out that the software itself will star out words. Too funny - it starred out 'an*l'. I might have to make a temp post with a variety of words just to see what becomes asterisks and what stays as typed.
  17. Well, I just discovered there is an old version of this thread that has come back from the dead. Am I cheating if I post here instead of there, since that one was first?
  18. Where the hell did this one come from? ETA - I think I've figured out what happened, but this new forum won't let me delete a post, so this reply is stuck here. I'll wonder over to the new version and park myself there.
  19. At the bottom of my Reply box, there is an area that says 'Drag files here or choose files' - the 'choose files' is clickable and opens a windows explorer window to pick files. Either of those options works for me. Edit: I can't resize after posting - at least not yet. Edit again - I take that back. After I posted the picture of the pie, I was able to Edit the post, click the pic itself, and resize by dragging the corners/edges.
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