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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Peewee.Musytari wrote: Cashing out your USD to your Bank account is a separate transaction. And always goes to Paypal, regardless of your billing info on file.
  2. That sounds like exactly how mine has always worked when I'm in a really laggy sim. Do you get the same response anywhere you go or only in certain sims?
  3. Create a small prim, making it invisible, and set it to attach to some point that you don't use. Put the pose in it with the script -- you can probably pull a script from another object. Then put that prim inside of the outfit folder. When you wear it, the script will activate the pose.
  4. Does the ImagePipelineUseHTTP affect the loading and rezzing of sculptie textures or just regular textures? That might be another option to fiddle with.
  5. Terry Kiopak wrote: It shows as loading but I cannot werar anything as it tiellme they are not loaded "yet/" DO NOT try to do anything except entering search characters until the entire inventory is reloaded. Log in to Pooley or Corra -- quiet sims. After the inventory reloads, log out (so that you get a clean shutdown of the application) and then log back in to Home or wherever you want and you should be okay.
  6. And do random inventory searches, but NOTHING ELSE, until the inventory reloads.
  7. And be sure you are on the main tab and not Recent
  8. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: For adult verification, adding Payment Info on File will work for US residents but for those outside that territory, it's necessary to actually buy Lindens with an accepted credit card (no Paypal option) and obtain Payment Info Used. The facility for Payment Info on File for new non-US residents ended a couple of months ago so its either age verification or buy Lindens via the Linden Exchange to add adult verification. Nyll I knew they were making some changes in the way payment info was going to be done with non-US folks, but didn't realize that it would also change how it flagged them as adult. Thanks for this info.
  9. If you don't want to Age Verify or it is giving you errors, you can also become Adult verified by giving LL payment info Dashboard --- Account -- Update Billing Info.
  10. Have you tried simply logging out and back in? Possibly there is some residual script running and a clean relog might clear things.
  11. Aubley Vaniva wrote: I suspect that a resident is using at least one alt. Is there any way to detect if an avatar is an alt? Thanks in advance!! Why do you care?
  12. Thibaud Merlin wrote: For those wanting to know how fast bits are flowing in and out of their machine, NetMeter is a nifty utility, available here : http://www.metal-machine.de/readerror/index.php. This is the 1.1.4 Beta version but i have been using the 1.1.3 release for years (still available here : http://netmeter.en.softonic.com/). The nice thing is that NetMeter can be set up to be displayed on top of the SL viewer window (not in full screen mode of course). I've had NetMeter for a short bit, but haven't used it much. Will it isolate the data coming into the computer by application or port so that I can see truly what is coming from SL?
  13. If I set mine too high, I end up getting more lost packets. I keep mine at 1500. If someone else in the house is using a bunch of bandwidth also, then I will sometimes scale it down to 1000.
  14. Cin is correct. I did some tests with different permissions. If I do not have 'copy' privilege on a script, I cannot view it to modify it. Also, as Cin said, just set the script to full perm, but make the object no-copy and that will protect it.
  15. LittleMe Jewell

    Mainland Help

    In the search menu for mainland buying, you used to be able to restrict it by land size. The other thing that might help is to sort the results by land size.
  16. Detach everything, including HUDs, hair, shoes, etc... and try again. If the TPs seem easier then start re-attaching items one at a time, TPing lots in between to see if you can narrow down the issue. TP issues are often associated with an attachment -- often one with poorly performing scripts or lots of scripts.
  17. Verzeihen Sie meine schlechte Deutsch - dies ist eine Übersetzung Die SIM wo dein Avatar befindet muss neu gestartet werden. Wenn eine private Insel, an die Insel Eigentümer. Wenn Festland, senden Sie eine Support-Ticket oder versuchen Live Chat.
  18. Since you mention the figure 2252, I assume that means you know about the 10% bonus that groups get. 1) If I remember correctly, if you are on PG land, then you aren't even allowed to do something like use a sex bed, even inside a closed room. I wouldn't pay for Zindra land unless you want to have sex out in the open on the ground below your sky box. Sex inside a house is fine on Mature land - I suppose it gets a bit questionable if you are wantingt to have sex outside the skybox, say in a hot tub on the roof. 2) I would not overhand any of your land boundaries. Not only could items get returned from other land settings, but you risk an AR because of it. 3) Keep the sybox below 4096 to enable build. If you want the sky to be pretty, you need to stay below 750. Cloud level is around 250, so you don't want that height unless you want clouds floating thru the skybox. I've no clue about TP systems, but LMs work fine at the higher heights as well as TPing from the map. 4).You can never be sure, on mainland, of what may come in the future. However, if you find land for sale, you can start flying up and stop periodically to look around and see what is up there. Lag on land comes from a few things -- lag from lots of scripts will affect the sim at any height, lag from lots of textures and spinny things only mattere within your view. 5) If you want to ensure that nobody will build close to you on some sides, the land next to Linden water or roads is good. Best though, in my mind, is land next to a void sim. Not only can nobody build there unless LL expands the area with more sims, but folks cannot even be flying in that area. I live on a sim that has void sims on 2 sides and it definitely decreases the traffic that I get, both on the ground and in the sky.
  19. You ran a defrag at the same time as a virus scan? I would say that you are possibly lucky that any of your programs work, including your base OS.
  20. Landon Collins wrote: When I log on, my av comes on as a white ellipse, or an oblong egg. Others see me normally -- it's only on my screen. And only with one of my 2 av's; the other is normal. I can't edit appearance either. Thoughts, anyone? If you don't have an Advanced menu, first press Ctrl+Alt+D to enable that menu. Then select Character > character tests > female/male to force yourself back to the default character. If this rezzes you okay, then re-wear/attach your shape/skin/hair/clothes/etc...
  21. After changing the L$ to US$, you Account will show a USD$ balance. On your dashboard, left side, under "Linden Exchange", click on Manage and then click the "process credit" link to have the money sent to your paypal account. BTW - before you get upset about it not showing up right away, most of these transaction are taking 3-10 business days to show up in paypal.
  22. Buy a small amount of Lindens and that will trigger the update to your inworld profile.
  23. Check the third party viewer listing: http://viewerdirectory.secondlife.com/
  24. Cinnamon.Lohner wrote: You need to pay attention to your Transaction History a little more closely as well.This. I have little sympathy for someone that is being charged over and over and doesn't realize it. You are responsible for you own SL and that includes the groups that you voluntarily join. BTW - Just because you are an owner in a group does not mean you may not incur charges. The owners "always" have the 'pay liabilities' ability and if the group is set to Search, then you will get charged.
  25. Check your Trash - many deliveries when you are in Busy mode get sent directly to the trash.
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