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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. If it is a Cartel thread, we have to have Pie (couldn't find any of the original Cartel Pie pics).
  2. OMG - I had not realized it ran that long, even though I posted in it quite a bit. My how time flies.
  3. Here we go again - nobody could let it die back then either. <sigh>
  4. If someone is not responding, does it really matter if you have been blocked or if they are just choosing to ignore you?
  5. In looking at the new Forum layout, if they just moved the Answers section above the Peoples Forum section, I think that would take care of the problem. Folks see the Peoples Forum first and if none of the other sub-topics fit their question, then they default to GD rather than scrolling further down the page - my bet is that the other sections of the Peoples Forum are getting lots of questions also. Another option would be some sort of condensed list / links for the main forum sections up at the top of the primary Forums page.
  6. I'm using both Cool VL Viewer 1.26.4 and 1.26.8. The 1.26.4 is based on the v2.6 renderer and the 1.26.8 is based on the v3.5 renderer. I prefer the 1.26.4 right now because the other one seems to have a memory leak issue, which I read somewhere was common to many of the V3 based viewers. However, I have discovered that I cannot see "some" mesh items in the 1.26.4 viewer -- a mesh shoe, some mesh buildings, etc... , but can see those same objects in the 1.26.8 viewer. Being away from Second Life when the mesh stuff really started rolling out, I've not kept up on all the issues and technical stuff related to mesh. I'm trying to determine the differences in mesh type and/or mesh rendering between the v2.6 renderer and the v3.5 renderer that would cause me to not be able to see only some mesh objects in the lower version viewer. ======================= After reading various articles and the Cool support forums, I finally manged to fix it (I think) by reducing the setting of RenderVolumeLODFactor. Wonder how that will impact my rezzing of Sculpts, since I think that is why I set it up higher to begin with.
  7. If you do clear out all of your user data files, save the preferences somewhere and then you can compare it back to a new install file and that will at least make it a little easier to put back some of your settings.
  8. Possibly you've attached an item that someone gave you that is scripted and causing these problems. Remove all attachments and see if the problem goes away. Then you can re-attach one at a time to figure out what the problem item is.
  9. Manstan Beaumont wrote: In the past year I have been on maybe 10 times. Each time to simply pay bills. Total time on may be 40-50 minutes. If the fps wasn't so bad I might find something to have fun with, but the way it stands it's a chore just to log in to pay bills. I still want to wipe most of my inventory out, I feel like I'm draging around a trailor lode of garbage. I've done everything I can from my end to bring up the fps. Garphics is so low it looks like PS1 and I still can't get more the 7fps. Let some one walk in to frame with some 30 flexy prime hair and 40 flexy prime dress and it's down to 1/2fps. Just no fun to be had at that fps. I have the best band width avalible in my area so this wont get better. I came to SL in 2007 and spent hours here for the first couple of years. Due to some RL issues, my time drastically dropped in late 2009. Since then, I only log in once or twice a month, and over the intervening years, as SL has evolved, my performance has dropped a lot ............ which further decreases my time inworld. In my case, I've no doubt that I need to update my computer, especially to handle the mesh viewers as it seems that that one advance in SL has decimated performance and stability of viewers on my computer. I can still get pretty great performance when I log in with my 1.23 viewer, but then I don't have access to many new featurs - primarily multiple attachments and alpha layer. Once of my problems is that in years past I had always had extremely good performance, so if my fps drops below 30, I feel like I'm suffering and it becomes no fun. So, due to that extreme performance degradation that I've experienced over those years, I don't have as much fun inworld as I used to, which makes it less desirable to log in more often...... so I do understand the sentiment.
  10. Brenda Connolly wrote: It's like 2007 all over again. Now we just need to bring back Manitenance Wednesdays. Eeek - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  11. 16 wrote: LittleMe Jewell wrote: I can imagine it is extremely frustrating to the home owners trying to work around the issue. i start throw things. <stuff> chocolate cakes, peanut brownies, <more stuff> OMG, not the sweets........ the poor sweets......... not sure being the victim of random throwing is what they meant when they said chocolate is a comfort food. :womanlol:
  12. 16 wrote: yes is 2 different problems the 2nd one that brenda is describing as well, also happens on my linden homes sim some days. is a pita as well that one you try to rez and it just doesnt. so you do again. and again. and again. sometimes nothing happens and have to relog. other times is like a big delay then you get upto one for each time you tried. but sometimes less dont know why. it just goes like that sometimes The issue of an item taking many tries to get it rezzed (and if it is 'copy' you end up with many of them eventually) is something I experience any time my sim is lagging bad or my own SL connection seems to be slow. If it is my connection, sometimes a relog will fix it, but if it is sim or overall SL performance, then nothing fixes it until the underlying performance issue is cleared.
  13. 16 wrote: so anyways i can haz ur stuff ??? Hey - I asked first :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  14. 16 wrote: is currently a problem with how the server decides the spot to rez stuff that is dragged from inventory (raycast) linden are aware of it. and are workingonit. they tried to fix something else and end up breaking the raycast for rezzing the fix at the moment is to move your camera view: hold down ALT key and left mouse then zoom to change the view angle away from your parcel boundary. i have linden home and is what i have to do eta: away meaning: the camera is looking into the parcel from the boundary And the problem has been going on for at least of couple of weeks now. I can imagine it is extremely frustrating to the home owners trying to work around the issue.
  15. Roseysun Galicia wrote: It is because of TOS subsection Community Standards Clause 4 Entitled Disclosure that states: Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. Yeah, but it has been shown here in the forums, many times over, that posting said disclaimer does not constitute consent by the other parties. Who's to say that the people involved in chat or IM have even read the profile? And I personally know a person that got banned for a few days for sharing IMs without the other person's consent, trying instead to claim that the profile disclaimer meant implied consent.
  16. Can I have your inventory? *grin* As others have mentioned, I highly recommend the option of just letting the account go dormant. After getting rid of your land, simply downgrade the account to Basic and let it be. Over the years, tons of people have felt like you are feeling now. Many of them cancel their accounts, only to return a few months later wanting to get everything back as it was. Just let things rest a while until you are really sure - I'd go so far as to say let things lie dormant for at least a year before you make a final decision.
  17. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: The naming and shaming restriction is not a ToS violation.........it never was. It's a violation of the "Community Guidelines" that is the "ToS" for the Forums. The naming and shaming, if done inworld via profiles or notecards or whatever, might violate section 8.2 item (v) of the ToS (which I think someone did post earlier in this thread): 8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights. (v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy; The items I noted in red could be the trouble area.
  18. Not only will they receive the money, you will stay blocked/muted. Like Nyll, I can't figure out how to send a note or message with a payment.
  19. Unfortunately all you can do is continue to try and contact him for a refund. If I rent from another resident - whether it be a store, a house, or just land - and they decide to boot me, there isn't much I can do. It usually isn't a case of 'intended fraud' and therefore LL simply considers it a 'resident dispute' and won't get involved.
  20. Sometimes I'll experience this - usually something specific about that sim - and if I temporarily set my draw distance really low (64), then the close things will finish rezzing. A few time I've had to temporarily set some of the other graphics settings lower. However, once the close items rez, I've been able to put my setting back up to what I usually use and everything else finishes rezzing pretty quick.
  21. Anything that will earn you that much "profit" every month will likely need some L$ investment from you. Dancers, Models, and Escorts need really nice looking avatars. Creators need to pay to upload textures (exluding scriptors, but that requires lots of time and learning) and then pay for a location to sell their items. Land barons have to initially buy the land they ultimately sell or rent. Hostesses at clubs may or may not need to invest much in their avatar looks/clothes, but I'm not sure how much they make as I think most of those jobs are primarily tip based. My personal opinion, it will likely be easier to spend $10-11 a month to get 2500L$
  22. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: (Muted) is always a fun one. When you go places. People start wondering why they muted you. and they didn't Haha - I like that. Mine has been "Innocent (really)♥" for a very long time now.
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