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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. LittleMe Jewell


    Nothing can be deleted here. It is actually better to leave the original question in case someone else later has the same question.
  2. Green chili, bison burgers and steaks, and these days, any marijuana edible Rocky Mountain oysters are a tradition, but almost nobody actually eats them except for tourists.
  3. Note that resetting the landing point to inside your house will apply to anyone that TPs to your parcel.
  4. Apparently quite a few folks are doing searches these days that are bringing back tons of old posts. Oh well, I guess if the topic is still relevant to someone...
  5. There probably are, but if you scan prices for similar property and then just undercut them all, you'll likely sell quickly anyway. Unless you are in a super hurry to get rid of the land, I'd at least give that a shot for a day or two.
  6. This. The first time I went to the redesigned MP (they did not use to do that), I also thought the purchase process was not working. Drove myself crazy for quite a few minutes before I accidentally scrolled down.
  7. I have this problem on some pages in Firefox, on other pages in Chrome, and still other pages in IE. Irritating as h**l.
  8. I have an item called Last Will & Testament - don't remember when I got it (long time). Anyway, after a certain amount of time has passed without me logging in, it will automatically send a notecard that I created to the person that I specified in the controls. The default is 4 weeks of no login, but you can modify that. Side note - someone is selling this for $990 in the MP, but I got it full perm for free from a friend of the creator. They weren't charging for it, but giving it away as a courtesy item. If you want a copy, just IM me - don't pay the reseller their outrageous price. You do need to have a place inworld where you can rez it.
  9. It was on this day in 1536 that the Queen of England, Anne Boleyn, was arrested, charged with treason, oh, and also incest, and adultery, and just to make sure, witchcraft. Seventeen days later she lost her head.
  10. Buying lindens will start the clock on the time period for the limits. The limits increase as various time periods pass - i.e. 30 days, etc.. The wiki provides the specifics. ETA: The wiki ends up pointing to your page - under Linden Exchagne on the left, then Billing/Trading limits.
  11. My husband is originally from Bloomfield Hills. We currently live in Colorado, Denver area.
  12. If you are a Premium member, you can do live chat -- https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ Otherwise, if you still have problems, you'll need to open a support ticket -- https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  13. LittleMe Jewell


    "Us guys" are not Linden Lab, but simply other residents offering assistance where we can.
  14. If it is a paypal account, log in to it and see if there are any messages. If it is a credit card, check the card account to ensure it is not rejecting it for some reason. Once, way back, all of a sudden my charge card decided the second life charges could be fraud and wanted to me okay them again.
  15. Well, since the name was posted in the topic post (though it should not have been) - the user does not come up via an inworld search and their account page shows the "not available" message that Chaser mentioned. Since the user is not showing on the inworld search, that would indicate to me that LL has definitely done something to the account. Note that even when accounts are removed, if the user is in your friends list, you would still be able to get to their profile for a while from your friends list - even when not available via regular search. The only thing to be done is the user in question will have to create a support case.
  16. I downloaded the project Alex Ivy viewer to check it out. However it seems to be using the same user_settings/settings.xml file that the regular SL viewer uses. Before logging in, I modified the cache location for something specific to this browser. However, when I actually logged in, it proceeded to move the regular cache to the new location. When I then log in with the regular SL viewer, it now has its cache location set to the one I specified for the Alex Ivy viewer. So apparently, it doesn't create its own user_settings by default. Since I'd like to maintain a separate cache for the viewer, like I do with all of the various viewers, is there a way to override the settings file to be used during startup? ETA - With a bit of googling, I found "--settings settings_workspace.xml", so going to give it a try. ETA2 - That did it.
  17. My biggest frustration with the LL Wiki - lots of Wikis actually.
  18. I drop all photos into the little drop box. Then I type what I want, hit carriage return, click the plus sign on the first photo I want to embed, <photo ends up here> click the picture and resize if I want, place my cursor to the right of the picture and hit enter to get a new line, type some more stuff, enter again, click plus on next photo <photo ends up here> click the picture and resize if I want, place my cursor to the right of the picture and hit enter to get a new line, repeat as needed. ETA: Side note - In Firefox, once the photo is embedded, I can click the photo and I get the resizing outline such that I can resize via dragging a node in or out. However, in Chrome, I cannot get that for resizing and instead have to double click the photo and specify a different size in the photo edit window.
  19. Not sure if this plays into the issue or not, but I was poking around the Wiki and found something quite interesting. The Inventory section of this page (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits) mentions that there is a limit on the maximum number of items "displayed" in a single folder. From reading the info and the info in the linked transcript, if the lost item is contained in a folder that has many many thousands of items, it might not really be lost. You could try moving lots of the other items in that folder to to another folder. In other words, if Folder-A contains many thousands of items, whether those items be sub-folder or individual items, loading Folder-A may hit a limit and not show more, even if there is more. If you then move lots of items out of Folder-A and then reload inventory (via relog, I assume), then more items will now be shown in Folder-A. I'm not sure how deleting items might cause this to manifest or show itself, but if you do have a single folder with many many thousands of items, it could be worth moving some stuff to see if missing items then show up.
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