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Argus Collingwood

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Everything posted by Argus Collingwood

  1. Calling all shoppers aka Ladies With Lindens Grixdale is closing on 8/31 and there are some very good deals there http://slurl.com/secondlife/Atomic%20Island/128/101/23 ;-)
  2. Shoki Feden wrote: All money has been returned by the lindens, thanks linden! your awsome. YAY! Sometimes things do go right;-)
  3. Fun topics, Val <3 I will have to dig something up but here is one from my photo album here.
  4. Void Singer wrote: sinister ... lol @OP why not use the arrows? [disclosure: I have never used the letter commands in SL since joining in 2005, so I can't really relate;-)] Could it be your D key has been assigned some other function that over-rides SL key protocol?
  5. valerie Inshan wrote: Campbell?? Oh no Sylvia sweetie! /frenchie's coming on rescue! That looks yummy, Val <3<3<3
  6. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: ok cool - was about to say hi to you over there! Waves to the thread ;-)
  7. Maryanne Solo wrote: That's excellent Argus! I love it. It's a great song too. You can't beat chunky acoustic rythyms His voice sounds great too! *Looks for machinima kudos button.... ^^ Gotta love DH ;-)
  8. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Cool! You know you are like number one on my recommended friends list? lol Well, let's formalize that then;-)
  9. Pep wrote: Drinking Pep (Too much) LOL... nice to see you here, Pep. Ever get that internet sorted out?
  10. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Argus Cowlings wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: It's ok that's why we have these forums, to help each other out Exactly! It's always a great place to find answers and not be afraid to ask questions too I know, right? If I had to pay for questions, I would be totally broke lol mhm or it would be like talking to yourself;-) I found a new Daryl Hall tune on Soundcloud, grabbed it via fraps and made a video with it. Note: this song is from his new cd due out in September. Boy, I would love to bring DH into SL.
  11. Melita Magic wrote: Persephone Emerald wrote: Sometimes I wish my pants were on fire, 'cuz I'm so bored & I could use a good fireman with a fire extinguisher. Couldn't we all... lol Melita .. I try not to lie about anything it is too tough to remember anything but the truth;-)
  12. Charolotte Caxton wrote: It's ok that's why we have these forums, to help each other out Exactly! It's always a great place to find answers and not be afraid to ask questions too
  13. Charolotte Caxton wrote: We can't wear up to 5 alphas? Just tested it, yes we can. Choose add for each alpha layer you choose to wear as opposed to wear. The same goes for tattoo layers, shirt, pants etc in case you didn't know. o ty Charolette.. I am a V3 Virgin sort of;-)
  14. My ski-jumping alt got the striped dress and is using V3 very successfully. I do think that she will not be wearing the torus V1 version. It's a very cute dress. Mesh will inspire lots of new stuff however it can't flex and flow so there is room for all types of fashion. The alpha mask stuff will vex most shoe designers as the Mesh dress alpha replaced the Miel boots alpha so her feet were sticking out of the bottoms.. that just will not do;-) Creators will need to offer alternate alphas, I fear.
  15. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: In 2009 there was a change to stop the linden trees swaying in the breeze. You can override that but it's the default. That was supposed to improve performance. Concurrency then dropped from 70k to about 50k. This year swaying body parts were added. Concurrency stayed around 50k. There's some other stuff but those are the highlights. idk of an article - but some other ppls will add stuff. (edited for spelling) That just about sums it up:smileywink: I miss swaying trees and plants but ones you buy on the new SLM from creators have sway/flexi built in. Welcome back OP.
  16. Wildcat Furse wrote: hehe Argus, the more I look at this picture the more I want one, they keep smiling at me!!!!!!:matte-motes-delicious: *meows* PS. Belgian waffle topped with banana slices, warm chocolate and whipped cream .... yummy Mhmmmmmm Strawberry/whipped cream/ chocolate for moi <3
  17. Wildcat Furse wrote: I will have some belgian waffles first ..... I will comment later!!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows* @@ WaffleWaffleWaffle gimmegimmegimme:smileywink:
  18. Ann Otoole wrote: I don't have to worry about such things. Nobody wants me in their clique Strength In Anonymity! I'm a bit like Groucho ;-) Groucho Marx  I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.
  19. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: OMG my eyes can not take your website. Indie guy.. meh;-) Red and black ? You prefer the white and green of this forum, eh ? The station is only about 8% indie. I suspect indie to me doesn't mean the same thing as it means to you. Eyes are very sensitive with regard to what they will tolerate on a website. If you check your average time on site stats, you might find a 5 second per viewer stay. Just sayin;-) As to Indie music, the ones I could read that you have listed in my brief stay are not ones I listen to. Melodicrock.com has a fair sampling of what indie folks are out there and is much easier to read, perhaps you should visit that site to see the type of Indie I am used to. Many sites are red and black, like the White Stripes, for instance. I'm guessing you never heard of most of those indies. If you say you have, you're probably lying. So saying you don't listen to them means you don't bother to try new stuff. I looked at that site and no, not the same definition of indie since it's mostly linking to acts like Kiss and Judas Priest and Skid Row. haha Not the same definition of melody, either. Well, you are saying here that you are song driven, not band driven. Let's see some YouTube examples. I never said I knew indies or who they are. I like a good song as well as the next person regardless of who did it. Indie used to mean artists not attached to huge labels i.e. Independent GaGa could be considered both new and Indie. What is your defintion? Wiki Cite below Indie rock is a sub-genre of alternative rock that originated in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1980s. Indie rock is extremely diverse, with sub-genres that include lo-fi, post-rock, math rock, indie pop, dream pop, noise rock, space rock, sadcore, riot grrrl and emo, among others. Originally used to describe record labels, the term became associated with the music they produced and was initially used interchangeably with alternative rock. As grunge and punk revival bands in the US, and then Britpop bands in the UK, broke into the mainstream in the 1990s, it came to be used to identify those acts that retained an outsider and underground perspective. In the 2000s, as a result of changes in the music industry and the growing importance of the Internet, a number of indie rock acts began to enjoy commercial success, leading to questions about its meaningfulness as a term.
  20. Excellent ! Perhaps artists like Madcow Cosmos, Lorin Tone, Sledge Roffo and Sextan Sheppard could showcase their previous builds? I know I would love to see them again.
  21. I have that error too. Left-over due to deletions in some cases. It's a bug not a feature. We should be able to clear that out manually..<----hint hint
  22. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: OMG my eyes can not take your website. Indie guy.. meh;-) Red and black ? You prefer the white and green of this forum, eh ? The station is only about 8% indie. I suspect indie to me doesn't mean the same thing as it means to you. Eyes are very sensitive with regard to what they will tolerate on a website. If you check your average time on site stats, you might find a 5 second per viewer stay. Just sayin;-) As to Indie music, the ones I could read that you have listed in my brief stay are not ones I listen to. Melodicrock.com has a fair sampling of what indie folks are out there and is much easier to read, perhaps you should visit that site to see the type of Indie I am used to.
  23. Pussycat Catnap wrote: And I actually find Lady Gaga kind of clever - from a Marketing standpoint at least. Tastes vary. Actually GaGa is very good on this new cd. You and I is a great song featuring Brian May and Mutt Lange. She really "gets" a lot of things. Music composition, Video, Marketing, Social Media and most of all her fans. Madonna was a prima-donna, elitist who suffered her fans, GaGa embraces them. Smart cookie and great talent. You want to hate her but the music speaks and gets into your head;-)
  24. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: Argus Collingwood wrote: Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: The Who is one of the greatest bands of all time, they are well represented on the station. Love The Who .. where do you rate Queen? I like Queen a lot. Not in the same eschelon but the next one. So, are you a guitar driven music lover or another instrument driven? Do your choices lean towards power or finesse? ELP over ELO? BST over the Stones? My choices lean towards original melodies. There's a pretty wide range of styles within the rock, pop/rock, and soul arenas. It's mostly about the song itself. Well all of the artists I have cited do their own music. [ELP did do some classical covers though] and since you have been talking bands not songs I thought I'd ask which bands you consider noteworthy;-)
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