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JoJo Aurelia

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Everything posted by JoJo Aurelia

  1. I was at the SL9B the other night and it clearly states to set your environmental settings to midnight. So, I did, and there, standing on the corner was a woman illuminating the build, which was supposed to be viewed in darkness. That to me is way more about self importance.
  2. I have a very expensive system, that was built just for designing in Second Life. _____________________________ Sextoy Gynoid wrote: Ditch the attitude. If your cheap comp can't handle my lighting, go ahead and block me. You do realize that there's a very simple setting that allows you to turn off attached light sources, right? The self-import of some people blows my mind. Please share your simple settings.
  3. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Facelights are a personal choice of the wearer, just as seeing facelights or not is a choice available to you. If you don't like them,turn them off - simple. Given that you have a choice, why do you feel you need to impose your choice on others and insult them in the process? IMHO, saying people are vain is the pot calling the kettle black, when you obviously care enough to make an attractive avatar when it is not strictly necessary. Do you do that because you stare at yourself? The great thing about SL is the freedom that it gives to everyone to look the way they wish to look. Perhaps a more constructive way to approach this is to talk to your fellow fashion creators about the issue as most people probably are wearing face lights that they got when they bought something else and didn't make themselves. I get them all the time with outfits and most of them are like mega spotlights and go in the trash. You could also do a constructive post telling people how to make their own facelight so they just softly illuminate their own face and nothing else. This is easy enough to do by keeping the light radius and intensity very low. You are correct about facelights coming in full avi packs. I think got my first one that way. I think somewhere I even asked a question on the old forums about if there were better ones. I plan on having a designer event to discuss many subjects and this is one that I will add to the agenda. tyvm
  4. Keli Kyrie wrote: But with my facelight all I have to do is hit wear... I don't have to play with all those settings. I have that somewhere in my inventory. Whoever made it is making a point! LOL
  5. I do agree my post was contentious. Bad day and pushed post too fast, didn't re-read and well, there you have it. No excuse, just fact of the matter. Not intending anything but an ill placed ill worded rant bought on by a visit to my studio from 5 models, all arriving in full bright lights blinding me, causing me to stumble and fall 1000 meters...luckily not to my death. Regarding FL, I used to wear one when I first came into SL and I honestly thought everyone did. Those that didn't, I thought they didn't know about them! I felt sorry for them. But, one night, I was at a ballroom and someone sent me a note card and said that I was ruining her good time, depleting resources, the bane of all evil and sure to go to hell because of my facelight. She said my pours were so big she might vomit from looking at them (yes she said that). She then gave me a picture of myself looking like a Bakersfield mug shot. I remember being pissed, similar to these posts I got here in response. Anyways, I started to really pay attention to my environment and decided to try to go without. It was hard. It was like coming off morphine. At that time I was wearing eStyle skins. So, I read around and tried Nam's Skin 1 windlight. Which seemed to help and eventually I forgot about it. My BFF cried foul and said I was now ugly, and she continued to wear hers and complain to me about my darkness. Currently I use ::Wow:: skins or Oceane. I don't think it's necessary to say my skin is ugly or say my skin is cheap and I don't think these designers would appreciate either. It would take a half brain to figure out what I wear because of my blog, where I normally have a stylecard. There are FL that are not really bright, and there are many settings to adjust our environment but for the general population, most don't know how to do that. Yes I can derinder and make adjustments but it's a pain--but I guess that's the point I'm hearing. We want to do XYZ and to hell with the rest of you. Kinda reminds me of the crappy builds around my mainland home and store. My point about ppl looking at themselves was not neccessary. I do see cross hairs on ppl, and the 90% turn when they walk. I am guility of it too sometimes. My OP was contingeous and I should have worded it better. Long day, lots of issues, just posted something without really reading it and thinking about those waiting to jump down people's throats for farting and make it all personal and call you ugly to boot. LOL
  6. Please detach your facelight if you wear one. Adjust your windlighting/environmental lighting if you have to stare at yourself. They are not necessary, and annoying for others. Face lights are only for you to stare at yourself, and everyone knows that, so they don't benefit anyone else because everyone has different graphic settings.Let's end face light pollution in SL.
  7. According to the Wiki's here it says if you select edit objects in group for a particular title created in a group, it should give permissions. I am still not able to get this to function correctly. Is there no one who has info about this? I've read and re-read everything about permissions. Wishing someone who has someone working for them could answer this for me.
  8. Dang. My land is on the "seam" next to BlueSteele... Like RIGHT there is the line. I wonder if they started the idle mode yet on BS and if it would effect me? Something is up... can hardly walk in my parcel.
  9. it's not just one object, it would be all the items in the store. Thanx tho
  10. As of 3 days ago, the lag on LeTigre has become soup. Things were running really good for the past months up until NOW. Does anyone know if there was any kind of updates to this region that has impacted performance? This problem is noticed by everyone who comes into my region. I looked around, and other than the usual horrid tastes of some residents on Mainland, I don't see anything that should be causing this problem. Help.:mansad:
  11. I have a manager who works in my store. My land is deeded to the group. In her role, I have allowed her to move my objects, an option in the groups under this title. It does not work. It does not work in any viewer. Period. Reinstalled or not. Is this a bug? Should I post a Jira? WHAT am I missing to allow this option to work? She needs to be able to move things around for me. I don't want to give her full perms of my items, only the group items that belong to my store. I read the SL links on permissions. It just doesn't work. I tried it with an alt. Same thing. Not working. So...
  12. Thank you Jason for so much info. I didn't realize these were bots. But it makes sense b/c they're really fast. I was at a club the other night and everyone got hit with that request. I thought it was just a person, never thinking it was a bot!
  13. What viewer are you using? And what version? Have you cleaned out your cache? Ctrl/Alt/R? What have you tried?
  14. Is your system overheating? Check the temp. I had an overheating problem that caused what you're experiencing. I replaced the exhaust fan. In my case, I could feel the heat coming out of my computer. A stand alone floor fan resolved the issue, so I knew it was overheating. Does it degrade over time? Mine would get worse after I'd been on for awhile.
  15. My Market Place store has been a bust for a few months. I dunno what they did to me...but I've dropped out of the search/sale/pay/loop.
  16. I'm a merchant and the transitional period has been difficult for those who have many of listing. It's a complex set of things that merchants have to do to get each and every item relisted with DD. I'm sure they just missed this info on the form. Have patience.
  17. Levio Serenity wrote: Great. Now there is no breedable category that applies for Meeroos. Don't fee bad, no butterflies either.
  18. I'm a published author. I had an entire book stolen, and sold digitally about 10 years ago, and I have still not been able to get the book taken down from sites like Amazon. I also had a large volume of work taken from one of my blogs and published on another site. Even with a demand letter to remove the content, it remains there... So... Even with these laws, it's impossible without lawyers (and even then), to get justice! With large data banks of mesh out there, no one is going to control it. I've seen buildings in SL that I would pretty much bet were lifted out of Google's mesh bank.
  19. Keli Kyrie wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Tari, while I'm in general agreement with the idea that we can walk away from unpleasant people and their behavior, that doesn't always ensure happiness. I have watched some of my friends endure the aggravation of unpleasant characters here in the forums and feeds. They are, to varying degrees, able to weather the abuse by ignoring it. But, to the extent they cannot, my enjoyment of SL is diminished by their unhappiness. So it's not quite true that no one can ruin your experience unless you let them. While we can try to make the best of a situation, as long as we have empathy and friends, our happiness will be affected by others. For this reason, I do not advocate inclusiveness to the point of amorality. Sadly, it is sometimes necessary to walk away from people we like to avoid people we don't. I disagree entirely. Absolutely no other person can control your emotions, or your reactions, no matter what. It is entirely possible to have some of the worst things said, done, whatever, and still be able to walk away, head held high because you didn't allow that action or those words, get you down. Saying that's not possible is basically saying you have no free will. I don't believe people lack free will. It's a conscious choice to let what others say and do, affect you(negatively or positively). So you can always make the choice to allow things to only affect you in a positive way, and leave the rest behind, if you want to.Hard? Sure it is, at times. Impossible? Absolutely not. Although I never did say ignoring that which you dislike will ensure happiness, I think there's much more to happiness than just that, lol. I can guarantee that making different choices when it comes to how you will deal will offer up a different outcome. If we let everything others say and do, affect us negatively all of the time, we'd be a very unhappy species-generally speaking. My opinion on that matter doesn't change simply because this is sl. This is the same thing I tell others who have dealt with people who truly try their hardest to bring others down. Sometimes those people are successful, but it's only that way because their intended audience allows them to do that. I lost a friend a couple years ago to one such person. Her inability to realize that this person couldn't possibly ruin her life, if she didn't allow it, ended up being her literal demise in the end. I miss her terribly, and of course I don't support the way this man treated her, nor do I blame her or anything like that. But she could have walked away. She could have done a lot of things to change the outcome. It was her choice not to, and in the end it was her choice to deal with it in such a permanent way. Was I happy she was so miserable? Of course not. Did I let her unhappiness ruin my sl? Of course not. I can be sad, upset even, at what's happening to another and still not consider my sl ruined, lol. To say otherwise would mean she had complete control over me. That doesn't make a lick of sense. I would like to think that had I, and others, not been there from the word go, trying to help her realize she could just walk away from it, things would have ended even sooner. Our positive attitudes, had just as much of an effect on her, as her negative one had on us. Positivity should always win out, in the end. I find it tragic when it doesn't, and unfortunately that happens way too often. You can counteract the negative with a positive, you just have to put forth the effort to do so. We're all human though and we are often lead by emotion, which can be both a positive and negative thing. I still see no reason to give up our free will simply because others are choosing to utilize theirs with bad intentions. I like what you said here very much I wish I could have been able to explain these concepts as well as you have laid them out. It reminds me of lessons I learned reading this book: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/power-vs-force-david-r-hawkins/1103564277?cm_mmc=google+product+search-_-q000000630-_-power+vs+force-_-9781561709335&ean=9781561709335&r=1 Please. What you're talking about would only apply if the person with "free will" had a perfect childhood, a perfect adulthood, spent a few years in talk therapy, had attained cosmic consciousness, and even then they'd probably still get upset if someone pooped on them. All of us get our feathers ruffled...and, your avatar bouncing around gives me a headache.
  20. There is no such thing (term) Master Account, Alt Account. They are all Master Accounts. Linden has no way to track if you have an alt unless they store your IP, but IP addresses change frequently and randomly. Also, if they did use IP, what if the wife and husband had their own accounts? That would be like saying Google would "combine" my account with my husbands, or anyone else living in my house. The theory "You are Allowed" so many accounts, would be nill even if IP's are tracked, since you can go to another computer at another location, etc... I would think some people have 20 accounts. Who can track that unless for "sure" the same person, same computer, same IP was aways used. There would always be a leak somewhere.
  21. Keli Kyrie wrote: Some people think whatever is true in Real Life should be true in SL. It is true you can see SL as an extension of RL but I think you will take all the fun out of it. For example my two friends below, let's call them Puff and Scuff. Puff likes to warm things up a bit, setting fires where ever she pleases and just causing general mayhem. Scuff on the other hand likes to poke his nose into what ever he can, scare people, and tries to eat their pets. We have all kinds of wild and crazy things, even Vampires in SL that would be more than happy to suck all the happiness out of you. Do you let them? Do you mute them? Do you make friends with them? Do you wish they were banned? And for you Hard Core SLers how do you deal with the Real Lifers that want to set rules for how you are to live your Second Life that want to tell you your SL experience is a reflection on your RL? Do you let them? Do you mute them? Do you make friends with them? Do you wish they were banned? We all see things from different points of view. I am not to saying one is right and the other is wrong, but they are different. When we are inworld there are ways to keep these different groups of people apart but here in the forums we all come together and there is no way to separate us. So how do you react to people that are very different from yourself? All characters appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to real or virtual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. So how do you react to people that are very different from yourself? This should be the title of the post.
  22. Rosemaery Lorefield wrote: Group spam! Because the builder group, or cute little girl dress group really aren't interested in your hardcore subdom metal goth club. RP of any kind outside of expected RP areas. Yea, I really don't want to play your games thanks. PAY groups that promise loads of gifts or whatever that post no updates, new products, gifts or anything else for 6 months. I just paid you 500L for what now? Solicitations for sex, especially common among non-English speakers. Really, I just google translated because I thought you needed help. Well, with something other than your Johnson. * Pay groups (thanks for the reminder!)
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: shapes are really in a strange spot .. Basically because LL owns the avatar intellectual property rights or copy writes or whatever it is..on them.. as well as every prim on the grid..it's their clay or canvas pretty much.. where a creators property rights comes into play is with their creations they have added to the system.. things uploaded and could take out of here and use elsewhere..no matter what the sliders are at ..you can't take a shape from SL legally and download it from here and use it elsewhere.. an avatars shape from the tools won't hold much value or chance of winning anything in court because of how many close versions there are in world or can be to it.. It's like comparing the same style of shoes sold in 50 different stores that look exactly alike.. Where selling complete avatars with certain looks.Like say creating the eyes and hair and outfits and things to make a unique avatar.That can have more holding power than a canvas basically.. Basically if the account were to be deleted.So would any of L's property.. the only thing left standing would be what the creator could walk out of here with.. mesh avatars are a whole other story because those are created outside and uploaded.. but the sliders i doubt will win you a case in court because the shapes are just not as unique on their own as they would be built with a certain unique look added to them.. i'm not tryring to take away anything from people making shapes..because i know it's a pain i the but to get good at it.. i just think shape alone it would be hard to claim original or unique iin sl..enough to win.. I agree with this statement. I didn't realize this forum had morphed into intellectual rights until I came back to read it all! I've never found one that was perfect for me. I always modify something. But I've never sold a shape, or given one out, or whatever. When I mention shapes in my style cards, I will note if it's modifed and where. I would not use or buy an unmodifiable shape. Thus, it's always best to read the terms before purchase. People steal anything and everything in SL. I see it all the time. Blatent thieft of products. The OP wanted to know why shapes were not mod. And my answer, I don't know, just shop till you find one who is modifable...and forget about those who don't allow it. It's no different than skirt makers. A modifable skirt can be copied easily. I know this. Other designers know this. But to satisfy the customers, we make them modifable. Sadly, there will always be theift in SL, it's no different than RL.
  24. For some reason, on private land, people come and go quickly, but on mainland, people park longer. But eventually they leave.
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