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JoJo Aurelia

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Everything posted by JoJo Aurelia

  1. I'm a designer. I've worked with models. If you want to be a serious model in Second Life, you probably should invest in the schools offered. It's way more than just having a pretty avi, besides, you need many "looks," meaning, skins, hair, eyes, accessories, etc. You need to know how to style in Second Life. Also how to take direction from photographers, meaning how to make minute detail adjustments to your avatar and what she or he will be wearing. I tried using friends, or people who had no experience, and it was a disaster. It takes a long time to do photoshoots, if that's what you want to do, and without experience I can't think of a designer who has time to help you learn. Runway work is hard to break into, it really is who you know, and these schools can help you get gigs. You'll need a resume, and what you posted here, won't get you a job in SL with anyone serious in fashion. To me, it's more of a time issue, no one has time to explain everything, plus you'll need so many items to be able to pull it off. You might start getting accessories. But designers don't want models wearing freebies or cheap accessories. It's very expensive to build up a wardrobe of acceptable accessories. If the designer wants you to have long pink hair, you have to have it. These items are your expensive. I wish you luck, but it's very complex to get into modeling and the surest way to understand that is through a school. If you can't afford training, you can't afford to be a model. Sadly, so...
  2. I've lost items I've rezzed that are no copy just before there is a sim restart. One of two things. If you have the original purchase information (bought on Market Place), you can send this to the creator with a note. Most creators understand that SL can and does eat items. I once lost 5 items I rezzed out when the sim crashed right after. It was not in my inventory. Linden Labs reset the sim to an earlier time but this did not bring back the items. These were costly items. I didn't have proof at all. But i did notify each creator and just explained what happened. I figured 1. they'd replace it. or 2, not replace it, but nothing to hurt to ask nicely. Everyone replaced these items. But once I lost two beds for the same reason. The beds were older and I didn't bother. I did notify LL and they said I shouldn't have rezzed it during restarts. I'm very careful about those restarts now. Someone once said in a forum they'd never have the nerve to contact a creator about this, but most creators understand the crazy world of SL and will usually replaced the item. Especially if you purchase frequently from them, as I had. Once I lost five breedable cats--same thing, sim crashing/restart. All five cats were replaced by creator. They kept records of who owned what and I got backups. I believe in asking. It can't hurt if you ask nicely and explain what happened. And any proof you bought it would help. Hope you get your items back. Watch for days when there are sim restarts. I now keep a little sim info thing on my land it tells me in chat if there's restarts coming!
  3. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Oh yes! All the demos can be had before even going to the event and also, the Hair Fair website has the slurls of the individual vendors, so if you don't like to shop (I know, what planet are they from?) you could just go directly to wherever you wanted, get your item, and go back to just chillin at your spot. http://hairfair.wordpress.com/ You can copy this link into local chat to join the demo group. If you are inworld atm you can just click it. The demos are in notices, so you can just try the ones you want, or try tem all! lol secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about All of this is great but who is finding this info? I couldn't even find the landmark in search inworld. I Googled it to find it, then it took awhile. I added it to my blog so someone else might find it! 99%of the residents I know or talk to, have no clue about changing their preferences to make things easier. i know oldies who don't know this stuff! Yes making the experience better can be had through all of these suggestions, but when I popped into the fair, I saw avi's loaded down with scripts, from hair to jewelry and ball gowns. The average Jane and Joe which seems to be everyone who doesn't read forums, and I don't know anyone who follows blogs for SL, is just going to go lag down these fairs and complain. Somehow this info has to be made available without having to search high and low for it, and if only we had a setting on our viewer that just dropped us into "event mode." The OP obviously didn't know any of this stuff, but it's not her fault...it's not easy to find. Again, a lot of ppl log into SL, but alot never open their dashboard and gazzillions don't read forums or search blogs for SL info.
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: Poenald Palen wrote: To keep SL original and creative? I give 2cents on this, to make up for any perceived waste of time. These are BIG 2c coins, but are basically not nonsense...or are they? I think some of this might be feasible. But, I am NOT a socializer...I am not the one for this efforts leader and these are basically a few ideas anyone may come up with anyway...sort of DUH ones in there to. But, at least they show as a vote for the creation...I do sometimes participate in forums, just not personal chatty freindly stuff and like to work alone. I would think that making classes, or supporting existiing ones and helping new creators would help to maybe guide them towards making stuff that is creative. Also helping to point out the guidelines and TOS involving copyright as this is a enlightening (or maybe shocking!) set of guidelines on the wiki or knowledge base that is worth a read! So, maybe teach or sponser and find a teacher for a class on concept art? Maybe even make a competition where people submit original art and you model it? They win the model made for them! Tell them it is concept basics over drawing skill, so you can maybe even be liberal with thier art a bit and still capture what they wanted and couldn't express? Network with concept artists on Devient art? Make buddies with them? Look at mr. susatno's deal with an etsy creator as inspiration and confirmation here? Group for original artists and designers and chat and focus on it's importance? There are those who break the rules, yes. But, when you invest time into something only to have it taken down....you are not doing yourself a service! Not only that, but they may not know this! Tell them of the TOS in a class, group or make a guild or meeting type of thing? Event maybe? May be fruitful, maybe just arguments lol. I am working on concepts, and have also looked for practice blue prints and refs. References and blueprints are very important to modellers, animators and other creators who wish to use a bit of realism in thier works OR simply don't like to 'sketch' in 3D or animate non-real creations. I mean, sharing some sources of usable original concept stuff, or maybe even making them and encouraging non-3d concept artists to share via websites...well, this might help! If money is more of a motivator for all involved, then obiously maybe a set of social network connections places set up to allow others to find 3D artists to make thier stuff. If the 2D artist pays for this, or even vise versa and the 3D artist pays for a concept based on some language based instructions and ideas shared....well, maybe this works to create more original content? More creates interest, plus they themselves may become customers of each others wares and may bring like minded friends, who may or may not be talented but enjoy the stuff either way? Anyone want to make a HUB of some kind, help people get hooked up and maybe help each other with marketing and promotion? Do you feel that 3D is a barrier? Archapeligo Designer, Moment of Inspiration or some other software might appeal to those who are not into blender or other polygon centric modelling software? Not that blender is simply a 3d modeller, it isn't. But the modelling part is not as well equiped for NURBS, though Bsplines is a very promising new addition available. Moment of Inpiration seemed pretty simple, costs less and worked nicely enough to design things, from what I saw and remember of it. So, maybe any users of these teach some SL tuts? I am sure MOI users would like to see them, as well as potential customers? So, share some tutorials somewhere on how to do original designs, not just using blue prints or RL items. Help use see how you sketch it up in MOI or archapeligo? Creativity sometimes means you have to reach out of your box or rut and have a different experience...so, maybe give some people something to change thier way of viewing things...NO not LSD...I know one of you must have thought that lol...right? But, I mean....sometimes it might be the news for science fiction fans, possibly a new archiological dig finding for a person RPing stuff in an ancient time....hey, maybe even a new trick you found out that makes a certain look. Share. Teach. Inspire! Maybe you can make a sort of world, style or 'system' for people to build stuff for? An API or some kind of system others can join in creating for? People did this with breedables, though I am not sure it was successful for all. But, yeah...fishing rods made by fans of the fishing games in SL and so on. Micro avatars sort of do this a bit. You can make bits or avatars, make a place to hang out or a car to use with them. Stuff like that helps those with less time, resources, connections, scripting, or whatever. Thanks Poenald, you have made some thoughtful observations :-) That's weird, I did think LSD.
  5. They did put out boxes to sit and edit and slide around on... but overall, that particular fair is always slammed. There isn't much that can be done with the SL platform unless someone knows something they can add.
  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Unlike many in this thread, I -DO- shop a -LOT- in SL. Faye Feldragonne wrote: I've been reading a lot about samples here on the forums, and people wanting them, but I wonder if people mean clothing that isn't mesh or sclupts. I don't offer samples for non-object items, and rarely anymore for mesh, simply because mesh is fairly standardised sizings and soon the deformer will be available, and you either love mesh or or hate it. If it doesn't havce a demo, I won't buy it. If you've used a templated item - and somebody else demo'd that item, then -MAYBE- I will buy yours IF i've already got theirs and like your retexture. Otherwise only a fool buys a mesh or scupty item without seeing a demo of the mesh or sculpty, or a rezzed inworld copy of the sculpty. The deformer is going to make this -MORE- important not less. Because you will need to test how well it can deform. Its not the magic thing some people think it will be. I've worked with these kinds of tools in 3D art before - more often than not they ruin the model they're used for by making triangle pop out in places there were not enough vertices. With mesh sizes regardless, you need that demo to see if the modeler actually did use those standard sizes, or if they failed to line something up right somewhere else, or if they rigged it well for your AO. If for example, when I sit or crouch it turned into a spikey monster... I know they didn't put enough vertices along a fold where that happened. This happens with the bottom of skirts often enough. I mostly avoid no-mod. But I've bought a good amount of it in vehicles and mesh clothing. Furniture I'll avoid if no mod. Just a nightmare otherwise. Over time the no-mod furniture I've goofed and bought has always ended up getting replaced. LIkewise with plants and trees. Especially trees - which I love to resize up and down for variety on my land. I've got meeroos, and of course those are no-mod, no-copy. But the nature of that kind of product just shows that there are exceptions to every rule. I'm also very picky about what I buy. It has to fit my sense of style. I have to be able to visualize on myself or in my home. Another reason for demos. My AV doesn't look like yours. I'm pretty confident in saying that... and my sense of fashion likely isn't the same as yours. That demo will tell me if there's still some place we can meet where your design taste will match with my look. The question asked was who are designers that "demo" layered clothing? NOT objects or sclupts. I've never seen demo items that are not attachments.
  7. Rolig Loon wrote: Textures at 1024 x 1024 do rez slowly. They use 4 times as much memory on your GPU as well. Everyone who sees the textures in world has had to download them to their own computer, which means that everyone has suffered from the lag. As a general rule, the only time you should need that much resolution is if you have a texture with an incredible amount of detail (a sign with loads of text maybe) that you expect people to stop and stare at for a long time. IMO, forcing people to download a huge texture that will be in the background or only seen for a few seconds just isn't a good use of resources, and it's not kind. I agree and this was something I made a few years ago that I saw that women wearing. It was part of that early learning process.
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hi Danica, welcome to the forums! I upscaled Chip Midnight's 1024 x 1024 guides to 2048x2048 and do all my work at that resolution. I then shrink to 1024x1024 and upload that. The SL servers will further shrink to 512x512 during garment/skin creation. If LL someday allows 1024x1024 avatar textures, I'm ready to go, possibly with no effort. I would not recommend working at 512x512 for two reasons. 1) You cut yourself off from the potential of using higher resolutions if LL provides them in the future 2) Fine adjustments to positions of patterns or edges in the texture require manual anti-aliasing, which is three kabillion times more difficult than scootching things around at high rez and letting the image scaling algorithms do their thing. There may be the odd case where image scaling wrecks a detail but I can't recall that ever being an issue. ETA: as Rolig warned, you must be cognizant that your final image is 512 x 512, so tiny details in your 2048x2048 original may fade/vanish. Also, if you don't like the look of your work after upload, you might try shrinking to 512x512 (perhaps changing the scaling algorithm or parameters if you graphics program allows) and/or applying unsharp mask or edge enhancement to the image to sharpen it up. By keeping your original work at higher resolution, you maintain the ability to try these various techniques and stay ready for future improvements to SL itself. This is quite an old post but it's relevant to a question I had myself. I found some textures I had uploaded a long time ago at 1024. I have, for a long time shrunk clothing textures to 512, so I was wondering if I should find the originals I have and resize them and reupload them. But after reading this, I am thinking I might just let this go. However, I will add this... I saw someone in a gown I made a long time ago in a very crowded club, and I knew that particular texture was 1024, and noted it was not appearing to rez with all the lag. I could see the issue with my gown and assumed it might be the size of that particular texture (1024). I've shied away form larger files for a long, long time, but I never forgot that avatar not rezing. After reading this comment, I might let these go for now, but I'm leery of uploading clothing textures to 1024. It seems to me that many people do not upgrade their systems often and I'd hate my textures to burden their experience.
  9. Josh Susanto wrote: >Not everyone can make mesh, or sclupts, or certain types of textures. Practically any idiot can make the kind of sculpts I make and the kind of money I make with them, provided that they have a tiny bit of patience to have me explain to them how I do it - which I have many times offered to do for free. And I use all free, fully-portable resources. Not directly on-topic? OK. But I think there is a mythology behind certain production processes that might be worth somewhat dispelling in order to make better sense of the larger discussion. You don't have to call people idiots. Let me look up your items so I never buy from you again.
  10. Sassy Romano wrote: It would appear that there was a comprehension failure there. I didn't suggest that using templates was in any way illegal. Oh that's possible! LOL :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:
  11. I've been reading a lot about samples here on the forums, and people wanting them, but I wonder if people mean clothing that isn't mesh or sclupts. I don't offer samples for non-object items, and rarely anymore for mesh, simply because mesh is fairly standardised sizings and soon the deformer will be available, and you either love mesh or or hate it. SL is no different than real life. If an item is bad, it should be brought to the designers attention. I've heard horror stories about designers being rude, but if you're not happy, don't settle. Demand customer satisfaction. Send them a notecard with your concerns. If you don't get an answer back, leave a review. If that doesn't snap them out of it, don't buy from them again. I've honestly not seen any texture clothing samples, only hair, shoes and skins and some meshes. Who is a designer who offers these texture only samples? I'd really like to know because in my 3 years making clothes I've not seen this anywhere (but I don't get out much). LOL The best way for me to check out a designer or creator is to visit their store. Lot to be said by how they manage a store. I've not bought what appears nice items based on a poorly designed or managed store. If a designer has a group, a blog, is active in fashion community, buyers shouldn't have any problems if they're not happy after purchase. There's a lot of stores on MP that are not cohesive, which is a warning. Or no inworld store. I won't buy if there's no inworld store. That's my policy for myself. If their profile is only about their party life, lovers or worse, I won't buy from them. Again, my policy. It's ok to share our SL's, we all do, but somewhere there has to be store policies and group info or anything that says this person is approachable as a merchant. Or, if they sell strip polls and gowns, there might be a disconnect with this persons own vision, or if their store design isn't branded, it might indicate someone either new or not aware of how to market and sell items effectively. All of these things are ways to know if you should buy. There is the random dark horse, but I've been disappointed with that "it" item when I went back for more of those "its" and they're out of business or only had one "it!" All of this said, I'm also still a random buyer. I've pulled the trigger without doing any investigation and been just as happy as if I had. There's no solid way to tell on Market Place but if people want to dig a little deeper, check for an inworld store, check for their policys on their profiles, and look at their entire store, not just one item, but all of them, and see if it's cohesive and has the earmark for a serious merchant. Market Place will only show you the older items or top selling, be sure to use the drop down menu to see the "newest," items. Someone who isn't producing anything new isn't likely going to be putting customer service at the top of their priorities. Also check to see if they have a blog or if their items are blogged. Look to see when they last uploaded an item, find out how old that XYZ really is... old things look old fast in SL. I went to a well known store recently and they were still showcasing a pair of jeans and I sweater I bought in 2009. That's a problem. Over my 3 years, I've sent many notecards. I can honestly say that the responses have been pretty positive and helpful. I can count 2 times that wasn't the case and I never returned or bought from them again. I've had designers and creators go over and above helping me. Wishing you all well and happy shopping, but don't ever settle for junk, and always give the designer/creator a chance to make it right before you blast them with a bad review. But back to the OP: Be picky. But time is money so if it was a few Lindens, then pffft, just won't buy from them, but if it's a serious problem and serious LL, drop that notecard and expect an answer!
  12. If you don't like something you buy, leave a negative review. That's the only power we have. But remember to leave a good one if you love it!
  13. Sassy Romano wrote: Min Barzane wrote: It is my buisness becouse that persone and likes of him are ruining my legitimate buisness ( and not only myne )! I spend days (in some cases weeks ) creating models from scratch! Same argument could be said for those who buy a template and then just texture it and sell their creation for a very low price. How do you report those when they've done nothing technically wrong? I have several friends who are template makers and they might take umbridge to stating that what they sell is illegal and somehow wrong. Designers have specialities. Not everyone can make mesh, or sclupts, or certain types of textures. If the requirment to be a designer in real life meant you had to know how to "sew," the world would be empty of top designers. Second Life isn't different, there's some weird pervasiveness to believe that you have to do it all or you lack legitimacy. Regarding Google Warehouse, I have seen houses and furniture here, too for sale, culled from that massive archive. I used to be part of the Google Sketch up community. But I believe I read somewhere that LL didn't not approve of the use of this mesh unless it is free to be used under a license. LL would require someone (if it's offending them) to report the individual under abuse (done inworld), and state what they've discovered. But I doubt they'll have good luck with that abuse report. I'm sorry this is happening, but there are many things killing the merchants in Second Life.
  14. I'm a merchant. I give so much stuff away, via hunts, and all new items, that most people know my items pretty well. but If they got something I made and it's borked, I'd hope they contact me for a fix or refund. I've not problems people contacting me. The issue with demos is that it's SOOO much work. I think that people who don't make clothing think it's easy to just make a demo. The thing is is each texture is an upload, another 10 Lindens, another PS texture that has to be marked demo, and if you've an item that has many layers, it's unreal the amount of work. Thus, when you charge according the the level of work, then no one is happy. I've never seen demos for layered clothing. Makeups I do offer demos. some meshes I offer demos, but mesh has been around for a while now and most know what they're getting. When I put up demos, everyone takes them but that doesn't make a sale. I don't uber photshop my images. I just remove the back ground and drop it on the package template I use. I might smooth out their skin or hair butn not clothing. I might flex a skirt with a liquify because flex skirts look so flat on an image, but that's about it. I don't have time to fuss with those photos anyways. I'm **bleep** about seams. I use a 3d model to make sure they're right, but things happen. Even in the best of intentions things happen. Especially if, like me, you're making multiple outfits each day. Try the hunts and see what you get at the store and you'll know if you want to come back. They're better than demos, because you can wear them. I have given away about 10000 wedding gowns this month for 1L just to get my name out there. Many ways to show you're good at what you do without using PS, besides, IF someone is good enough to "doctor" their images, they really should be good enough to make beautiful clothing!! On the designer side, we've had some crazy demands. Especially if it's free! LOL BUT I want my customers to be happy and if they're not, they need to get ahold of me asap. They might have got something older of mine. Whatever the problem. I'll fix it, and a good designer will do that. Don't settle for yuck!
  15. The policies and procedures for how LL treats paying customers is one of the root causes of people leaving. As soon as the new resident gets their "sea legs" and starts spending money, they soon find out just who's at the helm. A customer service base that is often rude and condescending. They're focusing on selling not servicing. This isn't new in the gaming community(yes, it's not a game, but to investors it is); sell more of SL, get more people into SL, but then they're on their own. SL is very expensive for me to run a store here, and yet, they absolutely don't care about me or any other merchant. If you don't CARE about the people who create this world and PAY to do it, then imagine how the people who are new and don't pay are treated? Why people don't stay is a no brainer to me.
  16. Syo Emerald wrote: So you want to say I can't see when my avatar looks horrible and when she looks normal? I have made so many experiances, looked at so many different avatar designs....its always any human face that fails with its look when no lights are around. Using a tiny little source of light gets that problem away....but no, you say its quite better to work through a huge menu to figure this damn windlight stuff out.....and this whole process for every region again and again and again...... I can't influence how others will see me, but as long as I look beautiful I'm happy. I'm always looking at the back of my head. I'm never looking at my face unless I'm doing photowork. I do set my windlight and keep it set for all regions (just a click in environmental settings) but not to see myself. I do it to see everything else. I have trouble getting enough light to work with the standard enviroment settings. Setting a windlight is so easy. Many are premade, especially in 3rd party viewers. Anyways...
  17. This position was filled. TYVM for inquiring.
  18. Malanya wrote: @Faye yes there are avi's named Malanya. I know by experience shopping inworld and on MP that 1) sometimes you don't receive your purchase or the item you purchased 2) Item(s) get sent to the wrong avatar either when purchasing outright or as a gift. No need for apologies. I know those issues are not with sellers but have a lot to due with delivery and circumstance beyond your control. I would check on posting a customer's transaction like that though it may involve a privacy issue if the person didn't ask for it to be discussed on a forum as I am sure I am not the only Malanya that reads the forums, I say that without any rudeness. It is hard as on any social site to express the attitude or emotion in text. I meant my post in a light hearted way with receiving the email and clueless. I feel that too many people complain instead of teaching people how to make this shared world a more enjoyable place. Residents have the right to use anything they want but yes if it is disturbing to another there are ways to handle it, but not griefing unless it has malicious intent behind it (as it was referred to a form of griefing by another poster) and your OP didn't express that, just that it was annoying. You have the right to rant and we all have the right to reply. I was thrown by the only other response that was a hidden warning about posting in the community, I don't need a scolding by here by any means. It's funny SOME people that have been here a few years feel they can act like that towards others they BELIEVE don't know what's going on in sl opposed to those of us who came back a few years later. I did read all of your replies :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:Thank you for your reply. My OP was troll-like, actually, and I did address that in a later post... It was a crazy day and I went sideways...but I left it because people are "talking" about facelights and that's a good thing, on both sides of the fence. I've learned a lot reading the posts. It's been my experience over the years on any forums that no matter what is said, how it's said, what it's about, someone will post back and rip that OP a new one. The topic doesn't matter, the forum doesn't matter. It's one of the reasons I don't post much anywhere on the Internet. Many people "edit" their posts after they say something nefarious, for example someone said my skin was cheap, and then they removed that when I said who my skin maker was... I try not to edit what I've said even if I wish I'd not said it! Anyways... regarding privacy, I thought about that, but it was a pair of shorts. If it was a thingy or a whoopie bed, I'd not have put it there. But point well taken and the forum cops took it off. TYVM
  19. Coby Foden wrote: Avatars attention! Please stop using facelights. You are giving very bad influence to real people! The SL facelight fad is spreading already to RL. The proof, look: :smileysurprised: What is this supposed to do? The ad states proudly: The Facial Light is a safe and portable palm-sized rechargable cosmetic device equipped with (36) red light 660nm LED's. The multi-light device is intended to improve: • Reduction in wrinkles and smoothes fine lines • Produces a healthy and radiant glow • Painlessly rejuvenates and firms skin for youthful appearance See, just the same thing what avatars think facelight might do to their skin. :smileyindifferent: So, real people definitely have learned this silly fad from SL. :smileytongue: THAT is an awesome Facelight! Now I'd wear that one!
  20. Koltari wrote: Shouldn't he be asking the question on this forum? I thought the same thing! I used to help noobs. If I had free time, but this is how it goes: "Hi, are you new?" "Yea..." "Do you need help?" "you got them lindens?" "No, I mean we talk about that later." "want sex?" "No... Do you want to know how to use your avatar?" "this sucks, id' kill you on WoW." "Ok, well, good luck." "so u don't want to have sex?"
  21. Malanya wrote: LOL..People come to sl for their own experience and to escape, enjoy whatever the reason may be, how they build their avi, what attachments they use, clothes they wear, etc. is neither MY business nor YOURS. Learn how to use your preferences and settings. OT: BTW I don't like that your store spammed me to send out a "TEST EMAIL" I didn't sign up for your group, store anything, but you feel you can clutter my sign on with your notices that were unwarranted? I have never even heard of your store until the "notice" Please keep complaining about facelights, wasn't aware that you were involved in my sl account. SL sure has not changed since I had my last account a few years back. Jeeeez I show you purchased an outfit from me June 28th. Perhaps there is another avatar with your name and when I put it into my mail system, you were delivered the package. Kakia Designs Rags 2 Riches Roses Shorts Outfit 70630014 Delivered L$299 Paid Malanya Redeliver item It was not spam. I sent all my customers who purchased a certain dollar amount free Mesh 4th of July high heels, and that was the "test" message. I failed to change that introduction in the config card. Sorry if we sent them to the wrong customer. I'll remove you from my gift list. Also read my other replies. I admited my OP was contentious and applogized but since the thread had gotten so big I didn't want to delete or change it and cause swiss cheese forums.
  22. Kakia Designs, going on 3 years in SL, is seeking a store manager to handle a variety of responsibilities. Experience with groups, minimal building skills and good communication a plus. Need someone who is trustworthy and dedicated. Salary based on experience, plus clothing for free. This requires a lot of training so be sure you have the time before you apply. Send resume with your experience (SL skills), and any jobs you've had. Humans only while working. Contact me in world via a notecard not IM. View my Blog for my designs Kakia Designs ** MUST VOICE non negotiable **Send group notices (Includes writing them) **Manage hunts--all details, including filling out apps. **Help customers when I'm offline **Work in store when needed **Available when online **Time varies...it depends on how fast you work.
  23. Teenie Crystal wrote: I have an adult avatar but in truth I feel safer on a child avatar. As an adult avi I find myself to be more likely sugjected to things that make me uncomfortable. The only time where I was told it was inappropriate for me to be in a place on second life was at a support group place. This did bother me, but I left and came back on my adult avatar. But as a child avatar, I am usually the one decides if I feel comfortable there or not. I have wandered into places like went from a kid's store the adult store by the same person, and then felt ok I don't belong here. Part of that is that there is nothing there for me, part of it is that I feel like a kid and I don't want to be in a grown up place by myself. Now if I am helping my second life mom pick out a pair of boots, then I may go with her as a child, but there have been times where I felt uncomfortable and said I am gonna get on my grown up avi. But generally if I am in a grown up place, the adult just irnore or maybe say something about how they like my hat or how colorful my outfit is. But as a child avatar, in a grown up place, if I am subjected to someone cursing I ignore it as long as its not directed at me. If I would an adult avi and it were directed at me, I would find it equally offensive and unnessary. Either way I think that I would have a right to comment, aww you said a bad word on my child avatar, or hopefully something more articulate on my adult avatar. They are the ones who chose to engage. As a child avatar, I would never go to a nude beach or anything like, but there are stores that sell things that I might want, like hair, colorful leggings, skirts, homes, decor, building supplies. In some cases I could just buy it on my it on my adult avi and either trasfer it to the other, or rez it where I need it. But with some clothing that isn't possible. And if I know where it is, and the owner is ok with it, there is no reason that anyone else should have a problem with it. It is unfortante that those who sell items that are not innappropriate for children would ban us, Sure it is their property and it is thier right. But if someone were to say something innapriate to us, the issue is with that person not the owner. If we happen to see nudity in an adult type area we probably are gonna get ourselves out of there. And in order to get someone in trouble for being inapproriate with child avatar, you need proof, screenshots, chat logs. You aren't going to get in trouble for living your second life and ignoring the child. In regards to being annoyed with the annoying things kids say just mute us. I have had to mute so many annoying guys on my adult avatar who would not take no for an answer and some who even proceeded to follow me. As an adult avatar I rarely curse, I do not engage in combat, I have no interest in engaging in sexual behavior. But I am more often subjected to it. As a child avatar, I have places where swearing is rare, where it would be inappropriate or someone to proposition me, I am much less likely to subjected to material that I find offensive. I am a very sensitive person in real life, I have experienced trauma and I have some issues that I need to work out, being a child helps me with this. I learn about myself and my past through this process of having a second life family. That's a very articulate post. Thank you for sharing your POV.
  24. Coby Foden wrote: Raven1 Short wrote: I see the need for butt lights maybe. I've seen this problem more than once where the person's bum looks....infected. This is why we need more vertices on our bums. And crotch too. :smileylol: We cannot wear Brazilian type bikinis with bums like this. Linden Lab, do you read? :matte-motes-angry: I always wondered about this issue. It is kinda gross, especially if someone is trying to be all sexy and ... other activities invovling the butt area (though I don't know what that might be)...
  25. Is this only attached lighting on other avatars or all attachments? Does it affect any other lightf from other sources?
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