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Darrius Gothly

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Everything posted by Darrius Gothly

  1. Do you know what changes caused the refusal to save? Meaning, can you narrow it down to a precise block of the Script? If so, try grabbing just that section and put it into a new Script and see if it has the same effect. Near as I know the Save process causes the Script to be compiled to P-Code. If you've discovered a compiler-crasher of some sort, it would be helpful to identify exactly what sequence of code is doing it.
  2. Abeera, most employers are looking for people that can read and follow instructions. They also want people that can use their own effort to find and learn things. It's called Initiative. By posting this off-topic question you have shown you did not do either of those two things. If it is because you do not speak English, I suggest you find one of the International Forums for your native language ... and then READ for a bit before you ask. International Forums
  3. Can we have one more .. please? There's some times when after reading a post that you really wanna give a HUG to someone.
  4. Isn't anyone gonna talk about the elephant in the zoom?
  5. I'm male. The only acceptable vegetable is ... I make them in my TOASTER OVEN!
  6. Why does it sound like there's a movie in there somewhere? Yo! Disney! Are ya paying attention?
  7. I don't do a lot of flying around, so I have a question. On private parcels you can set an option called "Allow Object Entry" with various values. One of those is "Anyone" meaning things like boats and airplanes and other rezzable things can enter onto the Parcel. If you are banned though, I would expect any objects you own to also be rejected. But that's a theory as I've not really tried it. Years ago, as a goofy afternoon project, I built a "Follower". It would constantly monitor the location of its Owner then politely fly a few meters behind and above. It would be a pretty simple matter for someone to take that same concept, only program it to fly in front of the Owner by about 10-20 meters. If you are flying and suddenly see your "Point Guard" stop dead or worse vanish then you'd know you're not allowed there. This is only theory as I've not experienced the actual effects of bans and object entry but .. it's maybe possible?
  8. I was introduced to Adam Lambert by an SL friend. This is one of his that still makes my butt wiggle:
  9. You can configure your SL Viewer (Firestorm at least, not sure of the official one) so that it sends a reply. But if so then it lets the creep know he's making an impact. That only redoubles his perverse maniacal drive. It lets him know that he IS affecting his victim, which is sweets to his cravings. It is that craving, that deranged need to hurt others, demean others, ruin pleasure for others, that is his reward. When you "play dead" by simply muting then showing no change in behavior whatsoever, you starve him. He can only go hungry for a while. Once he learns he gets no food, no reward from his current victim, he will find another that will feed him. If you can configure your Viewer so that it gives no indication when an IM is blocked using the "Only Friends/Groups" setting then this is a workable strategy. But I'll leave it to others more knowledgeable in those settings to give the final say-so. Bottom-line Cara? You have to choose which path to follow out of his swamp.
  10. You are on the right path then. It will take time of course, and he will try every trick he's learned to pry you out of your quiet space. His is not an overnight endeavor. Most likely he has been finding suitable victims and abusing them for years. But always remember that YOU are the one holding all the power here. YOU are the one that controls what happens because YOU are the one that controls what YOU do. Time to find a mirror, look at the person inside that silvered glass, and give her a smile. She's doing good with the first steps toward shooing away that annoying pest.
  11. I know this probably sounds like a "get over it" answer, but I promise it's not. Most of these serial harassers get off on the reaction they inspire in you. As long as you show signs of being offended, if you run away or worse yell/curse at them, they will continue their pursuit. I've always found the best response is to simply Mute the most recent incarnation and then carry on as if nothing had happened. I grant you, this does not always work. But if you can muster the discipline to just let it roll off your back .. this method has proven to be the most effective.
  12. // Comment // Comment more // Comment a LOT // Comment beyond sanity When "in the moment" code can just flow like water off your fingertips. But 3 years from now when you need to tweak it just that wee tiny bit ... ??? ----------------------------------- Version Management This is more a management technique than coding, but I think it can be helpful. As I am modifying / developing a script, I will often grab a copy into my Inventory. It helps me recover from those dead-end wild ideas. If I suddenly discover I've gone and done something totally stupid, I can just pull back a saved copy and save myself trying to unwind that "Great Idea!" I also begin each coding session by adding a new Notecard at the top of the Inventory Folder holding my developing code. I then rename the Notecard something like: --- 2017-08-18 ----------------------- I will also sometimes throw version numbers and times into the name. That way I get a good idea what happened when. It provides a handy chronological history of a script's development process.
  13. Trust me, absolutely nothing to fear. Absolutely nothing at all. TRUST me ...
  14. Oooohh!! Now THAT's a neat feature. I hadn't discovered that. Thank you LittleMe. (Does this mean I owe you some cookies now? Are they still the common currency here?)
  15. Sending Strength, Hope, Love and Prayers to our neighbors and friends in Barcelona, Spain.
  16. I just reread this paragraph. I think I need to more clearly state my proposal. The Admin Fee is levied only after an item has been removed from the Seller's store as a result of following the various rules and laws against scams, fraud, theft, IP Infringement, etc. LL won't be charging an Admin Fee on the violated item, they will be charging an Admin Fee on all the OTHER items the Seller has for sale. If it was an innocent mistake and a Seller inadvertently listed a fraudulent item for sale, the penalty charged will most likely be miniscule but memorable. But if the Seller is indeed a repeat offender, the Admin Fees will increase and eventually reach a point where they completely overwhelm any ill-gotten profit the fraudulent Seller was hoping to make. It's also quite conceivable that every Seller get one Mulligan (a forgiven oopsie). This is akin to the Insurance Industry's recent feature of offering "Accident Forgiveness" where your first accident does not trigger an increase in your premium.
  17. Okay, here we go anyway. The "5% Tax" (as you call it) isn't income. It's actually a decrease in expenses. L$-based fees they charge are future money they don't have to pay out to Residents that cash out L$ to real-world currency. I am well aware that the recovered expenses are quite sizable and are a major item on LL's Balance Sheet. But I believe the minor amount gained from an "Admin Fee" strategy such as I have proposed would NOT be enough to make them rewrite their rules or break laws. Yes, they are a greedy private entity. But they are not a Law Enforcement Stupid enterprise. BTW: "Gits & Shiggles" .. got me shiggling too.
  18. On the contrary. When LL removes an item from the Marketplace there are very strict rules and, in some cases, laws that they have followed. Dakota Linden could probably provide a more fullsome explanation of the process, but I know there is a strict process. I also know that LL is obligated to keep their actions and reasons confidential. They cannot and will not notify the Reporter that actions were taken. And they cannot make it obvious that a particular Seller is under Sanctions. I did not assert that inexpensive items are automatically stolen or illegally obtained. I made the assertion that CopyBotters mark their items with insanely low prices to overcome the "too good to be true" instinct in wary shoppers. It also has the double benefit of getting LL to give them money without taking any for themselves. So it's a form of "sticking it to the man". As I said just above, LL must follow strict rules and in some cases laws before removing a Seller's item from the Marketplace. They are not known for willy-nilly removals. If anything the opposite is true. Since L$ Admin Fees are not really money in their pocket (please let's not start THAT discussion from here) I sincerely doubt they would suddenly turn into a money-grubbing criminal enterprise of their own. Caution is one thing, but paranoia is quite out of place here.
  19. (If there is a way to do this and I'm just being male, please help me find it.) I see buttons/widgets that allow me to mark the whole Site as "Read". And I see how to mark an individual Forum as "Read". But I don't see a way to mark the intermediate level, Forum Category, as "Read". Could one be added so that I can quickly dispense with unread posts in all the Forums within a Category that do not interest me? Thank you.
  20. Okay, now that I have your attention: There has long been this ongoing battle between legitimate Sellers and Scammers/CopyBotters. Linden Lab is quite honestly too swamped to effectively police the entire Marketplace. From time to time a Seller will stumble across one of their items being resold, often for a pittance, by someone that either stole it, CopyBotted it, or is just plain scamming the unwary customer. The scam seller will often put a bargain basement price on items so even the most wary of shoppers will buy it anyway. So here's an idea: When a Seller has an item flagged and removed for nefarious reasons (IP Infringement, Obvious Scams, etc.) each sale of ANY other item from the Seller's store will be assessed a small "Administrative Fee". For example, if something is being sold for L$7, the usual commission is L$0 ... LL makes nothing. But if the Seller has been "corrected" by having items removed via LL's Administrative actions then any item the Seller sells will have an automatic Admin Fee of, for example, L$2. The Admin Fee could last for a week ... the first time. Additional "corrections" will extend that time. At some preset threshold the Admin Fee will be doubled. Continued abuse, continued malfeasance by the Seller will continue to double the fee and extend the term of the assessment period. The idea is that eventually the Seller will no longer be making any money AND Linden Lab will be able to recover some of their expenses in having to police the Marketplace. There won't be any overt indication that the Seller is being assessed the Admin Fee. From the "outside" things will appear as normal. But the Scammer will eventually get the message that their actions are netting them nothing but excess work with no payoff. Anyway .. it's just an idea. Feel free to blow giant craters in it. I'll be happy to add it to my ever-growing list of massively malfunctioning ideas.
  21. MASSIVE KUDOS to LL Staff then. Good to hear! Keep us posted. (and Whirly too)
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