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Darrius Gothly

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Everything posted by Darrius Gothly

  1. Already did, but thank you for checking. I spent over 30 hours offline scanning with two different AV products; one installed and one online. I linked to that issue from http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/scripting/73892-maps.html When the JIRA page loaded, it suddenly went to a bogus page at http://13-333x00000v02-virus.com/en/?id=KzEgKDg3NykgOTk0LTI1MzI Whether the auto-redirect came from the SL JIRA or from the sluniverse page I do not know. But I figured it would be good form to let someone know.
  2. I was recently chasing an issue with Region Map tiles and found a JIRA post about a problem with maps.secondlife.com. When I tried to open the JIRA Issue, I was greeted by a JavaScript hack that suddenly diverted my browser (Chrome) to a bogus web page, insisted i call Microsoft immediately and provided a bogus phone number. Fortunately my antivirus stomped on any automatic download/launch code, but it still left some artifacts and forced me to spend more than a day offline scanning everything. (Yes, I'm that paranoid.) The JIRA Issue was at (DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK!!!): https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4811? Yo SL JIRA folks: Can you please investigate and purge the offending item from this issue? Thank you.
  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: Oh FFS! Lord .. give me strength ...  Clearly you didn't hear him the day he hooked a hangnail in them fancy boots he wears. LOL
  4. Oh FFS! Lord .. give me strength ...
  5. Elvina Ewing wrote: <snip> ... But yeah I would totally sign this petition! But since LL get a commission off of every sale on MP (which they don't with inworld sales) i suppose it is not in their interest to lose any sales, by giving us the tools to limit sales in any way... Not saying this is either right or wrong, but it does lead one to the supposition that it would also be counter to their incentives to rapidly remove stores full of items clearly and obviously stolen from legitimate Merchants. I HAVE seen them pull stores down. I've also seen it take a week or more. I just keep thinking that since it seems Dakota (the Blessed Angel of SLM) is the only one posting in here .. it might also be a case of one brave soul tasked with the Chores of Sisyphus.
  6. In respect for others on this thread, and in light of the fact that you continue to personally insult me by claiming I'm so much worse at understanding English than you .. I hereby end my futile attempts to help you see your own bad habits. (BTW: That term "futile attempts" means something like "trying to explain air to a mouth breather...")
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: I'm way too good at this for you to take me on ETA: Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically (boldface added by me to prove .. ONCE AGAIN .. you claim some superior intellect simply to cover your lack thereof.) As others pointed out, 24fps can be due to bandwidth, video card or some other configuration problem. You claimed it was due ONLY to bandwidth because .. well you just inately know better. I "attacked" you because once again your answer was in a voice of "I know better than you idiots". Specifically your post was this: Phil Deakins wrote: To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps. That's a tone of voice that says "you're an idiot" followed by "and since I know better than you..." Once again your "smarter than anyone" voice proves me right. And yet again you make this claim of "Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically " Why are you so damn concerned about it Phil? Are you worried I MIGHT answer in some reasonable time, so you cut off the sensible reply time just in case? And yet, I have proven once again your high-handed "I'm right because I'm clearly smarter than anyone else" egotistical posts prove .. YOU are wrong. Now let's get back to why I'm REALLY attacking you .. shall we? Your answers are by far and away one of the primary reasons people NEVER post here again. You offend them, insult them and make them believe there is no useful help to be found here. Only derision, insults and an obvious sense of "you're too stupid to waste our time." YOU Phil are one of the major detractors. YOU Phil are one of the major reasons people leave without receiving any help. YOU Phil are an egotistical blow-hard SO HELLBENT on proving your own rightness that you lash out for no reason other than to prove you know best. As the old saying goes "Thou doth protest too much" Phil. If you were truly confident in your rightness, you'd be more than willing to allow reasonable response times. But do you? No, you grant a few minutes at most then SELF-DECLARE yourself the winner. I "attack" you because you damage, insult and belittle people for NO REASON other than to trumpet your tender ego. YOUR tender ego. Remember that Phil. The whole purpose of your posts is to prove to "everyone" (meaning yourself) that you are clearly more smart than anyone else posting on the Forums. Oh .. btw .. I allow you a good long time to post your replies. And why? Because you seem to need 3-10 edits to get it right. Me? I take my time and edit my reply before posting it .. to make sure I'm right BEFORE slamming out some angry reply. I think before I post Phil. You should try doing that too. It will save you posting blatant BS several times before you finally "get it right." PS: About 30 seconds after I hit post, if you haven't replied, it will prove I'm right. So clearly you are wrong and just too afraid to admit it. *giggling* ETA: Time's up Phil. You obviously didn't reply meaning I'm just too smart for you to tangle with. YOU LOSE! Again...
  8. Nope, You still owe the quotes of your own posts where you don't disparage others. Or have you realized you're wrong and just decided to try and ignore those?
  9. wherorangi wrote: yes. I am generally supportive of a MP banhammer i take Sassy's point earlier made. It is still the merchants shop. Regardless of how much the merchant may or may not pay the landlord for it in fees or rentals, including 0 fees/rents Me too. Since LL does have as much info about a single Avatar account as is possible .. and they're the ONLY ones that have the true info .. it would be very easy for them to offer a single name to be ban-hammered. It could even be done while "protecting" the real user's RL info. Protecting that RL info is probably where their biggest privacy concern lay too. The "tech" part CAN be done without "outing" someone that just happens to have angered a Merchant with no better reason for banning than "I don't like ____" (fill in the blank)
  10. (ETA: wherorangi .. this is not at you. It's just me being a crusty old codger .. and your post had the unlucky place last in the chain of posts. My apologies if it seems I was attacking you .. I was not) There really is only one entity capable and authorized to mete out the correct "punishment" for abuse of others. When serial abusers and criminals create Alt after Alt after Alt, they are the only ones to whom the necessary information is both visible and legal to use. (and now my personal opinion part...) But they are mired in the "Free Speech" insanity mantra that they feel bestows on them the POWER to ignore criminals because they are just exercising their 1st Amendment Rights under the US Constitution. Crimes are crimes. Our Founding Fathers never conceived that our citizens would hide behind the laws and ideals they set forth to make America a "better nation". (and my final personal opinion in this rant...) Linden Lab, you have a DUTY to protect your customers from the criminal acts of others. You must realize the RIGHT of Free Speech also carries a massive RESPONSIBILITY too. Please reconsider the insane "Resident to Resident" excuse and help your law abiding customers protect themselves. You DO have the power to make it happen. You just need to understand it is the right thing to do.
  11. It's easy for you to attack me personally Phil, and that's all well and good. You can claim I'm "losing it" to your heart's content as well. But you have yet to defend yourself by quoting your own words to prove to yourself and others that you do NOT attack others by calling them names, belittling them with personal slights, demeaning comments and an overwhelming tendency to adopt a sense of superiority. Do I need to quote how you called me inferior because I don't know anything about SEO, and yet I helped many achieve higher ranking in Search .. and you did nothing more than call me a failure? While you helped only yourself? (Yeah, I do ...) Yes Phil, if one were to believe you, they might arrive at the conclusion that I know zip about SEO. However once they see the larger truth, they would see that I helped many others gain sales, improve their incomes and did absolutely nothing except help many others of my fellow community members accomplish something they needed. While you withdrew yourself, claiming your own technical expertise .. and giving only yourself an advantage in a selfish, morally bankrupt show of self-aggrandisement. My record, my customers, my friends don't need to add their support for me Phil. But perhaps you should consider your own "contributions" to the community. while you should consider how YOU look to others Phil Deakins wrote: You really are being silly, Darrius. Apart from the fact that I do have technical expertise in some fields (programming and search engines are relevant here - not self-proclaimed - actual fact), my arguments don't often fall apart and, if they do, I say so. Only yesterday I admitted an error when it was pointed out. Ok, so you read my posts. In that case, try to understand them. The one you picked on this time was perfectly good. The post you chose to critcise was accurate in its entirety, and the specific sentence you chose to criticise wasn't even slightly critical of anyone, and it was accurate, and yet you criticised me for it. It seems like you are waiting for something to find fault with, but you chose the wrong thing on this occasion I write plenty of things that can be found fault with but the sentence in the post you chose was not one of them I don't know why you've suddenly taken a dislike to me. Maybe you are still smarting at my search engine expertise when we were both doing it here and you were a novice. Maybe you didn't like anyone being better than you, or knowing a lot more than you, especially since were selling your (lack of) expertise and I was not. I don't know. What I do know is that your post that I'm replying to is garbage. But I'm sure you know that What I "know" is that your post .. the one I replied to .. was once again couched in terms that made the person sound like a fool. Not that they were, they simply posted what they thought was a possible reason. Your words COULD have been a polite disagreement (as others did). But instead they once again sounded like a personal attack with no useful content. Phil, I was not silent because I was "wrong" .. that is once more your assumption that you are more right than anyone else. I simply took my time to handle my own personal needs, RL needs not personal ego needs. As to why I have suddently decided to take issue with you. TBH I am sick of watching you slam others only to post in ways that stroke your own over-blown ego. I am, for reasons you will never fully comprehend, DONE with allowing you to execute egotistical "takedowns" with no purpose that helps the wider community. I am done being "nice" to you. Especially when "nice" is a moral ground you have never employed yourself.
  12. *gentle smile* To me (and to many others) your words .. posted not to me but to many others .. say all that need be said. By all means Phil, continue on in your beliefs. I will continue to be comfortable with mine.
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: Don't be so silly, Darrius. Alright, he needs EITHER faster broadband OR a better graphics card. Please note that I was not critical about him needing something better. I was critical about him not understanding SL. Also note that you were critical of me because you failed to understand a perfectly simple, short, English sentence. So get off your high horse and read what's in front of your eyes. Oh, I read it Phil. I read ALL of your posts. I read how you use subtle language and disparaging remarks to slam others. You do so from a self-proclaimed position of technical expertise. And when you are bested, your arguments fall apart because you don't bother to consider the ENTIRE argument, you redouble your personal attacks. I'm not being silly Phil, I'm being the HONEST that no one else seems willing to be. Now I challenge YOU to go read your own posts ... read them carefully .. and see for yourself how you deride and insult others. So STOP IT! Limit your comments to topic. EDIT your replies before you hit post and strip them of personal derision.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps. No Phil. Once again you have demonstrated your own self-centered "truths" without the slightest consideration for what others go through. 24fps is not a sign of slow bandwidth, it is a sign of a video card that is older and cannot generate faster frame rates. Not everyone has the ability to upgrade their video card just to obtain faster frame rates. The cost of the card .. only a few hundred dollars (in USA money) to you .. is the cost of a month's worth of food or medicine or possibly even rent to others. Your surplus of cash is YOUR surplus .. but for some of us it is more than we can spare because we have needs of higher importance. So get off your high horse. Consider that others do not have the luxuries you have .. and try to be more understanding of those without your benefits. You just might find that compassion for others is a virtue that can serve you well.
  15. I live in a part of the USA where many people use their religion as "justification" for their hatred. They pick and choose passages from various religious books then use those words to claim "this is why..." But when I, as someone with a discerning mind, listen to their "justification", I seem only to hear more hatred. Hopefully you too will notice the most important message in my previous paragraph is that I made no reference to any specific religion. That is because I hear unreasoning hatred in hateful people that belong to every religion .. hatred and a misguided sense of superiority is not the exclusive property of ANY belief system. So to me, when I hear anyone say "don't you see the difference?" My answer is now and will always be .. "No. Hatred is just that .. hatred .. and it has NO place in the world of love, peace, and our better angels." --------------- To our Brothers and Sisters in EVERY part of the World subjected to the pain of loss .. My heart, my hand, my love and hope that tomorrow will bring us all the healing we so desperately need.
  16. I have to ask: What is the cause of such over-the-top reactions from Merchants and Customers alike? Is it because they have so much at stake? Or is it more closely related to the tendency of people to just go super-emo in any online exchange? Open Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine .. whatever online forum or outlet you wish .. and you'll see post after post from people with no real "face" going to the top of their emotional range over the tiniest of things. Second Life by its very nature is designed to provide a wall between the real person and their avatar. But that alone should make us even more responsible for our words and actions, not less. We either have to get control of ourselves, bring our level of rhetoric and emotional nuclear warfare down .. or we risk losing all value in our opinions. As you pointed out so clearly, there is the growing tendency to disregard the opinions of others simply because "everything is just emo-bs". (my words) The only way to fix this? You control yourself. (Not @ you entity0x .. @ everyone) WE control what we post, what we say, what we show to others. If WE don't stop using the ultimate weaponry in every confrontation, before long there will be nothing left but radioactive waste and a world filled with hatred. (soapbox off)
  17. Phil, Try retaining more than the sentence your eye is resting on now. Once you've managed to put my entire premise into your brain all at the same time .. let me know. Until such time, please refrain from asking me the same question I've answered 10 times before IN THIS THREAD!
  18. Qie Niangao wrote: Well, actually... the physics engine on the sim will notice the collision and halt progress through the parcel, even if the viewer can't see what it's run up against. That's not to say the sim logic couldn't change to make phantom the traveller and vehicle for the extent of the parcel (or maybe phantom except for the ground surface). There's all sorts of special-case code in the sim already for sat-upon objects, so making it all parcel-setting-specific wouldn't need to be a big problem. Unfortunately, though, this all assumes the landowner would use this sparkly new feature instead of the good ol' tried-and-true methods of torturing would-be passersby. Some might. But as we know, the vast, vast majority of landowners don't do any of this, so the target here is very selectively self-sampled for paranoia and bloodlust. These are mostly the people who would take your child's ball if it strayed into their back yards, out of pure cussedness. Practically speaking, at this point, the only real hope of improving the situation is to continue in threads like this reinforcing the fact that obsessively demanding "property" rights over virtual "land" is simply bonkers. "Cussedness" LOL Cain't say zackly how many yarns itz been since i heared that'un! But it fits! So really the proper solution would be to implement a new LSL library call: llTeleportToHellForever ...
  19. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: WAIT A MINUTE!!!! It's not Friday.. This thread is 3 days early. Early-bird discount?
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: So you're flying along across this 'empty' plot of land, minding your own business, when you suddenly come to a bone-crunching stop! What will you do? Explore this invisible force field to see how far it extends, and/or what shape it is, thereby staying longer than you would have done if you could have seen it was there in the first place? Maybe you'd let out some well-chosen expletives against the owner, for making you crash when you're perfectly happy to fly around any visible obstruction. Just a thought The only reason you stop now is because your Viewer says "according to the data set I received there's an object in the way." But if the Sim Server has lied to your Viewer and said there is nothing there, you won't stop, you won't come to a bone crunching halt. You'll just fly right on through without ever realizing that some other virtual model of that space had things in it. The model you see? The dataset your Viewer uses? Empty and devoid. "Groove on down .. groove on down the roooooooh ode..."
  21. The whole "bringing my inventory into Sansar" thing is perhaps where the misperception arises. I use it as a way of saying "we stand on a peak now, but turn back into the valley and call it progress." I see SL as a whole lot more than most people do I guess. Sure, I see the limitations of the tech, how framerates and video cards keep people from enjoying it in some fashion. But I also am capable of seeing the artistry embodied in its simple beauty. Like those amazing artists that can draw three curvy lines and make you see a wind-swept beach with two lovers walking hand-in-hand .. Second Life has a complexity and depth that is belied by its clunky interface. Sansar is just another iteration of a clunky interface. Updated, compartmentalized to make it easier to develop, and restricted to make it financially successful .. they hope. But instead what it is becoming and where it will end up is just another half-step down the wrong road. The richness that can be communicated with three simple lines is there .. everywhere in SL. Linden Lab has the unique position of owning it outright. And they have the opportunity to grow it into the new VR world in sensible stages. But once again they have opted to discard all of that beauty, promise and richness .. and focus on stuffing whiz-bangier tech into old boxes. "Throwing away your inventory": and "Discarding existing customers" are just examples (to me) of how they are ignoring their leadership position in favor of doing neat techie stuff because the toys look kewl. Kewl techie toys last as long as it takes to turn out the next revision. But grand ideals? Bigger goals and lofty visions? Those are things that outlast generations of human beings. Just like Gutenberg and Ben Franklin who saw the invention and use of printing presses as world changing things, I think we all can see how VR can change the world too. We just gotta stop messing with wires and code .. and start chasing the real beauty at the core of the idea.
  22. wherorangi wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: When Philip first envisioned Second Life, he had this head full of grand ideas about a Utopian World where everything was free, everything was possible and eventually the rest of the world would catch up technologically and philosophically. We caught up in the Tech sense, mostly caught up in the Philosophic sense .. and pretty much turned his Grand Plan into daily activity. But it was more than a decade ago that he first tasked his team with making Utopia. Since then the forces of Business, Finance and Reality have been steadily grinding it down, further and further. While not necessarily a "bad thing'', it has had some side-effects that we now see evident in Linden Lab's decision making process. i just come in on this part from a philosphical pov, in a visionary sense that has a profound effect on the future shaping of the human race, then I will not disagree with the basis of your point is the kinda thing that sorta goes: reach for the stars, spend trillions of dollars and hours consuming the efforts of the best and brighest people that the world has to offer, and end up with a mobile phone can be a little bit disappointing that after all the last 70 years about, then we never got to the stars already. Yet the mobile phone (and apps on it) has changed/shaped the world quite profoundly from each users own unique pov. And for the better I think. Far more so than a handful of astronauts who maybe might have made it to another star somehow + what will the future of VR actually be ? We dont know. What we do know tho is that whatever does come out of it will be driven by the choices that the most number of users make, as it benefits them personally a similar philosophical posit when considering/wondering/searching for big answers. Why is FB so big, and SL so small comparatively ? the simplist explanation is that more people see an actual personal realworld benefit for themselves in FB. 1.3 billion active users vs 1 million (about). Is a reality this. Might not be great reality, but is what people have chosen for themselves + i think also that something that we can sometimes miss when wondering about the future of VR is that people just arent into it i think is mostly bc people cant see any practical realworld benefit in it for themselves at this time. Other than maybe as a form of entertainment, exotic entertainment even maybe. There might be a practical VR benefit one day, but they dunno what the might be, might be. And nor do the people pioneering this stuff, at this time in a we dunno what we dunno sense. So just have a go, make something and see what happens LL in this sense is no different to anyone else. They dunno either, so they just having a go at making something, and what happens will happen. Can be a bit fatalistic this way of doing things. But sometimes there is no other way + about Philip Linden His vision for SL as vehicle for a alternative future for humankind, was over when nobody who was paying the tiers accepted his philosophical view that without conflict there is no life. The people never saw any point or benefit for them in paying for conflict just to live Philip Linden I think did try to accommodate/resolve this in his own thinking over the next few years. But he gave it up in the end, and walked away from SL, his own creation, as the vehicle to express his own philosophies. I think that he was not able to fully reconcile this with the fact the most number of SL users/people disagreed with him on this pretty fundamental philosophical point, and find happiness/peace in this for himself i think he realised and came to accept, that we (the users) had changed SL into something other/different than what he had hoped for and envisaged. In a from stars to phone kinda analogy + i can tell you about the only ever time I met Philip Linden personally was inworld and was only by random bc I only went there just bc nosey. Was only for about 30 minutes altogether Torley Linden was there as well to start with. Was pretty interesting what they were talking about. Philosophy and the implications of this for humankind after Torley Linden had to go them I spend some little time with Philip Linden alone. Was pretty interesting for me what he did and said, how he responded to the questions I asked him my questions were: how come you have a mansion and yet you sitting up here on this hill ? His answer: The mansion was a gift from a friend. It is a lovely thought and they are a very talented builder how come your island is owned by M Linden and not by you ? His answer: I was wondering the same thing myself you know that your feet are stuck in the rock you are sitting on ? His answer: So they are. I will have to do something about that and he did. He changed the sculpt map to a log. So I just sit beside him on the log for a while and never said nothing more after that like I never asked him why did he do what he had just done (leave SL) and what now ? He already had answered that in the 3 questions I already asked, so I didnt want to bother him any further he never said nothing either after that. We just sit there quiet silent watching people coming and going into the mansion. Nobody came up by us some little time later he said he had to go do stuff in the RL. I say ok, take care and be happy. And he say ok. thanks. you too. bye bye. And cool name btw. And poof he was gone. And I never saw him again forever more forever after i hope that he is happy with what he is doing now ps Torley Linden took a pic of that day. So I end up in it. I delete that account after that bc some people saw the pic on the internets and thought that maybe I knew something about stuff I never. Was just a random thing that happened, among all the other random stuff that happens when we a little bit nosey sometimes I absolutely love your story about meeting Philip Linden. It embodies everything that makes SL so special .. the complete ordinariness of it. If we reach for the stars and manage only to snag a mobile phone out of it .. I'm okay with that. We at least reached for the stars. And we also took the whole industry forward in a way we might not fully understand yet. Steve Jobs was good at seeing where we could go, and he was enough of a bully to make people go do it no matter what. Linden Lab has behind them several failed ventures where they tried to figure out how to force-fit SL into the mold created by Facebook. They keep seeing that market (1.3 billion users is a big lure after all) as the place they need to go. They also realize what you pointed out, they only have a million or so users. So they opt for the safe play and forsake their unique advantages in order to make a short-term buck. More than 15 years ago Philip took a leap of faith, powered by a dream, and it's only just now starting to come to an age and maturily level where it can grow again. We are standing here on the precipice of the next revolution in human computer interactions .. and the vanguard company that should be leading the way is instead making more coloring books for toddlers. I see a possible world where you and I .. and Philip too .. can sit on that log in full 3D simulated reality, taking about having our feet in the dirt or our house on the hill. Except instead of seeing a flat 2D representation of those things, we will all share it in ultra-realistic visual engagement. Philip will be able to reach out his hand and push down the rock or the dirt and set his feet free. All three of us will stand up and walk toward the house on the hill. We will move things, build things and interact with things in incredibly ordinary ways. We will be super people with super powers .. doing absolutely nothing super or special .. just living together in a world we all see and perceive as real but totally separated from our own physical locations. The FUTURE of 3DVW isn't about the special powers or functions or features it has, but in the ordinary, regular everyday stuff we do that make it super realistic for all of us. Linden Lab is once again trying to find some way to force fit VW & VR into an already existing paradigm just to make a buck. But in the process they are forsaking their chance to make the ordinary .. ordinarily realistic. And they will fail once again because the buying public isn't looking for a whiz-bang new toy .. they are looking for a way to put their feet up on an ottoman, listen to some favorite tunes .. and do it in an ultra-realistic world with their friends from every corner of the globe. They are writing a script that VR must follow, when the ultimate "script" begins and ends with "absolutely anything you want to do without leaving your chair."
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