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Darrius Gothly

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Everything posted by Darrius Gothly

  1. When children are very little and don't know better, you tell them "don't touch that, it's hot" .. and then they touch it anyway. But they are children and they learn better. WTF are people who live on the coasts and have seen the disasters Mother Nature wreaks doing acting like dumb children that do not learn from being burnt horribly? There just isn't enough shake in the world to shake my head enough to get over this ... *sigh*
  2. Absolutely gorgeous. Well worth the 75000 shots.
  3. HOT DANG!! Well done Rhonda. Glad to hear you are alive .. and with a computer that now has a good bit of "personality". Be honest now, it's not really YOURS until you put a few dings and dents into it .. right? *wink wink*
  4. Welcome to the land of "Real" people. Now, as the newest member, you have to buy everyone a drink. I'll take a whiskey and soda please.
  5. Please! Make sure you are in a safe place. Real water is a whole lot meaner than virtual water.
  6. I am praying the hard drive's auto-lock kicked in and slammed the heads back into their park position before the shock could do any damage to the platters. The fact that the monitors went gray before contact with the floor would lead me to believe the "damage" was pre-impact. Is it possible the cat's feet used internal parts for that extra panic launch? Bottom line? My butt is clenched tight just reading your account. I'm gonna sacrifice a few 3-1/2" floppies to the Puter Gods on your behalf .. JIC.
  7. It's the new Sharper Image store .. for rustic locales.
  8. Gonna take a wild guess ... you're not going to be into cute cat videos for a while, huh? On the serious side: Time for what we used to call TLC. Take off the cover, remove and reseat all the cards, unplug and replug all the connectors, vacuum out all the fans .. plug it all back up and ... PRAY!
  9. Digging through some clothing folders, reacquainting myself with what I have to wear...
  10. Don't worry, your secret is safe with us. HEY GUYS! DID YOU HEAR ABOUT ...
  11. Finally .. a stable existence once again. Vid card arrived, installed, drivers loaded .. and I can STAY for more than 30 seconds.
  12. I hope he left a few L$ for the drink! At least!
  13. There are few things as sad as a dusty piano, the wood baked dry from the summer heat of a warehouse, keys dull from the absence of loving fingers .. and a voice still clear but painfully out of key. Dangit Maddy .. now I'm all melancholy. I need a kitten .. QUICK!
  14. A while back LL dangled the idea of creating an OAUTH interface so that 3rd party apps could access private details of a user's account without exposing their password or allowing unfettered access (such as transferring funds, etc.). At the time I thought it would be a great idea so that a system/service could be created that would allow archiving of transactions. It could also be used to pull and format tax reports, income statements, basically a whole raft of things to make business people in SL more productive. Sadly that idea never saw fruition. But I still think it would aid a lot of folks. Also I notice the the Marketplace seems to hold onto transactions forever. Granted the transaction volume is way lower than the main L$ transactions but still .. more than 32 days would be helpful. Even 90 days would be a benefit to many.
  15. Avatars aside, I gotta admit that some of the locations and backgrounds you people choose are massively interesting. The creativity and attention to the finest of details ... just WOW! Thank you all for sharing.
  16. I hear you, and I'm in a very similar boat. My life has been pockmarked by medical "events" and the associated period of healing afterward. Each one of them has altered or diminished my physicality, at times dramatically. But the act of "healing" is the body's attempt to restore full physicality. Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes not so much. And yet even when massive chunks of our flesh or brain matter have been carved out or rendered useless, our bodies still fight every day to repair, restore and carry on. It is one of the most wondrous things about being alive IMO. Second Life is, to me at least, a form of healing. Especially on those days when parts of me that used to work won't or don't, Second Life becomes that place where I can once again stand fully erect, walk for miles, dance until the sun comes up .. and have the same handsome chiseled features I once believed I had in real life. It heals my soul, my spirit and gives me a desire to keep going. It gives me the chance to be with people that don't judge my alterations or imperfections .. they just judge "Me". And yet still ... I crave touch, smell, sound, taste. I am, even when fully immersed, still a human being, a thinking sensory machine. And without those attendant other senses, the healing is only partially successful. (Damn this got heavy. Nevuh mind. I need some coffee ...)
  17. And did you wear anything interesting before the swap?
  18. I must say, I do admire your sense of self-restraint.
  19. ROFL!! Okay, I know I'm late to this but .. since your initial post appeared TWICE, and that usually happens only if you click twice on the Submit button .. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that your mouse is double-clicking. Of course another possible solution is an internet glitch that causes the data packet to be duplicated, both of which are accepted and enacted. In any case, I started this reply before reading the rest of the posts, so I'll do that now. ... OMFG!! Please everyone that has posted here, just assume I gave you all LOL Reactions. I literally have tears running down my cheeks .. mainly cuz I've done stuff like that too! If memory serves, double-clicking an object can also cause you to wear it. Also with some mesh and complicated geometry wearable accessories, the actual "collision space" can be quite a bit larger than what you think. But whatever the real reason .. to me .. this is one of those things that make Second Life so absolutely PRECIOUS! I mean, seriously, who cannot laugh at having worn a house, or an animal? Who cannot laugh at derezzing the skybox you're standing in? Who cannot laugh at accidentally returning an entire Sim's worth of stuff with one click? Well .. I mean laugh AFTER you've thrown your coffee mug across the room anyway. *blush* Just sayin'...
  20. The visual sense is by far the highest bandwidth of our primary senses. Thus it's no surprise to me that most sensory technologies have focused solely on what we see and how to simulate or replicate it. But until such time as we have developed technologies that can hijack the other senses the way VR hijacks our vision, IMO we will not reach a point of 100% disconnection from physicality. I mean, ask yourself, do these sentences evoke something in you that just cannot be replicated with mere VR or other visual stimuli: The smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning waking you up... The sound of children playing on a warm summer afternoon... The feel of freshly laundered sheets as you crawl between them.. The first bite of Mom's very best meal after a long absence from home.. Yes, your mind "went there" as you read them. But did you really experience them? Would you be happy living, even for a short time, in a world where you could not also truly experience them? Once technology hijacks our full sensory perceptions .. and I mean FULLY .. we humans will still always be anxious to get back to our physical bodies at some time or another. IMO anyway.
  21. Where are you trying to see it?
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