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Darrius Gothly

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Everything posted by Darrius Gothly

  1. Rya Nitely wrote: Edit to say: Oh, and I have to use the larger font because I hate the small print. It hurts my eyes. I wish they would default to 12pt instead of 10 pt. Under the My Settings options, I believe there is an option to set the desired font size. The default is Medium. You might want to change it to Large.
  2. One of my clients is having a horrible problem with a neighboring Sim/Parcel on Mainland. The client owns all but a single 1024 sqm parcel on their Mainland Sim. Next to them is another Sim with a Parcel adjoining theirs. Approximately every two minutes a Prim owned by one of the group members that owns the adjoining parcel will appear on my client's Object List (under the About Land Objects info window). I visited there today and wrote a simple LSL script to detect when the prim appears, and sure enough it does cycle on and off. They made me an Owner of the Land Group and I made sure their Land Options were set to prevent Object Entry and Object Creation for anyone except Group Members. I also double checked and the owner of the intruding prim is NOT a member of their group. I have never seen a situation where a prim can be rezzed against Land Options or moved onto a Sim/Parcel against Land Options ... but sure enough it is happening. The client has IM'd the prim owner and they are completely clueless as to what it might be. Because it only lasts a few seconds, it is not possible to identify it before it vanishes. I also suspect it is extremely small and possibly invisible too .. but that's just a theory. If anyone has experienced this problem as well and might have some information or ideas, please reply on this thread or send me an IM either in-world or here on the Community Forums. Many thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
  3. Josh Susanto wrote: "You don't want the Teleporter anyway, there's a bug in it." -Seth Brundle Hey now .. my teleporters will absolutely positively (most likely maybe not perhaps) turn you into a fly ... usually. LOL ... I think. PS: I loved that movie too. 8^)
  4. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: ... The company itself is an experiment in management style and forward thinking. That there will be successes and failures is a given. That the technology is still evolving is a given, no one else is leading this charge more than LL, all other efforts are very minor in terms of traction and users, when you bottom line it, pipe dreams aside. ... And yet, I can start a business in SL with zero investment and be successful. I know people who've done it and continue to do it? They understand the risks and continue anyway. And of course there are people that made a go of business and failed, there will always be more of those than successes. These two points bear closer discussion. The technology that drives SL is leading edge .. some would even say "bleeding edge" .. and that is well understood. But the technology and business methods that drive the commerce model extant here are not. There are 100's if not 1000's of prime examples all around the web of how to do things properly. I can totally understand those Sim Server rollouts that suddenly fail, but I cannot comprehend a failure to use all the fantastic examples already out there to make a Virtual Marketplace that is up to par. Experiment with the New Stuff ... but by all means stop reinventing the wheel for those things that are already well understood and implemented by others. Zero Investment? Pardon me?!? I doubt there is a single merchant here that has ever put a "zero investment" product up for sale .. and had anything come of it. For my products, hours and hours go into research, study, coding, building, tweaking, fixing, uploading, testing ... and all the other "ings" that go along with a new product. Perhaps that is why LL is so cavalier about breaking the tools .. they feel that we are all zero-investment merchants so there is no loss to us. If so, that is totally and inexcusably the wrong assumption to make. So I'll put a challenge to you Mr. Shepherd ... trot out the names of those "Zero Investment Successes" and lets see how much of that Zero is really quite a bit larger than you make it out to be.
  5. Paladin Pinion wrote: However -- I do want the same reporting features as the ANS system currently provides. I believe that's Darrius' territory. Darrius, do we know anything about that yet? Unfortunately .. no. I do know that the ANS reporting is performed by the Magic Box itself, so once they vanish there will not be any ANS provided by them. I did mention to Brodesky that ANS was an absolute necessity, and he understood completely. (As evidenced by how much effort they put into making ANS work on the Marketplace.) I would love to see it extended some too. For example each resident now has three names: Avatar name (XXX Resident), Display Name (XXX NewnameLikeThis) and Username (xxx or xxx.oldlastname). There are some other fields that Marketplace provides that XStreet did not, so it would be nice to have those also available. So far I have not seen any "Project Definition" of any sort, so I'm just as much in the dark as anyone else. Here's hoping we get some sort of description or definition document soon though.
  6. Ohneil wrote: You can't stop content theft from Second Life unless they get rid of all (TPV) Third Party Viewers, and run a separate program which is updated once a week, and authenticated with Second Life, and SL Viewer which automatically update like for instance Divine Souls, or any other popular MMO title on the market. I'm going to single out this one comment .. because it is not correct. TPVs can continue to flourish because their main benefit is their UI, the features they provide and their particular mix of functionality. All of these are completely separate from the act of "Copybotting". LL can create a verified and encrypted "interface component" that all TPVs must use to access the SL Servers. That component cannot be modified or manipulated and will ensure that any activities performed using it will be absolutely and undeniably traceable back to the exact user. In fact, the TPV makers can deliver their product without that component and require that users download it from LL directly. Yes, a TPV can then still copy off any in-world item. Yes, they can then use a pirate TPV to upload it again with their creator information. BUT ... The Copybotter will be absolutely known no matter which proxy or exploit they use. The Copybotter will not be able to create an Alt to perform more illegal acts. The Copybotter will be completely and undeniably banned from SL. The major problem with IP Theft these days is anyone can hide from LL. Simple tech tricks allow any ill-intentioned user to so completely disguise themselves that not even LL can tell who they are. However, once you strip off that shield and ensure LL knows who they are, takedowns will become permanent and legally actionable, consequences will be painful and verifiable ... and Copybotters will stop being able to hide without fear of reprisal.
  7. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: I don't have a clue on how to suggest to immersionists, fantasy players, roleplayers, escapists, anonymous fun players, and the list goes on and on (you know, those people who buy stuff to play with).....that they should create a Real Life account on Facebook, and tie their real life info with second life adventures, in order to find out what is going on inworld. Strongly oppose creating a RL acct. and tying the two together. Major mistake. Would NEVER set one of my friends or shoppers up for that risk. Hear Hear!! I don't have an FB account although my wife does. With all the info lately on how widespread your RL info gets spread, she has begun backing away from FB. I think it a big mistake to tie an imaginary virtual existence to a RL and permanent ID. Socialize .. sure. But expose to threat and risk the disclosure of info you CANNOT change with the click of a mouse? Not gonna happen.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: Mickey Vandeverre wrote: Even with some first page search slots, my traffic is as low as it ever has been, and I suspect that the redzone issue has something to do with that, because I'm doing the exact same things that I've always done. It's not the effect of redzone - it's the intentional effect of Linden Lab's unscrupulous practises. ... I wholeheartedly agree Phil and Mickey. Since the change to In-World Search on Feb 15th, the bulk of my sales are now coming from the Marketplace. As was pointed out elsewhere, some products make this transition perfectly, some fare okay .. but some fall flat in a 2D and non-functional presentation. Since my product line is based on "Neat Stuff That Works", sales of functional items from the Marketplace are nearly non-existent. And if people want to see how the device works In-World, they have to hunt for that itty bitty link that says "See Item in Second Life" ... the one below the description, well disguised and virtually invisible. These two sales venues, Marketplace and In-World stores, CAN be cooperative partners. They CAN work together to help bolster sales all around. But to date the changes seem to be more competitive in a very cannabilistic way. The end result is they both suffer.
  9. Deja Letov wrote: I agree with everyone else. It would take much less work to get good results if the search actually worked. Or maybe LL meant for a "dance hud" to come up in the #1 position when you search for "gothic furniture"? Maybe? I think they did. After all, the latest updates to In-World Search now return the same goofy results. (e.g. Search for "Teleporter" and you get a Sculpt Kit seller and a Language School.)
  10. Don't shoot me for this but ... This would be a perfect and very legitimate use for a Copybot Viewer. (Transferring your "For Sale" inventory to an Alt) All you'd need to do would be to export the items you have for sale now, change their Creator/Owner info to that of your Alt, then import into the Alt's Inventory. Just remember not to DMCA yourself and you should be safe. ;^)
  11. Josh Susanto wrote: The fact that Xstreet had graphs that could be used to demonstrate whether marketing efforts were effective; graphs that have not been continued here, very strongly supports my hypothesis that LL knows that product enhancements can generally be demonstrated not to work efficiently in terms of their cost. You may very well be right Josh .. but if so, that's a sad situation. I should think that having demonstrable proof that enhancements are not providing value for their price would be an incentive (for many reasons) to fix them. Problems ignored are NOT problems fixed. I know that Brooke mentioned sales statistics as one of the features coming up soon in the Marketplace. Does anyone have a direct quote (from the most recent User Group meeting or elsewhere) that helps us pin down when they might be coming?
  12. Argus Collingwood wrote: BTW.. what does AIS stand for? Asset Inventory Server? Accidental Inventory Smashing? Automatic Invasion of Security? Amazingly Inconvenient Shopping? Sorry .. having a light-hearted moment. I haven't the slightest idea what AIS stands for. Personally I am a big proponent of Direct from Inventory Delivery. I do see some issues with it that have been mentioned many times before, and I am very hopeful the dev team has those firmly in mind as they get closer to rolling this out. But Thor's concerns are valid. We've seen a lot of "Really Good Ideas" go right off the edge and into oblivion before. When it comes to poking around in my personal (and dang well better be private) Inventory, I would seriously hate to find out that my private contents were inadvertantly delivered to someone because of a glitch in their system. The damage from that could be incalculable.
  13. You used to be able to file a Support Ticket requesting access. However those options are now missing from the Create a Support Ticket form. Dakota Linden was the person responsible for granting access. But first, check the main Forums list, click on the Private Forums and see if you already have access. If not then perhaps the best route is to contact Dakota.
  14. ALSO NOTE! In order to make your selection of Maturity Ratings "stick" you must log in. If you are still logged in (as I was) the setting will not stick. Log out then log back in and the Maturity Setting will stay as selected.
  15. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: This is pretty much the stance we take. The path of an entrepreneur being one of personal motivation and responsibility, the decision to work with SL as a platform is already a done deal. ... Once again Mr. Shepherd, you demonstrate the greatest weakness in your line of reasoning, that being a complete and self-imposed blindness toward the damage your "business partner" (SL) is doing to your efforts. The people that post against the changes are not saying "Oh woe is me, I don't know how to market successfully." They ARE saying "Please stop working against us!" For those people (and myself too), we also accept the "done deal" of working with SL as a platform. That decision is not in contention. What most irritates, and in the final analysis does the most damage, are the capricious and thoughtless changes TO that platform that do not benefit anyone. For example, changing the maximum size of Classified Ad text. What benefit did that achieve? Who benefitted from that change? What was the REASON it was implemented? Can you point to a statement, a transcript, a blog or any official document from LL that states why such a damaging change was made? No? Well neither can I. But I can point to hundreds of statements, posts and blogs that point out why that change should not have been made. We operate our businesses on this Platform. We accept that foundation from which to attempt our commercial success. But we object to changes that have no explicable reason, no discernible benefit ... and only damage as the measurable result. I demand you stop insulting the business people that operate in SL by calling them slackers, whiners and idiots. They are none of those. They ARE responsible, creative, intelligent and dedicated people struggling mightily to make the best of their efforts. Your position that they are just not trying hard enough is diingenuous and fallacious as they DO try hard. It is the counter-productive and senseless changes imposed on them for no apparent reason and no discernible gain that they call out against.
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: The Soul Skin page has a negative boost and can't be expected to rank at the top for a search on "soul skin" (without quotes). Their -1 Boost is because they have the word "skin" (and its variant "skins") repeated so many times in their Land Description. A -1 Boost that we see is not necessarily a bad thing as it can also be created by various "mistakes" in naming objects set to Show In Search .. and that is often not penalized by the GSA ranking process. When you search for "soul skins" (using quotes) they are ranked second of two results. The one above them is a much larger parcel (49360 sqm) with the term only found in their parcel objects, whereas Soul Skin is a fairly small parcel (5120 sqm) and the name appears in almost every object on their parcel. Just because we see a -1 Boost does NOT mean the page fed to the GSA also has that same Boost rating. There are many examples of parcels that rank highly yet still show a -1 Boost in the public HTML page. The fact that they show us one page then create a totally separate and completely different page (with completely different Boost and other ranking factors) is deceitful at worst and plain useless at best. How can that store owner hope to "fix" their problem unless they know why they are being penalized? (Phil, you and I know because we DO this stuff routinely. They're here to sell skins, not be SEO Gurus.)
  17. Opensource Obscure wrote: I need instead a technically reliable and up-to-date description of the problem. What do you suggest to read? Perhaps ... http://bit.ly/fTvOOm
  18. I'm quite happy with my RL appearance, and I just feel "odd" in an Avi that doesn't look like me, so I made my SL appearance as close to my RL as possible. However ... I fly in SL. I Teleport in SL. I lift massive structures with a single finger in SL. I build amazing floating structures in SL. However ... I am honest, respectful, goofy and at times very passionate ... just as in RL. So I guess my answer would have to be ... yes, both.
  19. Monavie Voight wrote: ... We are scanned every place we go ... The primary difference, IMO, is that what Facebook (and other such social networks) provide to those third party businesses are the things you place on their Service. You uploaded it first, you entered it first, you *gave* it to them to use .. thus they use it. But the latest uproar over RedZone and similar systems is they use a TRICK to take information from you. They exploit a security hole in what had been a very enjoyable experience (media playback) and use it to extract private information from you. If that's not bad enough, they then use this stolen info to infer a connection between private accounts on SL. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong ... but they *claim* they are absolutely correct and thus take permanent actions AND tell everyone in their user base that their wrong decision is actually correct. They are lying and they know it. It's not the scanning per se Monavie .. it's the combination of having private info stolen, distributed to others without permission or transparency, and the insistence that their failures are not failures.
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: If LL gave us any tools with which we could evaluate results, I might be more inclined to keep enhancements. Like, at least before we could see if any of those clicks resulted in sales. /me nods in full agreement. Show me that enhancements work, or at least give me enough information to make an informed decision. I don't like jumping off cliffs into dark crevasses ... nor do I enjoy throwing money at something without any rational appraisal of what it might return. Brooke, et al ... if you want us to buy more enhancements then by all means help us understand that they work.
  21. Lexie Linden wrote: I see what you are talking about. I will check on it. Thanks for pointing it out! Umm .. Lexie? I haven't the slightest idea who you are replying to. (gentle nudge toward the "Quote" button)
  22. I notice that at the top of the Messages Page for a Topic, the link that takes you back to the listing of Topics looks like this: However at the bottom of that same page, the link that does the same thing looks like this: (The red boxes are added by me to highlight the discrepancy) I know this is just a tiny wrinkle ... but ...
  23. yasmin Gant wrote: Umm, well i dont understand what you mean..For me as customer it is possible to change a review. I have the option to delete the review and after that i can write a new one.. This is exactly what a customer of mine just did ... deleted the old review and posted a new one. I did not know that was possible. I am glad he did, and I'm glad you do too. Thank you for posting this information yasmin.
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