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Darrius Gothly

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Everything posted by Darrius Gothly

  1. Pauline Darkfury wrote: My understanding of that is it turns the estate into a walled garden for AVs who are restricted to just one estate, they won't be able to interact in any way with AVs elsewhere on the grid. It'll be for the 13-15s who are being allowed to login, but only to private regions owned by their sponsoring estate (if they have a sponsoring estate, otherwise they can't login anywhere at present). So, innocent little Timmy's innocence will be spared from being given evil main grid content, until he turns 16. Ahhh .. gotcha. Well I'm a wee bit past 16 so I'm sure that won't apply (I hope!). I was curious because the issue I am experiencing acts like a limiter on IMs from in-world devices (except its current max allowed is zero .. LOL) Thank you Pauline.
  2. Oskar Linden wrote: Second Life RC Magnum This channel will keep the "Estate Transfer Limits" project for round 2. We are merging in more estates that have the potential to be impacted by this into the Magnum channel to have a more significant impact. This project implements adjusted behaviour limiting L$, IM, and object transfer for accounts who are limited to estates. 2011-03-16, 10:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/11 Could you please point me at a Wiki page, Release Note, Document, Jira or provide here a more detailed description of exactly what it means when "limiting L$, IM, and object transfer for accounts who are limited to estates"
  3. Oskar Linden wrote: The Magnum code that we promoted this week has been around for a few weeks on AGNI. The changes were minimal and we don't foresee any issues. That being said please bring any critical issues to my attention. __Oskar Oskar, I have become aware of an issue with RC Magnum I am no longer receiving Emails from IMs sent by scripted devices sent while I am offline. It is not a spam filtering issue, nor a preferences/communication settings issue (I receive offline IMs via email from other people just fine), nor is it a failure of the code (it occurs with devices I have scripted and also standard devices such as the Magic Boxes used for Marketplace). Please refer to the topic "My Question Was Closed But Not Solved ..." for further details.
  4. Nathan Zetkin wrote: My Marketplace is now in German. How do I change it back to English? In the upper left corner of the Marketplace home page is a link that says "Language". Make sure you log out, log back in (to the Marketplace) then set the desired language using that link. Once set, log out and log back in .. you should be good to go.
  5. Mariska Lysette wrote: I'm hesitating to suggest this because I'm no expert and you've probably already thought of this and discounted it but just incase... Have you tried using Phoenix - area search (using the prim owner's name in search field) and heading towards the red arrow? It may take a few goes to see the beam of light and if it's tiny it could take a few more to see it highlighted but it *might* work. *smacks forehead* I totally forgot about that feature. *groan* Thank you for jogging my memory. However, in the meantime the source of the prim has been found and removed. It turns out it was a Horse Scanner. Thank you all that contributed. Be well and safe.
  6. Paladin Pinion wrote: I think if I were really curious (and I probably would be) then I would expand the script a little. Have it not only detect the arrival of the prim, but also its location. Then go stand there and wait for it. If it isn't too awfully small, you should be able to see it, click and edit it. Once you've selected and edited it, it won't disappear until you close the edit dialog and you can see at your leisure who made it and what it is. Since you have about a minute to grab it before it disappears, this could work since you'd have it's exact coordinates and you'd know where to watch. Well .. see .. that's where I run into a wall. I can detect the prim using the llGetParcelPrimOwners call, but that doesn't get me the UUID or location of the prim. I'd have to scan for that, and because it could be showing up anywhere on their Sim .. that's a LOT of scanning.
  7. Elijah Jumanya wrote: I own about half of a mainland parcel and shortly after I bought it we kept having a single prim show up, we would auto return it and it would be back with in seconds. I was able to figure out who made the prim and found out it was a spy prim. When we IM'd the creator and told her that we would be pursuing legal action she immediately removed the item and it never came back. I also had a similar experience while renting a parcel on a private island estate. New neighbor moved in and shortly afterwards I started seeing one prim come and go periodically. I mentioned it to the Sim Owner/Landlord and he was able to track it down and "explain" it to the new resident. That prim stopped appearing within minutes. My client has contacted the prim owner, but he claims ignorance of what it might be .. and lacking any real evidence or the ability to snag it for inspection, we have to take his word on it. Through scripting I can identify when it appears, I just cannot locate it ... grrrr ...
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: Yes, but never do I leave the 'title'. *'title' in the States is the ONLY document of ownership. Thank you for proving my point. Keys .. registration .. but no title? Oh darn. They have possession and complete power to use or abuse your car as they see fit. When it comes time to assign liability, as the owner that would be yours. Now .. can we please get back to the topic of this thread? Do you have a solution for the problem stated in the OP?
  9. Storm Clarence wrote: I still can not get my head around why (in business) anybody should allow anybody else to 'own' what they 'own' if even for a moment; and especially in SL. I would not chose to make this practice part of my business model. But, that is me. Do you own a car? Have you ever taken your car in for service? Did you leave the keys and registration with the shop during that time?
  10. Storm Clarence wrote: I understand what you wrote - it is precisely that of which I am questioning. You mentioned Tech Support. I manage 127 cpu's - only me and my deceased mother has 'root' privilege. But, that is neither here nor there. I still can not get my head around why (in business) anybody should allow anybody else to 'own' what they 'own' if even for a moment; and especially in SL. I would not chose to make this practice part of my business model. But, that is me. My method was expeditious, effective and devoid of risk. I accomplished the goal in short order and did not waste a lot of time coaching the client thru the intricacies of creating a new role, assigning that role with sufficient abilities to make the necessary checks or adjustments, inviting me into that role and then deleting that role once completed. The method I chose allowed them to perform one simple task, and did not push them up against the wall of further frustration. If you know of a better, faster and less confusing method, by all means explain it please.
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: If you choose not to debate this here I will ask the same question in SLA. I am really curious as to how often this happens in SL. As I stated in my first reply to you .. repeated here: Darrius Gothly wrote: In order to verify and, if necessary, fix the About Land > Objects and Options settings, you must be an Owner of the Land Group or be given Parcel Powers through the Group Management "Members and Roles" dialogs. Many years of Tech Support experience have taught me one basic rule ... "Trust, but verify" (with apologies to RR).
  12. Argus Collingwood wrote: I just noticed that search is now "keywords" am I blind, blonde or both?:smileywink: It appears they just labeled the box as "Keywords" .. and labeled the button "Search". However ... I guess that means phrases and quoted search terms are not used as such, instead they are demoted to singular keywords. (Which is how it has operated all the way along anyway....)
  13. Eli Schlegal wrote: Why does it even matter? One prim on a parcel that is almost a whole sim... and you can't even see it. How is it a "horrible problem"? You said you filed abuse reports? How is that abuse? In all truth .. it doesn't "matter" .. but it is one of those "pebble in your shoe" issues that while insignificant still bugs you. It makes you feel powerless and incapable of controlling your own parcel. And no, I didn't file an AR. My client did AFTER they spoke with the prim owner, changed parcel settings, tried to find it, and filed a support ticket to have a Linden fix it. Call it "response to the annoying and impossible". I tried to help because I can understand the sheer frustration of having stuff appear and disappear without being able to stop or even identify it. There is also the concern that that single prim could be acting as a spy prim, eavesdropping on conversations .. or doing who knows what. Yeah, it's a mosquito buzzing in the night. But if it bites you and it turns out it was carrying something you didn't want to catch ... oooh boy .. that's gonna suck.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: In your OP you said that is only lasts a few seconds, which led to part of my post. But, since it lasts about a minute, it's almost certainly a temporary prim. It does sound like an object shooting a prim periodically. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't sound like a real problem - the prim can't be seen and the additional 1 to the prim count is irrelevant. I wonder how far away the white highlight can be seen when clicking the "Show" button after selecting a name in the objects list. If it can be seen from a fair distance, trying to spot it that way isn't totally out of the question even on a whole sim. Yup, my bad. I should have stated the more accurate "about a minute" in the OP. I've tried to locate a lost object before and even in Midnight, the white outline cannot be seen from that far away if the object is small. Considering how much space is contained in their Parcel (224 x 224 x 4096 = 205,520,896 cubic meters), I have this sneaking suspicion it would take something close to forever. (Especially considering its short lifetime and the probability that it might not be selected and "Shown" each and every time it appeared.) I'm going to do some digging in the LSL Wiki, but it also runs in my mind that Temp Rez prims don't count against Parcel Prim Counts as reported by the llGetParcelPrimOwners call I was using. I know they are not counted by the llGetParcelPrimCount call unless you use the PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP category parameter. What I do not know (and perhaps someone else does) is what happens when you Return a TempRez prim? If a TempRez simply vanishes and doesn't get returned to the Prim Owner's Lost and Found folder then that would explain why the owner of these ghost prims isn't seeing them show up. Hmmm ... more layers peeled back, more layers discovered underneath. 8^)
  15. Storm Clarence wrote: I don't have an answer to your question, but I would like to ask why someone would need to be made "owner of land group" to turn off object entry and creation for anyone except group members. It is my understanding the About Land>Objects tab satisfies this task. The group has nothing to do with it in the context you are stating. The group owner can only control *his* group and members - not a different group. I. personally, would NEVER want the responsibility of 'Owner' of someone else's group. I would not ask for it, and I would not accept the responsibility if it was offered. Why would anybody? I'm going to assume you are asking that question in earnest *edited for harassment* In order to verify and, if necessary, fix the About Land > Objects and Options settings, you must be an Owner of the Land Group or be given Parcel Powers through the Group Management "Members and Roles" dialogs. Many years of Tech Support experience have taught me one basic rule ... "Trust, but verify" (with apologies to RR). My client has complete trust in me owing to our long-standing beneficial relationship. I asked for the Owner role, accepted it when sent .. did my "thang" and then exited that role. *edited for harassment*
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: You could try opening the About Land box and clicking on the owner when the prim shows, and quickly clicking the Show button. That will highlight it even if it's tiny and transparent. Of course, if the parcel is large, it could take some time to spot it but, with patience, you should eventually be able to find it. However, it doesn't sound like finding the prim will do any good. It's the source that needs to be found. I suggested this too, but there are two problems with this approach: The prim only stays about one minute at most even though auto-return is not turned on. They have all but 1024 sqm of the full Sim, so finding a micro-prim on a nearly full sim from ground to 4096m ... umm .. OWWWCH!! I had hoped that when they "Return" it (via the Objects tab of About Land) that the Prim Owner would get a message and thus know what it was ... but apparently it vanishes too fast for the Return to actually take. I think we're back to hoping a Linden can come by and find/remove it .. whatever it is.
  17. Agreed. I've gotten in the habit of setting the options to "Open in new window (_blank)" on any links I include. I also set the "Title" field to the text "Opens in a New Window" so people know it will do that.
  18. Zhoie Zimermann wrote: Off topic but a couple weeks ago someone flagged one of my 100 % PG items, which took it off the listed items, and put it into unlisted. Unbelieveable. It was flagged for not being mature/adult, whatever. It's amazing how anyone can flag an item, right or wrong, and it will be removed. Letting residents police other resident's products is totally wrong. Zhoie, If a human flags your products then another human, an LL employee, must review and determine if the flag is correct or not. However if you used one of the Super Secret Naughty Words (which we are not allowed to know or even guess at) then the automatic Maturity Cop Bot will detect it once a week and automatically unlist it .. without human review. If you're absolutely sure no human would look at your product (Name, Descriptions, Keywords, Features) and call it "Mature or Adult" then it's a reasonable bet that the Bot did it instead. However they HAVE manually unlisted some things for reasons that pretty much defy logic, so it's not a guaranteed bet.
  19. Bedlam Ansome wrote: What do I do if I get the message 'Delivery partially failed' on a customer's order. In this case, 8 of the same items were bought, but one has come up with this message. When I view the order, the item that has not been delivered has the message 'Not available for redelivery' in the far right column. How can I fix this? Thanks... The attempt to deliver will eventually time out and return a hard failure. You will see this in the Order itself. At that point you can use the Redeliver option to send it again .. or you can contact the customer in-world and ask them if they have received it or not. If they have not, you can then manually give it to them. The latter, giving it to them directly, is generally the most beneficial to you and your business as the customer realizes you are engaged and involved and not one of those "Absentee Merchants".
  20. One of the best pieces of advice ever is this old saw: "Work smarter, not harder." The hours on the clock are a very finite resource. Whether you hang a value of $1000 or 2 cents on each hour invested, that hour is spent and cannot be recouped or spent elsewhere. This is one of the primary reasons we do attempt mightily to work smarter .. so that each second of time invested yields the highest possible return. And why we get so upset when our time investment is dictated for us by LL .. needlessly. Working smarter primarily means not doing things that will need to be redone later. However that goal is often undone, with little to no reason or warning, by the changes forced upon us. No amount of hard work on other means will compensate us for the time wasted doing and redoing needlessly. This is a simple fact. So my BEST bit of advice .. and the BEST Marketing and Advertising Practices are ... "LL stop messing with things blindly and start letting us get involved in the changes you NEED to make." That means put out the word that specific changes are needed. Explain why they are needed. State what you think would help and how it might hurt ... and then LISTEN. Case in point is the upcoming switchover to AIS (Delivery from Inventory on Marketplace). There's lots of talk, lots of questions, but no details that can help us get prepared and keep us from doing things that will later need to be undone. What is the harm done in publishing the exact specs now? It's not like anyone can steal the idea from LL. And yet this veil of total secrecy goes on .. eventually leading to many people upset and confused and out many hours work because they had no idea what the final implementation would look like.
  21. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: I don't really think that needed a disclaimer that I was talking about up front monetary cost. Or that a hobby turned business isn't a cost as all hobbies are cost, otherwise the government says you're a business over a certain threshold. Or that until you're an actual business whether you consider time an investment or not is pretty arbitrary, unless it's actually on your books and factored into your accounting. Otherwise it's generally nothing more than personal preference to use as a factor in costing. The whole time-as-cost-thing isn't engraved in stone, it's an entrepreneur-ism. Takes more work to nitpick out details that can't all be covered in a forum post than a simple understanding of what someone meant, or might have meant. I think that particular time sink might be considered a time related cost as well. About those advertising and marketing practices you find useful and worth sharing, anything? Umm .. huh? Time always equates to money, there is no business math that separates the two. Entrepreneur or Mega-Corporation, all time expended goes toward the bottom line. Your artful dodge is as empty and tortured as is your business acumen. We have all put forth ideas, suggestions and practices designed to promote or improve our in-world businesses (and hobbies). The most effective ones ALSO involve the cessation of LL's constant gerry-mandering with the commerce engine. It is annoying, to say the least, to be quizzed and prompted (yet again) to put out valid and useful ideas that have seen us to success ... when those that make the most business sense are totally ignored and, even worse, dismissed as being the rantings of "negative critics" simply because they are things that only LL can do. Once again you have proven how totally clueless you are Mr. Shepherd. You put forth total balderdash worded to sound like rational sense ... then when called on your vacuous rantings, you retreat into distraction, additional crap-spreading ... and evasion. You know, if you actually HAD any business sense, we might actually take your words seriously. But once again you've demonstrated your total lack of wisdom or actual experience. Now I'll turn that last bit of your post onto you. Instead of opining how others are feeble and whiney because they can't handle the constantly shifting rules ... why don't YOU put your successful ideas to print and ... while you're at it ... explain how they are also immune from being slaughtered with the next update or "fix" dropped into our midst like a pipe bomb at the Olympics.
  22. Porky Gorky wrote: I'd pay good money for an SL teleporter that turned me into a fly. You should put that on your to-do list Darrius. Bzzz ... bzzzz .. bzzzzz!! "heeeelp meeeeee!" ;^)
  23. gefeit Dufaux wrote: The situation sounds like an temporary object or particle. But particle is texture, that can't on object list. so, it's possible a child object - temporary object which owned by root prim that rezeed on their land. You can demand they remove the object, or report abuse to LL. Thank you for the suggestion gefeit. The client has spoken with the owner of the invading object, but they are not able to tell what it might be either. To their knowledge they have nothing that would do that. The client has also reported the abuse AND filed support tickets ... again with no reply or "fix" from LL. That is why they contacted me, in hopes I might be able to find the object or a way to block it. On a Private Island Estate, the Land Manager would be able to identify the object and remove it. But since this is Mainland, the "Land Manager" is Linden Lab and so far they have ignored all requests for help.
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