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Chelsea Malibu

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Everything posted by Chelsea Malibu

  1. Interesting idea but another way of thinking about SL is that is is non-linear. Flat, round, cubed or otherwise is not really how it exist. It moves at 186,500 miles per second and I for one would rather travel at that speed than 1,000 MPH. Think 4D
  2. How many accounts do you have? If you are switching to alts often it will most definitely cause cache issues. Also, if you are working with multiple versions of the viewer on the same PC, and if you go back and forth between then you will also see cache issues since they share many of their resources. I would un-install all viewers except one and just use that viewer. Don't go back and forth between alts and if you do, make sure the one you are on fully loads before you log off.
  3. Well, I also know that you Sassy are not a good person to debate technology with. You've done and created things in SL that no one has every comprehended and do it with very complex systems that go way beyond most people's skill sets. The term bringing a knife to a gunfight comes to mind lol. I see your expertise as being proven over and over by the success of your business but as you and I know, there are a lot of people here who clearly feel they know it all but have to validate their solutions. I much more admire those who can show us what they can create and how their solutions benefit SL and the users. Oh well, we tried to give a little advise that would help him and he clearly finds us as being inferior beings, LOL.
  4. Ela, I think all is everyone is doing is trying to help him better utilize the forums. It's not an attack on what he is doing as I see it more a cry to be concise and direct with all the fluff that no one understands. So he comes back with statements basically meaning he is smart and we are not. Not a great way to encourage incremental sales volume or creative input.
  5. primeiro você tem que baixar o aplicativo do Second Life. https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Formulário não terá que vir e virá no centro de aconselhamento onde você pode aprender todas as habilidades necessárias para jogar. há também um fórum específico para o Português se você precisar.
  6. You will need to create a skin with your image. You can learn more on how to make skins, etc at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Creation_Portal
  7. I think the fact that they provide demos at all is great. I have never had an issue with the texture being off since I can see that in their images, it's the fit I am looking and demo's give us that. Some do a lot and some do a little with regards to tagging Demo on their items but the fact that they took the time to create demos is to me heads above those who don't. Skins are different story all together and the best skins in game, are pretty cautious about too many demo marks. If it offends you or you find it a nuisance, find another creator who doesn't. That's the beauty of a free market.
  8. From the line "be a Noble on the council" I take it this is not commerce related and should probably be best under the Land forums.
  9. The correct answer is 5. 5 is what they block per email address. After a non disclosed number knows as a "few", they reserve the right to charge you $9.95 per alt. (see: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alt_Account_FAQ You can have more as scripted agents that you are supposed to register. You can get away with more by using alternate email address but as soon as you have a problem with one, they all will be affected as your IP address is associated with each one when you log in. If you ever have an issue, you will have to provide your person information and the accounts associated with it. You then loose all the alts except 5. So the question is, why have more than 5? I've been in game since 2006 and have two alts that I used for testing. I see absolutely no reason to have more than 5 much less 70.
  10. I might suggest you take a bit of time and read through some of the post over the past week or two as there are many looking to hire builders. You also want to post some pictures for your resume. You might be a great builder but you suck at marketing LOL
  11. i'm fond of tellaq and redgrave or laq if you want a more pretty boy look.
  12. Wow, I have no idea what you are selling and I am not about to sit and read all of this. You seriously need to work on coming up with bullet points and an elevator pitch. I'm a lawyer and used to reading things at length but no way will I sit here and read through this without at least having some notion as to what" A Base Start To A Server/Client" means. Don't mean to openly bash your marketing and communications skills but you seriously need to hire someone to do this for you.
  13. Well, there is a lot more to cover than we have room for here. If you bypassed the orientation island, then you will have some issues since you can't go back. That is where you learn to walk fly and other basic controls. The only way back is to create a new avatar. (you walk using your arrow keys btw) You can also get started on your knowledge at: https://secondlife.com/my/whatnext/basics/?lang=en-US
  14. I'd be interested in this as well since I have seen some things that look a lot like their templates. If the animations plug in works as easy as their demo...I'd be all over this since Rigging is where I have the most problems.
  15. I'm not to clear on this but that's not new. Are you saying you want to buy anything and everything anyone with "decent" build skills can provide? Are you asking for full perms? What do you mean by PhotoShop tools? As in plug-ins?
  16. ..Sophisticated Very deep and compelling post..Almost impossible for me to find words that fit my deep empathy for you.
  17. Saying that LL need to fix their DB is like saying our governments needs to fix our national debts. And even then, can it be fixed at this point. 1. They are the reason we have the problems-they caused it 2. They don't have the knowledge to fix it. Above all else, LL has always made bad databases. I don't know if it's due to bad DBA hiring or the fact that they have far outgrown MySQL. If they brought in Oracle and had them spend a year on a re-write they could fix it. Of course this takes time and money and is it just me or has anyone else noticed that LL seems to have little concern over fixing old issues? The inventory system has been as mess as has search since the game launched. Don't get me wrong, it is better and I still love SL but I sure wish they would invest into these areas and stop wasting their time on "cool" features we really didn't ask for or want.
  18. I've known Mariska of Blacklace for many years and I can assure you, those are ALL her own creations. She does not use templates however, if someone has stolen her textures or her idea, that is very possible.
  19. My car is what I use to get around, my house is where i sleep and my avatar is a game character I play a video game with. None are an extension of me, just elements I used to do what I do. I've never been able to build any kind of bond with an inanimate object though I know many who do. I am no more Chelsea Malibu than I am Dasa of Kul Tiras (see below). When your avatar becomes an extension of who you are, the there are issues in my opinion in that you need an alter ego in the first place.
  20. Aside from these: Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only You can also use 703.286.6277 (if you need help making an international call, try http://www.q7c.com/travel/telephone.htm )
  21. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: There is a lawsuit over breedables? Wow, I know SL has brought some lawsuits in RL over things like casinos but now breedables also? I guess those things just are not popular with many SL'ers. There have been a few law suits over the past two years and I have consulted on couple myself. IMHO, breedables = pyramid scheme
  22. If I might be so bold as to make a suggestions..Don't get a partner. It sounds like you have most if not all of it covered except what sounds like some money. You can start with some things on MP and let them grow. Why give up half your money just to solicit here on these boards for a partner you neither know or trust?
  23. Not really a work around unless you get away from anything that is alpha or set to transparent (as it creates an alpha channel). Anytime you overlap the two, you will get that affect. Turning something to transparent will do the same as using an alpha channel. What you will need to do is rig the mesh instead but it's hard to tell as I'm not clear on what you are working on. Can you post some images?
  24. Not too clear on your question so if you don't mind, perhaps you can detail a bit what you are looking to do. Do you need to know how to move a skybox from the ground to the sky?
  25. A lot of it depends on your products. For me, the vendors did not work well overall though some where good and others where not. In all, it was more trouble than it was worth so today, I focus on my main store in world. Doing this allows me better search optimization and the ability to control my environmental settings (I have my own sim). However, as Marcus said, I too am seeing a shift in shopping dynamics which is what I believe the strategy of LL anyways. I really think they are trying very hard to make the MP a better shopping experience and many new players shop almost entirely from the MP. My products just don't show well in a flat image and need to be displayed which is what make MP work for me in that buyers can come to the store. When direct delivery is available, I'll be putting more on MP. It seems that many that buy on MP end up coming to my store later and buying more but I wont go back to mall vendors as the OP had stated, it just is too high risk for little return in my case. However, some people like Sassy do great with their vendors so I hope they chime in.
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