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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. Pamela Galli wrote: Have not tried V2 more than 10 min -- does Firestorm have texture align, copy size/position/rotation buttons, link & unlink buttons? Radar so I can see who is where in the store? Yes
  2. Ceka Cianci wrote: i'm curious where all the extra clicks are that everyone talks about..maybe it's that i use firestorm and we have pie ..i know without pie i clicked a lot..but besides that i don't notice the extra clicks.. was that where they were..where there was no pie? omg now i want pie.. One that springs to mind is...Sending someone an item. V1= Open profile, drag/drop item. V2= Open profile, click actions, click share, get redirected to an IM box, drag/drop item. mmmmm pie =^^= Nahm Nahm Nahm =^^=
  3. I agree, there is no getting around the fact that the V2 UI sucks & is designed to be unmoddable. FS has done an excellent job of putting in options to make it more user friendly & adding back V1 features that LL took out, such as the pie menu & conversations box, but as the saying goes, you can`t make silk purse out of a sow`s ear.
  4. For me its the UI and the general v2 philosphy of "why do in 1 click what you can do in 4". V1 UI is simple, clear & user friendly, in V2 it is big, ugly, confusing & unmoddable.
  5. Its easier not to think too hard about it, I was just so relieved that LL saved me from emotionally scarring all them 16 year olds by looking at my building. I`m sure the OP feels that same. Imagine the burden of carrying around that sort of guilt. You build some innocent looking barn or such like, without realising the potential risk of traumatising people. Lucky for us LL is diligently watching out for the well being of all SL residents.
  6. Void Singer wrote: I get the same message peewee.... it's something in the copypasta from the wiki in the OP Ahh...its most annoying, comes up after you post too. Hopefully its something that can be edited out of the OP, I don`t get it on the other deploy threads & they have wiki c/ps, this one must have picked up something extra. Thanks Void
  7. Yeah weird eh, Dakota told me it was because the Gorean community is geared towards adult residents or something like that. Life was a lot easier when SL was only for adults lol
  8. The show in search thing is for web searches. It would not be a good idea to be able to completely hide your profile from all searches inworld, because, for example, if you left a message for someone not on your friends list...say a creator of something you bought...they could not find you to IM you back. As for showing online, there are so many ways to see if someone is online, even by simply sending an IM, that it is better to just assume everyone can always see if you are online & not worry about it. Afterall, what real difference does it make? If you want to be left alone, you can just tell people you are busy or set an auto-response & if they are too rude to respect that then mute them.
  9. Arkady Arkright wrote: The important thing is that it got your attention... LOL so would a slap in the face but I can`t say that I would appreciate it
  10. Lillie Woodells wrote: I can do that too! Only I have too open a package of sticky notes first... ETA: Keli, make a list of sticky notes vs. lists, then compare. I'll help with the first two. Lists: Sticky Notes: 1. You have more room on a list 1. Sticky notes are, well sticky! Oooh but stickies are stretchy too...You can make them screen sized if you want lol
  11. Marina Oxygen wrote: Hi there can you help me I was banned from a store i didn't know why and I tried to fined out and now I was told that it is because I for 1 year ago got a QHUD from some one and if I wants to go back to that store then I have to buy the so called original QHUD it costs 1800 linden it is a lot of money, I think it can't be true that I need to buy some thing I never will use just to enter a land. What can I do ? I don't know what a QHUD is. Is there some reason you decided to post a 5 month old thread instead of just starting your own? As for being banned from anywhere in SL, no there is nothing you can do about it, the landowner pays the bills & can allow (or not) whoever they want on their land, They don`t have to give you a reason or even have a reason to ban you, access to other people`s land is a privilege not a right.
  12. I must admit I was under the same impression as Pierre. Directing people to a JIRA that is clearly trying to promote a product is probably not the best way to get the message across that you are opposed to it. lol I would suspect that any hostility you felt may be due to others thinking you were trying to push it too.
  13. Maestro Linden wrote: >> Maestro mentioned LeTigre too, but I thought LeTigre went back onto mesh last week. Oops, yes, you're right! In any case, the whole grid will support mesh, in about 1 hour from now.. Yep, my sim got meshified about an hour ago, despite me trying to hide it from the roller hehe ...Can`t fight progress eh
  14. If they bring back the banner that was on the homepage below the featured items, then they may as well not bother. It would be a complete waste of money to get a banner displayed in a place that you need to scroll the page to see it, as I would guess that very people stay on the homepage long enough to scroll down it. If the banners were displayed at the top of the pages of search results, like they were on Xstreet, then that would make much more sense & there is a space there that is the perfect size for a banner too. Not only would it be better for the merchant as at least you would know every impression was seen, even if it wasn`t clicked, but it would also make 1000s more impressions available because there are way more pages of search results displayed each day than there are home page displays.
  15. I haven`t seen anything sheduling mesh for Bluesteel & tbh, I am quite happy if it stays off mesh for at least another week, having seen some of the performance problems people are suddenly having everywhere else. Maestro mentioned LeTigre too, but I thought LeTigre went back onto mesh last week. Also, why do I keep getting this Authentification request everytime I open this thread?
  16. Whew, I thought it was just me lol I read the OP over & over, checked if it had been edited, double checked that it was actually the OP I was reading & still couldn't see anything wrong with it.
  17. I do make random notes on any piece of paper that happens to be within arms reach & then have no idea where they go. /me makes a random note on the back of this envelope to start making lists.
  18. You can rent as many homes or as much land as you want to. Your Linden home is a way to use your 512sqm tier free land allowance for being a premium member. You could abandon it and go and buy a 512sqm parcel anywhere on the mainland instead or you could buy a larger mainland parcel and use your 512sqm allowance to offset part of the tier fee for that or like you said, you could keep the LInden home and then just rent land either on the mainland or a private estate & pay the tier fee (rent) for that land direct to the owner.
  19. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: WilhiamMeshTest wrote: I'd like to point out 2 things : - 3rd Party viewers are implementing mesh capabilities into their respective viewers too and are hopefully released soon. I wish. As far as I know, there are no plans to backport mesh from Snowstorm to viewer 1-based third party clients, and I doubt that this is even possible. I've tried to get used to Firestorm, but it has too many flaws of viewer 2 and isn't anything like Phoenix. I've also tried Kirsten's and other v2 viewers, but none of them works for me. If Phoenix users are supposed to use mesh, we need a mesh viewer with the Phoenix UI, or alternatively LL's v1.2 interface. It should be easy enough to implement as an option. Unless viewer 2 is an out-house development (it sure has the look and feel of third party software developed by a company that never bothered to use SL), which would be the worst decision in the history of SL. Firestorm should be mesh enabled very soon (hopefully a week or 2), Jessica explained what is happening with Firestorm & also that some TPVs are trying to add mesh to v1s, on The Phoenix Hour yesterday.
  20. I agree with Vincent. I also think it would be a terrible idea to sell Homesteads or Open Spaces to people without sims. The grid was flooded with them even with the restrictions currently in place, filling the rest of the available spaces with low performance, low prim sims would suck. I don`t think the price of sims should be reduced either, the original investment made by current sim owners already got slashed once making their holdings worth less. There are plenty of ways for people to aquire sims at a reduced price while still allowing owners a chance of recouping some money. I would like cheaper tier fees, especially as I have to pay 20% VAT on mine, but I`m not gonna hold my breathe for that happening any time soon.
  21. Alt-Zoom camera just means hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and left click anywhere, on an object, land, avatar etc You willl find you can them move or zoom your camera using your mouse & mousewheel. For even more movement, you can hold down Alt & Ctrl. It takes a bit of getting used to but you will love it once you master it. If you are on a V2 style viewer, such as the LL official viewer or Firestorm etc. Click on the button on the camera control panel with a pic of a cam on it & you will find "Object View", switching that on locks the alt key on, so that you don't have to hold it down yourself.
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