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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: There is nothing like watching your house flip around the axis of your doorframe to make you realize you haven't quite got it all figured out yet. Unless it's sitting in your house and deleting a rezzed item, to then find yourself and your furnishings dangling in mid-air. :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Advice for new homeowners - Edit - LOCK down your house. *Personal story - My first SL home was a 1-room (although gorgeous) apartment within a role play sim. I managed to delete one of my two doors in short order. Contacted the owner of the sim/head of the rp and the door was restored. A day or so later, I accidentally deleted a wall. REALLY embarrassed I went through the contact scenario again...while doing major Mea Culpas, knowing this didn't bode well for my "status" in the rp group. Shortly thereafter, I found a floating "name/title" in my apartment, which was startling in and of itself. Then I remembered a friend with this tag had recently visited. We had been trying on clothes so somehow the friend had detached the tag (which I now know is called a titler). How it got rezzed in my apartment is a mystery, but we were both so new to SL. I ever so carefully targeted the "floating name" and deleted it. Another wall in my apartment poofed. I was mortified and considered that it might be easier just to slink quietly away rather than have to contact the sim owner...AGAIN. When she contacted me she said she was laughing so hard and that she didn't consider how very new I was and hadn't locked down the apartment, which she promptly did. Advice for new residents - If you see something in your home that seems to hang in mid-air, do CTRL+ALT+T first. It's very likely you will see a red square show up around the object which is the REAL prim (alpha so it's invisible in normal mode) to delete.
  2. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Under the current system you can zap any kind of prim is a part of it is on your land. - It always surprises me first how few people use the numbers to edit their items, and second how many won't be bothered to fix it when found out. Excellent! Thank you for the info, Pussycat! And I agree about using numbers in editing.
  3. 16 wrote: is pretty good when you have a neighbour like that \o/ + on the forums we mostly only ever hear about the bad neighbours. so we get a distorted view sometimes. most people are good really and work in all the time with their neigbours is many more good neighbours than bad ones overall i think. we just dont get to hear about them much on here so i kinda cheer up when i ever do (: I agree, 16. It's kind of like people are quick to write or call a company if something is wrong, but few think to let a company know when they have received exceptional service. I've been blessed over the years with very nice neighbors - in SL & RL.
  4. And another perspective here....(not to get you to use the Phoenix viewer as it is no longer being supported by the owners)... I began SL in 2007 with LL viewer 1.x. I liked the viewer but a few updates after I began SL the IM and chat windows could not be made as small as previously and I had a smaller monitor so the larger windows ate up a bunch of screen space. I was introduced to the Nicholaz viewer which looked almost identical to the LL viewer, but kept the features people liked (being able to resize the windows a bit smaller) and put in one or two additional features. I continued updating Nicholaz over the years until LL viewer 2 came out which I, and many other "older residents" hated - especially the Facebook type buttons. (The CEO before Rod, M Linden, wanted to turn SL into FB.) I tried the v2 but, after spending about a half hour to figure out how to turn the music off, I said heck with that. Phoenix was fairly new at the time, iirc, so I began using Phoenix and I personally LOVED it because it was more like viewer 1.x but with snazzy additional features. I see comments about 1.x being old school, etc. but I think in large part it depends on the viewer one began using when they began SL. There are older residents who do like v2/v3 (I have no idea how much v3 has changed from v2 since my current PC won't run it) but the people I run into who love v3 began when it was the official viewer. The people I run into that hate it began SL when v1.x was the official viewer. Still using Phoenix here due to my PC but more and more features are being broken. Once I get my new PC I will try out Firestorm and use the Phoenix interface. And I *am* still using XP and now I have to learn Win 8....arrrrggghhh. Yes, I'm a Luddite and proud of it. *Grins* *Edited for mistakes
  5. As Perrie mentioned, giving access to one's account in SL is not against TOS. I wasn't entirely sure of that, so much of what I originally posted does not apply now. Also as Perrie and 16 have indicated, the "why" may never be known. Hope it's straightened out for you both soon.
  6. I've had this multiple purchase situation with only one of my items for years. The item has copy perms but is the type of item one would buy multiples of if it was not copiable. I'm talking probably, gosh...at least 50 times if not more over the last 4 years. Interestingly, not one of the multiple purchasers ever contacted me; I got the multiple sales emails and contacted them, explaining the item was copiable and also refunded their money for the extras. (Didn't know about the CTL refunds...thanks Zanara!) This was even prior to the shopping cart. The answers I got were mainly: 1. The item didn't deliver immediately and I thought it was an Xstreet/MP glitch so I tried buying it again. 2. I wasn't paying attention and clicked twice. Was too embarrassed to contact you. 3. I bought more than one?????? ETA: After a lot of these multiple purchases....sometimes up to 6 of the item despite the item description clearly stating the item had copy permissions, (and again, didn't think of only refunding the amount paid minus the commission nor know that CTL would refund) I finally put a notice on the description that stated I would not refund for multiple purchases and gave some tips on how to make sure one doesn't buy something twice. I stated all this politely at the end of the item description. Interestingly, after I put that notice on, I didn't have any more multiple purchases. The customer was losing money by purchasing more than one item, so they weren't gaining anything....but...how could people not see within the description that an item is copiable, but did see a notice at the end? After a couple years of no more multiple purchases I took the notice off. I've had a couple mulitple purchases of the item since then but nothing like before.
  7. Zanara Zenovka wrote: Bump for logo exposure ;p Must be a slow drama day round here.... 1 user agrees
  8. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Firstly, ARs are not ignored. They might be. I've had a complaint about prims being wayyyy over the property ilne, for weeks now, without result. This is a repeat offense from certain neighbors, which makes it even worse. I'm not ready to update my viewer JUST to deal with what I see as a form of griefing; I think the company I lease land from at these near-real-life-rent prices should do it. Because you can right-mouse-click and return items that cross over, this is probably not being looked at ARwise. They've given you the tools to address it yourself. Even if it's not a mega prim and the root prim is on the neighbor's land? Just asking because I had a mega prim encroachment some months back and always thought that if the root prim of some item was on the other person's land although encroaching on a neighbor's that LL wouldn't move it. I posted about the mega encroachment on the forums asking for advice and it was only then that I learned about the land tools that could return megas. It would be great if this works for a non-mega overlapping with root prim on the other land. (In my case I first IM'd the neighbor and he wasn't aware of the mega overlap because we're on a water sim and if you don't derender water (which he didn't know how to do) it can be difficult to make out the property lines, which is why I derender water and first set a platform "underwater" where I can see the property lines clearly and then lift it up to water level. This neighbor was amazingly polite and nice to the extent that he didn't just move back the mega, he restructured his entire build set up.)
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: I too know people involved in this category. But before I would respond to the OP's request I would first of all want to see a professionally worded request. This ^^ I was quite involved in academia for a time, both as a graduate student who utilized on online venue for part of my research and later as an instructor. I have used the example before but here it is again: IMO, this is a stellar example of a professional educational research study request. And this was for a Masters. I would expect a doctoral candidate to at least meet these standards. I participated in that particular study mainly due to how impressed I was with the post. After signing up at the specified location in world, I received information on exactly how my identity/results/etc. would be used, when the study would be available to read, how to do so, etc. Additionally, the in world location had many signs that showed what the theory was, what methodology would be used to prove or disprove the theory, etc. EXTREMELY professionally done.
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: Melita Magic wrote: It must be a thing. Didn't IBM dismiss the idea of the home computer? They didn't dismiss it. They produced one but underestimated the market, and that road brought us the cheap computers that we've all enjoyed for a long time. I can testify to that. When the first IBM PC came out in 1981, a former co-worker of mine who was a computer engineer at NCR purchased a franchise that sold these new PCs and asked if I would come work for him as a sales rep. That was my first introduction to computers, besides selling components for point-of-sale terminals with NCR. A basic IBM PC in 1981 - single 5 1/4 disk drive - 128K RAM (memory foggy on that...but not much) - and sold with a third party amber text monitor instead of the IBM brand to bring down the price a bit sold for....ready for this....approximately $7,000.00 USD! The people who purchased them were primarily business owners who wanted this for the prestige of being amongst the first to own one. I MUCH prefer teaching to selling, so I left marketing to teach application software, including DOS, for this new devices at a Jr. College. When the clones began hitting the market for $2,500.00-$3,000.00 USD that opened the market to the average person - who still wanted to shell out that much money, but WAY better than 7K. *Edited for grammar
  11. Melita Magic wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: By the same token, those of you who have rudely told me to "get another hobby" - at least allow me to continue using my "outdated" avatar hair, skin, clothing, etc. without snarky comments. This. I also do not wish to use Mesh on my land until everyone can see it. It has a long way to go before that is the case. At the risk of sounding like a Luddite, which I am not, I think its debut was a tad premature. I think the foundation of SL needed to be fixed before 'improving' it. Until things like land cost are fixed with mesh, or until clothing fits better, and anyone can run a mesh viewer, I think it was still too early. JMO. Interestingly, you are the second person I've run into who *can* use/see mesh but chooses not to for similar reasons. The other person is a hostess at an established jazz dance venue. She turns mesh off in her viewer (I'm glad there is that option when I do upgrade) to cut down on her lag, thus she sees the same box-heads, half-bodies, etc. I didn't realize, however, that sometimes people in non-mesh viewers see someone wearing mesh as naked in that area. Something to do with wearing or not wearing the alphas. Apparently not a few number of women have appeared at that club appearing topless to non-mesh viewers. The owner of the club made a decision to not allow mesh clothing due to the dress code and since not everyone can see the mesh. Some might think that is drastic (especially the people who love mesh clothing) but I have to applaud him on a gutsy move. Back to the hostess - she is what I would term a "fashionista," so I was quite surprised that she stated she will personally not wear mesh until everyone can see it. This could be influenced by the fact that she can't wear mesh clothes at work, but she doesn't spend 100% of her time there so she could certainly wear mesh elsewhere if she chose. Something I forgot to mention about the small club I went to the other night: When the other patrons realized I couldn't see mesh the changed out of it...on their own!! No one suggested it. I was blown away by that courtesy. I do agree mesh was released before it was ready for prime time. Kind of like Direct Deliver.
  12. Melita Magic wrote: So imagine this. You take that 20 or 40 or 200 or 300 dollars per month that you would've normally earmarked for something else. A movie, a new video game, a new outfit, a course in etiquette. And instead of buying what you really want for yourself, you decide to give SL land ownership a try. (Emphasis mine) *Spews Pepsi on the monitor* @OP - Drop the attitude if you don't want more bans. I have gone to a certain formal dance venue for years. They have a dress code. Since I've gone there for years I thought I knew what the dress code was backwards and forwards. I received a new gown years ago from a gentleman and we headed for this dance venue. Before I entered, I was IM'd by the hostess to tell me that the slit up the leg was too high to wear that gown there. She was very polite. I was honestly embarrassed since I tend to dress on the modest side to begin with. I apologized and was about to change my gown when my date said let's go someplace else. I can still go to that dance venue.
  13. Whoa!!! I could easily have been fooled by that one and I consider myself fairly savvy on not clicking embedded links, not providing account details to online programs, email phishing schemes (I keep getting emails for a game I've never purchased nor played, but owned by the same company of a game I have played that says my account is about to be deleted if I don't click some link...) - but this one is tricky. Many, many thanks for the heads up, Perrie!
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: If I'm understanding your post correctly, it sounds like your boyfriend may have signed onto your account using your password. I'm honestly not sure what the Terms of Service are on this but if not forbidden (which it might be) it is strongly frowned upon by Linden Lab. If in fact your boyfriend did sign onto your account and upgraded it to Premium, then later you logged in with a different ISP, as 16 said that will be automatically detected as an inbuilt protection. It has nothing whatsoever with not being able to give gifts in SL. It also has nothing to do with needing alternate avatars. There is nothing in the TOS that prohibits sharing your password. But it cautions against it with the warning that the account owner is responsible for any activity with their account. "At the time your Account is opened, you must select a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your Account or Account Name. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Service. Your disclosure of your password to any other person is at your own risk." http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php Thanks, Perrie. So the main security trigger would have been the ISP differences?
  15. Kelli May wrote: Agreed. Revealing, yes. Sensual, yes. Slutty? Not really, unless someone insisted on wearing it to a funeral or a job interview. Time, place, attitude. (Emphasis mine) This was my thought as well. There is a difference, and sometimes it's subtle, between "sexual" and "sensual" and a screaming difference between those two and slutty, imo. There is also the "variable" - ie. some women can carry off sensual and others not as well. Two women, wearing the identical gown, can sometimes come off completely differently. It involves how a woman speaks, "holds herself" (ok I know in SL we are dependent on AOs, but there is a HUGE variety of those - some more glamorous, others more modest, and some that, frankly, look to me like the woman needs to use the ladies room or has some kind of condition where she can't stand still), etc. On the spectrum of clothing, I am way over toward the modest end; however, time and place. I have some lovely gowns I would wear to a formal event that show a bit more cleavage than I would be comfortable with in another setting. From my "modest" point of view, I saw Leia's gown as gorgeous. Instead of "letting it all hang out" so to speak, I see the gown as having that element of sensuality but still leaving something to the imagination. Now wearing this at the grocery store wouldn't have the "time and place" variable. Re: subtle impressions being given even in SL, I had a really interesting experience. I have a vintatge outfit I adore that can be worn with a leopard skin jacket with matching hat & shoes, or without the jacket as a lovely dress. I wore the dress version to Frank's Jazz club one night. I took this photo later to show a friend so the setting is mundane: So I'm wearing this outfit at Frank's Jazz and receive an IM asking if I'm a Dominatrix! I said no but asked what gave the man that impression. He said "ah just the deportment and certain style." In addition to me not being able to figure out how this outfit in any way looks like what a Domme would wear (at least none I've seen, not that I'm overly familiar in this area), my tag said "Art Deco Doll" as in the 40's lingo of "guys and dolls." Later I thought that might not have been wise since on SL "doll" can mean something altogether different. Main point - Even in SL "attitude" for lack of a better word comes across. (Still scratching my head how this outfit looks Dommish.)
  16. aicat wrote: The post should also now be more readable to others, if not the first time. Upon writing it i was in a hurry to find out why this has happened, as well as start my daily routines. Just finished my initial post and read this. MUCH better. Paragraphs are your friends.
  17. Welcome to the forums aicat. I know posting for the first time can seem daunting, at least it did for me. With that said and not trying to be snarky, what Perrie & Pamela posted about your post being hard to read is correct. I would strongly urge you to use paragraphs. I'm not sure if English is your first language or not, but your use of punctuation is a bit odd as well, which also makes your post difficult to read, thus not receiving as many helpful posts as you might otherwise. That being said... Wanted to clear up what may still be a misconception about giving gifts on SL. 16 and Morgaine have provided the answers but I get the impression you may still be confused on gifts. The issue is not that couples, friends, whoever can give gifts in SL. Far from it! There is a gifting option on the online Marketplace to send a gift to someone. Some merchants sell merchandise transferrable in world so that you can buy a gift and present it to someone; other mechants have systems in place to buy a gift certificate, etc. If I'm understanding your post correctly, it sounds like your boyfriend may have signed onto your account using your password. I'm honestly not sure what the Terms of Service are on this but if not forbidden (which it might be) it is strongly frowned upon by Linden Lab. If in fact your boyfriend did sign onto your account and upgraded it to Premium, then later you logged in with a different ISP, as 16 said that will be automatically detected as an inbuilt protection. It has nothing whatsoever with not being able to give gifts in SL. It also has nothing to do with needing alternate avatars. You took the correct steps in contacting LL to explain the situation. I am not sure what form this was in ie. filing a customer service ticket in writing, Live Chat, or via phone. I would suggest contacting LL via phone. Contact numbers are listed here. In the future if one of you wishes to help the other one out with your accounts financially, either send lindens to each other in world or give the money to each other in real life. I know that doesn't have the "suprise gift" effect, but will keep security triggers from happening. Hope this helps.
  18. Humble Lastchance wrote: Hi and thank youz for reading this post. Pls help me with my homework and fill in my humble survey below, so I can get my paper done before holidays. I am too lazy busy to try thiz game myself, thank youz in advances. 1) why do do plays and how oftens? 2) is youz a human or anohter species in game? 3) does ur spouse know? 4) what are the best shoes in game (a link wold be kewl)? Yours, Humble Nominated for best forum "educational" survey ever!!!!!!
  19. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: On a more or less serious note, I took this question to my desktop oracle and paperweight, the Magic 8-Ball. M8-B says: "Don't count on it". Priceless!!! The ole Magic 8-Ball was such fun. What does it have, like 6 responses? Come to think of it, that's about as many possible responses as....ohhhh...I don't know.
  20. Qie Niangao wrote: What's really wrong is selling no-mod shoes. I know that doesn't help with adding an alpha layer, but at least it allows people to add or remove invisiprims. Besides their no-mod superstition, many SL cobblers--especially including some well-known brands--are astonishingly clueless. Most of the grid is now too young to even remember the "efficient scripting" revolution, but there are still certain models of shoes from big brands with a resizer script in every prim, without even an option to delete them. No-mod, of course, so they can't be fixed. It's embarrassing. THIS^^^^^ Once I realized invisiprim scripts could be removed, I spent hours a year or so ago going through my shoe collection and removing all scripts possible - "possible" meaning the shoes and/or scripts were mod. I found something like 70 scripts in ONE shoe!!!!! (This was a brand that was very well known back in the day. This merchant offered shoes with a gazillion changeable textures, varying amount of shine, ability to turn the heel walk sound on or off (always hated that - really stupid to hear someone's high heels clicking along in sand...lol) - one could select to leave "shoe prints" behind as they walked (that used to be very popular) - and of course the variation of prints was sizeable, etc. I LOVED these shoes. One pair of pumps could work with most any of my outfits...but at a high script price. Anyway, I 100% agree, Qie. I did some shoe weeding last night and tossed a bunch of no-mod shoes that are now broken on my viewer.
  21. Melita Magic wrote: Not everyone can keep updating their computer just to run Second Life. Thank you, Melita. I have been saying this for close to a year and keep getting told to leave SL or find a new hobby. I totally understand that technology constantly advances and would not wish it otherwise. I went to a small, family type (as in "everyone knows your name") club last night on invitation from a new friend who is newish to SL. Interestingly, I knew the owner of the club from years ago as we were both regulars at a similar style club. It was a lot of fun reminiscing. Anyway, back on point... ...Most of the people were wearing mesh in some manner - clothing, hair, etc. so my view of the patrons was a mixture of moving boxes, avatars missing half their bodies, etc. Then a person named ABC would enter. While I was greeting ABC - the others were greeting someone named XYZ. I'm looking around to find XYZ and don't see her, to discover XYZ is the display name of ABC - which I can't see. Fortunately it was a small group so I could remember that ABC is really called XYZ and that the moving box is a female avatar. For years, my "normal" SL has been not seeing much beyond my nose until I move again (I have to make a choice between walking or seeing objects in the distance), keeping most settings on low, realizing if I go to a busy dance venue, I need to wait for about 15 minutes for the gray people to rez in and the best way to accept a dance is for the gentleman to rez the pose balls, then tp me there, rather than me attempting to gracefully walk across the dance floor and instead be akin to the ball in a pinball machine. "Pardon me. Oh, sorry, didn't mean to bump into you." Before adapting my new "please tp me to the pose ball" arrangement, I used to make an announcement in general chat prior to moving in a crowded venue: "I apologize in advance if I run over you. It is not intentional." Over the years the severity of the above has gradually increased, but you know what...I enjoy/ed SL. I was willing to deal with the minor annoyances because I gained so much from SL in so many ways. Many people with similar "graphics issues" would have left SL. I have met quite a few people lately who tried SL in 2007, 2008, etc. and even back then the lag was so bad for them that they left, to return years later after acquiring a new PC. Even when I could have easily afforded to buy a new PC every year (I did update the MB, graphics card, etc. over the years) the one I had worked perfectly on everything except SL. As Melita said, I am not going to keep updating PCs for just one program. Last night, however, I sat at the club thinking how my SL "view" is "shrinking" and has been over the years but has become infinitely more noticeable now with the introduction of mesh and new viewers. I'm finding myself unable to perform certain common functions (such as setting a home point) broken on the Phoenix viewer. Some of my favorite shoes now look broken. I am able and will purchase a new PC fairly soon (I've been saying this for about three months as well...lol....just other "issues" involved), but it just irks me that I feel I'm being forced to buy a new PC so I can continue to enjoy SL instead of purchasing when I *choose* to. I am not whining nor complaining. I used to teach application software at a Jr. College years ago. Please don't bother lecturing me on "keeping up with technology" - I get it. By the same token, those of you who have rudely told me to "get another hobby" - at least allow me to continue using my "outdated" avatar hair, skin, clothing, etc. without snarky comments. (Edited for grammar/clarification)
  22. Instead of repeating what has already been said, I agree with Melita's and Dillon's posts above.
  23. Sassy Romano wrote: On the other hand, it appears that NOBODY ever asked for all the Facebook "like" buttons but we got that instead. This ^^
  24. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Ok this is very strange. I went and looked to see what they guy had written. It was confusing to say the least and I wouldn't have paid any attention to it if I was a customer. I then decide to answer the question "was this review helpful" I clicked NO and the review disappeared. Now when I look at it it is showing zero reviews. Not sure if it removed it for just me or everyone. Someone else may want to look. Yes, the review is gone! I looked at the listing this morning which contained the review and just now after reading your post. Woot!!! Good work!
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