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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. ....Wil, ya wanna come play with us??? ......nham nham :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  2. Beautiful picture Venus, you look like a real rockstar ready to get on stage, just grab the mic and rock the club!!!! /me headbangs :matte-motes-evil-invert: *meows* PS. /me meows @ Wil ....... :matte-motes-delicious:
  3. lovely pics as usual!!!! ..... :smileyhappy: *meows*
  4. this happened to me some time ago (stupid mistake)... I contacted the bot who bought it and luckely the owner returned the land to me for 0l$ ... Happy end, but not every landbot is this friendly!!! :matte-motes-sick: *meows*
  5. @1 - how is your group setup? Anyone can join? if yes, then you cannot ban him from joining .....*meows* @2 - just set your land to your group and choose to allow/disallow group members to rezz objects ..... *meows*
  6. I have no experience with Apple computers.... but for a laptop please check this Asus G73 laptop here, cheaper and better performance!!! I bought one in May this year and very happy with it!!!! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: *meows*
  7. Hey all goodmorning, many hugs and kisses .....!!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  8. goodmorning everyone!!!! Val at least you don't have to feed this Gordon version .... :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: *meows*
  9. Wildcat Furse


    Hiya af, I have send you the Garlic Necklace in-world, follow below instructions and enjoy a bite free second life :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: *meows* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .:[ Bloodlines: The Garlic Necklace ]:. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greetings! This garlic necklace was created by Liquid Designs, the creators of the Bloodlines game in Second Life, to ward off vampires. Bloodlines is supposed to be a fun game, but some people have complained that they receive too many bite requests from our vampires, and they don't think that it's very fun to be beset by bloodthirsty creatures of the night at every turn. So, we created this free, transfer / copy item for people that don't want to be a part of vampire roleplay. TO OPERATE PROTECTION: 1) Right-click the necklace item in your inventory, and choose "Wear". 2) Once you see the necklace on your body, a blue menu should appear. 3) Choose "Activate" from the options - and you're instantly protected! You don't need to constantly wear the necklace - once you've selected "Activate", you'll be impervious to vampire bite requests. If at any time, you decide that you might want to check out the Bloodlines game, even to play as a human, you can always wear the necklace again and reactivate yourself by choosing "Reactivate" from the menu options. To learn more about the Bloodlines RP game systems, visit www.slbloodlines.com. Have a Happy Second Life!
  10. I think there are 2 types of newbies; the ones that don't need help and prefer to act stupid wherever they go, the ones that do need help .... the easiest way to seperate the weak from the strong ones is to IM them, if they react promptly and are polied I will do the best I can to help them out with whatever they need to know, the others well I just MUTE them or if they are on my land BAN + MUTE them....think it is that easy!! :matte-motes-sarcasm: *meows*
  11. amazing pics Val, Sylvia, Pixie!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  12. the sex intan and dance intan will both listen to a different channel, so should work perfectly!!! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: *meows*
  13. Wildcat Furse


    I just paid you 4l$ so you can buy again through the Marketplace .... enjoy second life and look as adviced here which groups are charging you the 1l$ fee :smileyhappy: *meows*
  14. this is absolutely one of my favorite movies, a film about the life and death of Ian Curtis, who was the leadsinger of a band called Joy Division (UK).... , Dead Souls, .... . Ian Curtis committed suicide in 1980. Short after his death the other band members started a new band called New Order who became popular with songs as: Blue monday, , .... The movie itself was directed by Anton Corbijn and based on the book by Deborah Curtis (the wife of Ian Curtis): "Touching From A Distance", the movie was released in 2007. ->everytime I see the movie I am :matte-motes-crying: *meows*
  15. Foam Cannon in action Hippie ..... :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: Thank YOU Perrie. You are one of the greater story tellers in these fora and one of the kindest. I remember a post of yours about your cat killing, wife and child..... ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *meows*
  17. I would like to be called CAT LINDEN ... and I would WORK VERY HARD HARD HARD HARD  ......zzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz *meows*
  18. goodmorning everyone .... time for my weekly pedicure session!!!!!! I like my claws razor-sharp... :matte-motes-whistle: *meows*
  19. Firestorm ..... period!!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  20. you look so beautiful Extem!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  21. this song touches me everytime.... :smileysad: *meows* and this one makes me cry everytime (especially the intro) ...:matte-motes-crying: *meows* the original version ...
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