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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. hopefully this is not gonna end up in a massive g*ngb*ng ........ c*m together mmhhhhhhhhhhhh ..:matte-motes-delicious: *meows* PS. nice logo!!
  2. Just be, look, dress ..... whatever you want to be Dresden and kick those guards immediately out ...... I am a Vagi-terian in both lifes and I love my life!!!!!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  3. +/- 2000 mins per week ..... :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  4. @JoJo ... what a lovely dress and picture @ Val ... enjoy your lazy day ... hehe .... and you look so comfy there @ Tay ... London is definitely Calling for you *meows*
  5. and the bathing suit looks very pretty on you tooooooooooo Wicked :matte-motes-inlove: *meows* @everyone: lovely pics!!!!!!!
  6. ........ my baby Meeroo .....:matte-motes-shocked: *meows*
  7. you look so lovely Venus!!!! ..... here is mine after a test drive with my new sportscar :smileyhappy: *meows*
  8. sorry Keli, moved the discussion over to here ..... Reply to Wildcat Furse - view message 07-29-2011 02:03 PM Aren't you just a little curious about what Dee is going to do with it though? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES I AM CURIOUS :matte-motes-grin: *meows*
  9. my sincere condolences to you and your family Hippie .... *meows*
  10. Keli Kyrie wrote: That is an awesome shot you always have been a good photographer. BTW I love that you are calling the second Hippiestock H 2 do you think we should buy Hippie a special vehicle for the occasion?  ty Keli!!! :matte-motes-bashful-cute: .... glad you liked the H2  idea and translated it into a very cool poster right away. No we don't buy a H2 for Hippie because these cars affect the carbon footprint and being honest .... Hippies (the real hippies) don't drive cars at all ....but bicycles :matte-motes-wink-tongue: *meows*
  11. very cool logo!!!!!! :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  12. I sometimes change 5x per day ... depending on the weather, my mood, the occasion :smileyhappy: *meows*
  13. ...... because my partner and I are both travelling a lot for business purposes in real life we use second life to interact with each other (doing nasty things). Second life offers so much more than a 2D platform and that is where it differentiates from the rest, and we must keep it like that :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  14. HAHA .... well this is what I do with a SLum DOG ....YEEAAHHHHAAAA :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  15. PEACE EVERYONE ...... and I will be present @H2 :smileyhappy: *meows*
  16. Keli Kyrie wrote: If you don't like it come back and tell us why. ROFL .... I think you just need a break :matte-motes-sour: *meows*
  17. ops sorry .... I thought it was a green bird!!!!! ....*meows*
  18. LL doesn't understand their own product Luc...... :matte-motes-sour: *meows*
  19. well said Linda ...... LL doesn't understand their own product at all, the strength of the second life concept is that it differs from other social networking platforms, here you can really interact with other avatars, create, do things and it is much more fun than just using twitter, FB or other 2D tools to communicate, simple as that. I really thought (like many did) that the new CEO was going to bring THE change in a way that he was going to use his background to boost second life again as it always has been designed for in the early days by Rosedale. Instead they seem to have choosen (again) another direction towards 2D networking, another (sigh) attempt to increase topline while they forget that their fix customerbase (the real second lifers) are left in the cold. Those last ones are the ones that generate cash for LL, but it seems (again) they forgot about this fact! Quick analysis: the mainland is turning yellow (more and more land being abandonned), logins are further dropping, beautiful sims are closing their doors and most places are empty........is 2D networking the action to compensate this loss or is LL going to increase the tier prices sooner or later? *meows*
  20. /me hugs you back!!!!! btw nice signature ... maybe "THE LADIES WHO PUNCH CLUB" would be an idea too :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: *meows*
  21. merci Val!!! 2:17am here now, cannot sleep, too busy in my head with virtually decorating my living room in RL, but the ideas are bit by bit coming together (was in France today to steal some interior ideas) :matte-motes-nerdy: *meows*
  22. @everyone->beautiful pics :matte-motes-inlove: ..... early morning pics *meows*
  23. ok I confess I ate it ....... thought it was a big fat rat :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
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