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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. You all look amazing!!!! let the winter take control .... we are all prepared!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  2. @ Venus & Hayley .... lovely pics!!!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  3. best way to handle this (win-win) is to set out a few tipjars at your venue, club or whatever ... and to share the tips between the owner and the managers .... good luck!!! :smileywink: *meows*
  4. the best solution is to take away the TV .... 'welcome to management'!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  5. I am an ESTP ........:smileyhappy: *meows* PS. I love being creative and love change too .... SL is the perfect tool for me! PS2. While being extrovert in RL, in SL I prefer being introvert (I like it calm and quiet).....!
  6. @ Val .... un gros bisous a toi!!!!!!!! :matte-motes-kiss: *meows* PS. thankies everyone else for the kind replies!!!!!! :matte-motes-inlove: + :matte-motes-inlove: + :matte-motes-inlove: = :matte-motes-kiss:
  7. ....and ...... my 1500th post goes toooooooo ...... THIS THREAD ... YAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! :smileytongue: *meows*
  8. Hey all goodmorning!!!!!!!! Finally weekend =>NO STRESS² :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  9. Tommi, amazing work!!! I like your style .... :smileyhappy: *meows*
  10. ok, in this case the simowner is LL .... takes ages for them to respond to a ticket :smileysad: *meows*
  11. Nadine, is your parcel on the mainland or on a private estate? *meows*
  12. like Venus said .... and in case if you are renting on a private estate you could also ask the simowner to ban this person from the sim .... :smileyhappy: *meows*
  13. ok Syo, I agree, my apologies ..... :smileywink: *meows*
  14. cool .... can we join the party!!!! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: *meows*
  15. ahem .... /me runs to the store to buy some chocolate!!! BRB ... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  16. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: @ Wildcat: Unless I seriously misunderstood... *meows*
  17. /me purrssssssssssss .... can I have a mouse and a plate of milk please??????? :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  18. I am a furry eating furry ...... luckely I am not banned on furry sims or I would starve to death!!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  19. goodmorning everyone!!!! Any breakfast left????? :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  20. I'll think about it!!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  21. it means in my case: 'Hasta que la muerte nos separe' ...... :smileysurprised: *meows*
  22. ..... my game-boy .....!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
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