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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. oh, you are partnered with your alt???? :matte-motes-shocked: *meows*
  2. hey all goodmorning, bonjour ...... !!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  3. 'breedable Linden Dollars' would be fun....!!! :matte-motes-silly: *meows*
  4. what a lovely shot JoJo .... nah I don't need a commission, a few mouses will do!!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows* PS. to everyone else ->amaazziinngggg pics!
  5. .... my °°°° piercing :smileytongue: *meows*
  6. sounds good to me Hippie & Co ....... :smileyhappy: *meows*
  7. Hey all .... goodmorning ..... I have an excuse for my unaccustomed behavio(u)r ...... WAS PIGEON HUNTING ALL DAY ....:matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  8. /me clicks the play button on below youtube vid, move the volume up, jump aside Reuler in the sofa, grab her close and .... kiss her (Again... Again... Again... Ooooh .......Again... Again... Again... Again... ...) :matte-motes-kiss: *meows*
  9. goodmorning everyone!!!!! Oh Hippie a nice song for you ..... HAPPPPYYYY (space) STATIOOOONNN :smileyhappy: *meows*
  10. for a change .... my friday song .... but I like it!!!! :matte-motes-evil-invert: *meows*
  11. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: @Cat: You look great, and so does your house! /me peeks in the window ty Sylvia, please visit my property anytime, lot of things to see ..... click my signature for the LM ..... just be carefull for the mouse traps!!! :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: *meows* edit: in fact anyone that want to visit my place .... please click my signature and enjoy my place!!!!
  12. awwww you both are such a cute couple!!!!!! :matte-motes-dead: *meows*
  13. oh yessssss .... :smileywink: *meows*
  14. so many lovely pics added!!! woooottttt .... :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  15. but I feel like eating a Gabon parrot today ... RAW .....:matte-motes-delicious: *meows* PS. /me teleports to Val's sim and steals the parrot!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. it looks promising ..... :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
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