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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. ..... I like my cyberhat!!! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  2. Goodmorning everyone ..... kisses, licks and hugs!!!! :matte-motes-kiss: *meows*
  3. Lillie Woodells wrote: Good MornAfterEvening all you lovely people! /me sets out breakfast. Help yourself to the buffett Wildcat I made a special dish for you: @Lillie ..... THANKIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows* PS. can I have a bird tomorrow .... please please please???????
  4. @Conifer, Hayley, Randall = very nice pics!!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  5. Thankies Cio ..... I am gonna post more of these moving forward, keep an eye on the VT!!! *meows* PS. RIOJA RESERVA '98 ....... :matte-motes-delicious:
  6. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Of course, there are some people that just want to look ridiculous in SL. I've seen all kinds of hideous avatars in my time in SL and can usually tell when someone's doing it on purpose. this are the ones I 'MUTE' ...... :matte-motes-silly: *meows* PS. or ban ....
  7. beautiful pics everyone!!!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  8. Budget and strategic planning for 2012!!! :matte-motes-yawn: *meows* PS. luckely in SL I only know one season =>SUMMER :smileyvery-happy:
  9. haha still love (ahem hate) this song .... /me thinks about the year 1985!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  10. goodmorning everyone .... gros bisous a toi Val and kisses to all the rest!!! :smileyhappy: *meows*
  11. please post here one of your best shots so everyone can give their opinion .... if you look 'hot' enough for your business idea! :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  12. hope to see you back soon Wil, you will be missed !!!! :smileysad: *meows*
  13. as tennant you will 'probably' need to join a group (which will avoid your stuff being returned), please ask the landlord!!! :smileywink: *meows*
  14. yvw ...... /me purrsssssssssssssssssssssss :matte-motes-inlove: *meows* PS. the gif dimensions of mine are 173px × 195px PS2. a cool tool to process gif files online (resize, cut, .....) is this one here
  15. did you call me!!!! :smileyhappy: *meows* PS. here you find the info how to change your forum avatar, good luck!
  16. second life = FUN² !!!!! :smileyhappy: *meows* PS. can I have mouse now????
  17. goodmorning everyone!!!! /me smells soup in here?????? :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  18. thankies Venus .... :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
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