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SpiritSparrow Skydancer

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Everything posted by SpiritSparrow Skydancer

  1. Deja Letov wrote: Dartagan Shepherd wrote: I feel cheated, I got ads for Zwinky, a free hobbit game and California Psychics. Agree though, it needs to be work safe and not tacky, if that can be said of the kind of ads that they'd rather you just click on and not purchase anything. Well it got better today. Yesterday it was the chicks with giant boobs telling me they don't want young men they want me. Today....I sign in and got invited to a Roman orgy! man SL must think I am the biggest sex freak on the planet. just so you guys don't think I'm making this up lol LMAO on a whim, turn off adult and browse only non adult .. what kinda ads you get?
  2. Deja Letov wrote: The ads are getting really stupid too. Today I logged in and at the top of my screen were 4 busty chicks, one apparently had no bra on and her top was wide open but the picture was conveniently cut off right above the **bleep**...with the message "We don't like Young Men! We want you!" So they are trying to say I'm old...and male? The chick with the giant basketballs on her chest was kinda hot I guess, if you're into girls. They could at least make an attempt to tailor them to a video game genre, or business, or let SL merchants advertise or something. but really...SL peddling smut and what I'm assuming is a adult porn website? Really SL? These ads seem to target your web browsing trends as well as location specifics... I never get the busty women : ( I get the mug shots and disney ads... cookies suck
  3. Orca Flotta wrote: Comments? ^.^ Jeeze, you the most fugly n00b I've seen in quite a while. Sorry :smileytongue: lol
  4. fangs are fairly simple to create... Have you tried?
  5. Because it covers with the lotion to hide them.... when you apply the top, it covers them.. If your nips show it is because there is a transparency in the "dress top" texture provided..... It would look really sick if nipps applied over the top.. Or, the person who made the top didnt use a transparency and it covers the shirt template with no transparency, from collar bone to underarms, in which case.. add some alpha to your dresstop.
  6. If your name was "Master or Mistress" this questions would not have caused such an uproar.
  7. I've never watched the show nor will I start. They wont focus on the good relationships that come from SL the show itself is about people who lie about themselves to others, why would a success story be told? Whatever, I imagine they have tons of applications already. What people often forget is not everyone uses SL as a social media and many use it as a roleplay arena where the whole point of it is being something you are not.. I've not cared if that guy I met was a girl, nor do I care that big hairy werewolf isnt really one... I will say though, those people who IM you begging for linden $ with a photo of a sweet young girl in a pouty pose and cleavage prolly aint a girl. negitivity and drama make good tv.
  8. Currently offline.... refresh its gone but placeholders are still there... Now, advertising quibid....... thats a whole other story. They have the worst reputation... but whatever pays the bills huh LL. Listen I could understand free accounts having to see this, but paid prem accounts.. NO and this while going to shopping.. Notice the ad is region specific... I have no idea how these banners work, but its fishy it knows Im in florida isnt it? BTW this one came when I was online. And yes we can install ad blockers and such, but there is now a matter of trust between users and LL that has been broken. It is very SAD to have to installl something that LL put in place to block. Next will be in world banners like ticker tape in world...
  9. HA! I spent 2 hours scanning my pc for virus and malware@@ STUPID IDEA. WHY DO I HAVE TO SEE THIS, I PAY LL MY MONTHLY DUE!!! WTF! alSO, ALONG WITH THE TOP BANNER IS THE EXACT SAME BANNER ON THE SIDE Yes I used all caps, I was shouting Im upset!
  10. I know if my draw distance is low I dont even see skirt attachemnts that are flexi. But I too see flexi prims pointing up or down looking like a peacock tail etc. This all started happening when the viewers updated for mesh in my instance (as well as the phoenix flexi prim breaking - ( which they denied for a while and still have not fixed) ).... and is consistant for me. I see it on LL viewer as well as firestorm. Would love to hear others thoughts on this. (also just a note: sometimes the most up to date drivers are not the best drivers) * food for thought: maybe rollback and see if it helps.
  11. Chaeli Eyre wrote: Drama, what is its definition and why to people abhor it so much? In Hollywood people love it, they get paid millions of dollars to make movies, and people watch them. There are countless magazines with "what happened with Bradd Pit and Angelina". But we are not allowed to talk about what's going on in our own lives. My question is why? And what if someone joins a group and is new to SL and doesn't know what drama means, should they be beaten and banned for their ignorance? Seems to me that's more dramatic. And how can you tell if you will be called dramatic if you do not know what another persons definition of it is? And before someone sends the SL police after me for posting this is it so bad to have discussions like this to empower people's self esteem and give them knowledge. I mean if people didn't talk about their "drama" to their therapists they would be out of a job. And psychologists would not get their paycheck, and people would be worse off with out their ant-depressants wouldn't they? I avoid people with that in their profile, along with "mess with me or my friends and you got trouble" (usually in the same paragraph) They just look stupid... I also dont even talk to someone with a warped disclaimer in their either. Hell that reads darma right there.. I will say I do have some experience here that an EX of mine after I broke up with him pu tthat in his profile, you see when I confronted him for lieing to me about something he deflected it onto me..thus stating I had to much drama....
  12. I think its more rude to make a negative comment about someone when you have no idea why they didnt respond.
  13. It isnt just mainland.. Take a look around on the map there is yellow everywhere
  14. Do not let anyone discourage you if you want to make clothing. Make it if its good people will buy it.. I believe 45% (wild guess) of the people who make clothing do it for fun and not to make tons of money... I suspect this might be you. What is your skill level?
  15. MUST SELL DUE TO RL HEALTH ISSUES. TIER IS DUE JUNE 27TH. full region not a homestead. 150USD OR 40000L to make up for fees associated with cashing out on L$. YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TRANS FEE LL CHARGES!! VALKYRIES SIM CONTACT TARINA SEWELL
  16. Hm, I know today I was researching "steampunk" and got a big ole detachable **bleep** as first result and several pair of high heel shoes that had nothing to do with steampunk.. So they seriously need to do something.
  17. Gosh, I cant remember if there was a tribute thread to Dick Clark.. cause.. well.. he died ya know.. Celeb death stick with ya... I actually remember the day Elvis died.. (I was a babe but we wer ein the car and I remember my mom was boohooing so much we had to pull over)
  18. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: You do have to own or rent land to put up a sky box 'permanently.' You can rez a skybox at a sandbox and try it out for a few hours though. That's a chance to use them before you decide to get land or what land to get. :womanlol:
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: You can report it to LL through the abuse system. You honestly think LL cares? The OP said "still" going on, I bet the OP has reported and that why there is a frustration level. I reported a sim a year ago for same thing guess what.. they still doing it.
  20. CRcold wrote: I spent over 5 hours waiting for this auction for a PERFECT piece of land for me and my friends, 8000M2 for only 4,100 i bidded and waited all night till 5am in the morning, from what was on my screen it was 30seconds to go and i was still the only bidder. Then my Internet froze and when it came back, I lost by 4 minutes. The page is suppose to auto refresh i'd assume and it isn't fair that this guy got it for 10 more L than i bidded. You shouldn't allow land to be auctioned like that, it should have an Auctual commision for people to get ontop of, like the next bid has to be atleast 1-10% Higher than the first bid. So 4,100 would have become 4,510. if it were 1%. This is so unfair >-< thats how auctions work.... stop whining and enter the max amount you are willing to pay and hope for the best,and get a better consistant net connection...
  21. Calamari wrote: Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Glamor masquerade? I generally tend to think of masqueade in mostly full dress. While SL is not a prudish place, you used to be more mindful of work safe shopping. If that's no longer the case and you don't care that your promo image isn't appropriate for many people shopping from work, carry on. I personally don't mind the image, I'll take two of the real thing any day. But you did also let in teens. And while they're not prudes either, unless it's a kink based event this doesn't say masquerade to them either. It says period erotica. Is that what you meant? If your worried about the Masquerade promotion image at work then it's hard to believe you have even seen the marketplace, even with adult content filtered out, the Masquerade image is tame compared to what you might expose your boss or co workers to. If shopping from work is so important for many people then the top priorities to fix on the market place should be to make sure adds are work place friendly and speed up the shopping process so people can get back to work faster. Why does this have to suggest only period erotica, May be SL is in decline because people are depending too much on LL to tell them what to do. If the next promotion was Lemmings I would hope that every one wouldn't think they had to jump off a cliff. I personally thought of period erotica when I saw it...but not "only" however its not a very well timed banner program anyhow, should have been in feb........... I do like the photo though.
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