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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. I agree regarding it being a bad idea to stop discounts in the first place but given discounts to selected customers is standard business practice, it might rub some up the wrong way but it's a done thing.
  2. I was in Specsavers yesterday, guess who I bumped into? Everybody. Q. Which group sang the song Tiger Feet? A. Mud That's Right That's Right That's Right That's Right
  3. I've reported an issue to the Jira, which due to the awful changes most people aren't going to be able to see: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-2116? If you know the secret handshake you'll be able to view it. Basically I own some breedables called Dwarfins and sometimes when I login I can't see them, I'll see this: The guy on the left should actually have fellows all over the screen who look like him, also in the picture are their weapons, which happily display. The book appears when you click a Dwarfin and order it to read, when I do that their hair or hat appears but not the rest of them. If I move to another room and come back, the issue persists, however if I teleport out and come back, all seems fine: Now the reason I'm bringing this here is because the person who looked at the issue with Loki, suggests the issue I'm reporting looks very similar. I'm not so sure about that but it may be that the root cause of the problem is the same as the problem Loki is experiencing.
  4. Darkie Minotaur wrote: There are many ways to store data - why don't you just use an outworld database? I'd be far happier if there was a hosted database solution from Linden Lab, but yes, depending upon what exactly you're doing an outside database should work just fine.
  5. How are you displaying the text? You may need to take the list and add it to a new variable to display it how you want. \n creates a new line. + is used to concatenate variables. For example if I had two variables and I wanted a "-" in the middle: string myString = variable1 + " - " + variable2 Take a look at llList2String to see an example of using \n for line breaks: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlList2String
  6. Click me in the top left of the viewer, from the dropdown there's a merchant outbox link.
  7. Take a look at the list sorting function: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListSort You may need to change the order of how your list stores data, for example you may need the score to be the first element. \n is the new line operator, so that should help put the lines on top of each other. There's an example of this in the string category: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_String
  8. Hi, you won't get support here. However, do you know what server channel your sim is running on (it will be in help and about). Have you tried resetting your sim or is it mainland?
  9. No you only need to list the highest maturity rating, you can only click one rating. If it had been your keywords it would have flagged it, so this is odd.
  10. Follow it on the Phoenix Jira: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-8459 The reporter Whirly Fizzle, is very active on the Second Life Jira, i think Whirly is in the secret handshake club that allows access to the Jira and Whirly is very helpful.
  11. Well at least you gave it a go, Mesh clothing isn't for everyone, some products seem more portable than others, I've seen some raving about liquid mesh and others saying it's not all that. Fortunately there's plenty of choice but you might be able to create a new outfit with an adjusted avatar and take it from there, that way you still get to be you most of the time.
  12. Yup looks like you're in the right ball park, having a timer of a larger value does seem to make it work better, obviously that may not be a suitable solution for Loki and he may need a new approach.
  13. Guilliaume wrote: Nah. My friend didn't rip the texture to be mean or steal from me. She only did it to prove to me that she could. If LL catch her, she will be an ex-friend. I'd advise caution here.
  14. How items appear is in the hands of the consumer. The consumer has sorting options, the default is relevance but they can if they want sort by price or alphabetically.
  15. Yup I've had items go offworld in the past, so there is a need for detecting when something has gone offworld. Maybe it's to do with the physics engine not being a fan of hollows.
  16. Considering the Jira loop now generally doesn't get closed in terms of the reporter being informed when an issue has been fixed anyway, it doesn't matter if the reporter is around to hear it fall, the sound of silence prevails, the noise will be heard in the release notes forest, if you're lucky.
  17. I've used LL and Virvox in the past, you don't get as good rates with Virvox, but you do get your money quick, you use Paypal with them too.
  18. As an aside, why do we need an under the terrain feature? I'm thinking along the lines of tunnels, underground railways, roleplaying dungeons etc. I've been wondering about flattening my land and building a mesh terrain, but that would take time I currently don't have.
  19. Crystal Glasswing wrote: Hi, I am opening a new inworld store, and, since I am not the best at creating clothing yet, I have decided to go with some affiliate/franchise programs for some of my sale items (wherein I place vendors from an affiliate creator in my store, and I get a commission from sales). So I am looking for affiliate programs, mostly. Today I found one, and placed a vendor in my store. the vendor asked for permission to withdraw funds from my account (this is normal). I gave the permission, expecting 1 linden to be withdrawn. But nothing was withdrawn, and then the vendor said it needed to update. So I ran the updater, but then it said it couldn't update successfully, so I was left wondering whether my account is safe, or what? It shouldn't take anything until someone purchases from the vendor, that permission is to allow the percentage sharing process to function. Casper is a very reputable brand, not sure why the update isn't working but hopefully the affiliate will get back to you about that.
  20. Guilliaume wrote: You do not make very much money, do you, or perhaps you are bad at managing money? I am only saying this because, no, even $295 a month is not expensive. My free spending money for the month is somehwere around $400 and my combined household income is almost $50,000, which is like the lowest tier of middle class for the U.S.A. Considering you were blissfully unaware how much a private island costs and now you're suggesting that using 75% of your disposable income on Second Life makes it cheap, I'll take your response with a very large pinch of salt.
  21. A private island, costs USD$295 a month and then some users have to pay tax on top of that, yes it is expensive especially for people who want to create environments for people to do something, rather than places that sell wares. That's a monthly fee, you can get a car for less than that. It is what it is, but Second Life is most certainly an expensive pastime.
  22. Yet the very same arguments you use are used by those who want to create games, roleplaying, art and places for people to do something inworld, the costs are prohibitive. At least merchants do have The Marketplace, which isn't going away. However it would be nice if there were moves to allow people to create things that provide people with something to do to get a boost too.
  23. Close The Marketplace? Have you got a sideline in selling pitchforks and torches? The commercial/non commercial idea is a good one indeed. I also think there's potential for pay as you go solutions whereby a sim isn't open 24/7 and therefore pays a pro-rata tier but that could get complicated in terms of billing.
  24. Wild shot in the dark but it may be worth popping to a region running the Magnum release channel code where they're testing an update to how interest lists work. Some details in the release notes: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/13#
  25. I will second Thinkerer and suggest you take a look at alternatives, especially Kitely which offers flat fee and time based usage models. The tier in Second Life is too damn high, but there's no easy solution there. LL aren't going to dramatically reduce their main source of income by slashing tier and gambling on that generating a rush in land purchases.
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