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Katiki Summerwind

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  1. The sorting and score recording is working fine but the thing I'm actually getting caught up is the syntax adding linebreaks, heh. I'm not sure how to add the linebreak and " - " seperater between the score and name when it it's inbetween square brackets.Or how to even rearrange it so the score is first. I've never even tried working with lists before. Yeah sorry I'm incredibly bad at this.
  2. The mechanics work perfectly, but how do I clean it up so the floating text displays as: "Name: # Name: # Name: #" Etc, with each # being that user's total? I already switched it to be display names. Also is there any possible way to make it sort by highest amount? I'm still pretty new to coding but I'm guessing would this run better with notecards or something, if I wanted it to be sorted?
  3. How would you make a script that would, when put on a object, keep track of the amount of touches by multiple users and display them as hover text? This isn't really for much of a specific purpose, I'm screwing around with some related scripts and trying to get an understanding of basic multi-user scorekeeping. Any suggestions?
  4. Ah, damn. I made a long flexi tail from a cyllinder already, was just wondering if there was some way to scrunch it up or morph the shape. Thank you for the reply :3
  5. I've been searching around and so far it seems to be impossible but I might as well try asking. Is it possible to make a flexi item that's been shaped into more complex of a design? specifically I'm trying to make a flexible tail that's in somewhat of an upright "S" shape. I can't find a way to do it by editing the prim, I can't get linking multiple flexi shapes to work, and I don't even know if scripts could help because I know nothing of SL scripting. Sorry, a bit new to building in SL ^^;
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