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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. if your paypal doesn't have the account status Verified LL aren't going to accept it i live outside the US and had zero problems adding my verified paypal account as payment info
  2. DJ and musicians have their own ways to stream music in SL shoutcast streams is one of them they may well use Sam-Broadcaster if the are a DJ or real musical instruments and a mic if they are musicians. as long as the land has the right stream url in the media section of about land anyone can listen to whatever band or DJ is on
  3. it is possible to have a funeral of sorts in SL there are cemetery's a good friend of mine is a co-owner of a cemetary known as Second Afterlife with SL cemeteries you can rent a headstone or plaque as a memorial to yourself or someone who died or just left SL (if you know they are dead) i'm sure if you wanted a full funeral service you could get that too
  4. i think outfit combos are the best way to go i've seen some fab jackets on system layers only but i've seen even better jackets once some prims have been added. trousers look much better with prim cuffs the cuffing options available to the system layer are ugly well flareing them out looks ugly
  5. there are plenty of groups out there just purchase your self a midnight mania board or lucky chair and search for groups dedicated to these devices these groups are pretty much a constant spam-a-thon with hundreds even thousands of daily posts from people advertising the midnight mania or lucky chair in their store
  6. the likelyhood of a linden seeing this is and acting on it is very slim you should create a support ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ to get your issue resolved
  7. you might want to search for sculpty paint it's free and a hell of a lot easier to use than blender you can start it up for the first time and immediately sculpt something once you've made something you do have to test the sculpts inworld either with a viewer that does free temp uploads or go on beta grid before committing to a L$10 permanent upload because what looks good in sculpty paint doesn't always look as good inworld
  8. the SKU stands for stock keeping unit you don't need to fill this in you can leave it blank
  9. as the first gift is dated september it's all too easy to assume there will be a new gift every month which there hasn't been LL's use of the word regular is a bit subjective to me as i'm sure everyone else that meant monthly. i have a sneaking suspicion we might get a new gift in december with a bit of luck and that LL's idea of regular means quarterly (every 3 months) i'd be really annoyed if the gift get's updated a day or two after i downgrade back to basic
  10. you might want to try logging in to a different sim there is some planned maintenence going on at the moment
  11. it wasn't SL that patched these holes but youtube they changed something i can't remember what that meant that videos could not work in SL any more (and many other places on the web that didn't embedd the video) but TV makers including VEA Icarus Diamani etc quickly found a work round before the change at youtube's end permanently came in to effect and youtube continues to work in SL
  12. the 50% off only applies to the quarterly plan (3 months membership) the other memberships are full price
  13. if you want to buy L$ in £ have a look at Linden Lab Official:Linden Dollar Marketplace i use eldexchange but there are many exchanges you can try that will accept paypal it might work out better to buy in £ as you don't have to deal with exchange rates
  14. save taking a new pic i adore these Mentine - Tycoon boots in Silver i have similar Silver boots from Bax but i like the textures and the optional fur top and wedge heel better in these boots
  15. a couple of years ago there was a tool that could tell you every time your profile was viewed but the function that made it work was removed now there is no way of knowing if your profile has been viewed
  16. just to add you can abandon your linden home up to 5 times a day in exchange for another
  17. if your friend only has 50 prims tell her to get https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vendor-gift-purchases-gifting-payment-sharing-split-pay-very-low-lag-multi-vendor/272656 they are not free but L$49 is peanuts to pay for all the features you get from the vendors
  18. i've seen starbucks namely the logo used in several places in SL they were all along various road sides somewhere i got a takeaway coffee cup attachment with Tim Horton branding on it (apparently it's a popular coffee chain) really you are not allowed to use someone elses branding with out permission if you don't have permission they would have to report you
  19. i haven't used the home page featured option but when i used the L$0 checkout featured option i had to re-fresh that page of featured items 30-40 times when i bought a freebie just to see my enhancement while other peoples enhancements were showing up nearly every time it could be that the enhancement is set up so you don't see your own too often
  20. LL doesn't let you pick the exact home you want LL gives you a choice of home styles you pick the one you want and they assign you what ever house is available in your chosen style at random you can abandon your home up to 5 times in a day in exchange for a new one but no guaruntee you'll get the exact home you want
  21. for content creators and performers they could always bestow the equivalent of knighthoods damehoods OBE's MBE's and CBE's
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: I was told once that AKEYO has at least one typing animation but I cannot seem to find it in the shop. I am old school and tend to do most of my shopping inworld. i have the AKEYO Kim Chan AO that has at least 2 typing animations in it you can get one of them from the AO animation vendors i think you have to be demoing the aimation to purchase it. i don't use the typing animation myself i'm not a fan of them but as typing anims go it's decent
  23. put simply it's an advertisment relevant to search terms you put in IMVU pumps a lot of money in to advertising this includes banner ad's all over the web and sponsored search results that appear first in search maybe LL could take a leaf out of their book might attract a few more residents
  24. check the trash folder of your email account the e-mail may be there if the contents of that folder has not been deleted
  25. the Av's and choice of av's are streets ahead of what LL offers i actually wouldn't mind being a noob in Twinity i saw the sign up page and to see you could pick your own first/last name is something LL really needs to bring back. i'm always using my SL name on other grids if i decided to sign up to this newer one i wouldn't use my SL name i'd opt for something wildly different the thing that puts me off trying it is the system reqs i have no idea if my graphics are better or worse than the ones listed plus it needs 3gb of HD space
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