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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. i remember just starting out in SL really well it was april '08 one of my favourite bands had just released a new album i'd decided to try SL after reading a magazine article. i remember trying to log in for the first time and being confronted by nothing but blue for the first few attempts. on my final attempt i was all but ready to give up all hope of playing SL then the world started to rezz, i have no idea where i landed but the ground did look like help island. some kind fella noticed i was new and IM'd me we chatted a little and he passed me a couple of LM's one for freebie dungeon one for freebie wearhouse. i tp'd over to freebie dungeon it was a vast place i picked up boxes of clothes and shoes i never knew if you bought a box you got the entire contents so i got some boxes of stuff several times thinking you clicked what you wanted and got those items i managed to find my way out of freebie dungeon and in to a sim called deva loka and a mall called 'Kaimono Mall' i found somewhere quiet and set to work on my AV i put some different clothes on some jeans a t-shirt and a tartan jacket and a pair of red & white prim trainers. i adjusted my shape a bit to make it more me, made my skin paler, eyes blue, played around with make-up and tried to get my system hair as much like my RL hair as possible then i set to explore Deva Loka. i remember seeing a sign for free money on a teleporter so i used it to tp i was a bit miffed when i arrived and couldn't see the money, so i kept tp-ing to the 'free money' in the sim and never saw any money but i did eventually notice one of those ATM's that were meant to reward you for completeing surveys, it never did but i did also discover a money tree and two floor mopping campers in the sim after wandering some more. the next day i searched for free money and ended in a sim called Garnet initally at a zyngo place then i some how found myself in the next door swimming pool center i spent a few days there wandering around using the wonder chairs and the xploder till i got banned for rezzing stuff i ended up back at the zyngo place i saw it had camping and i thought you had to click on the camper then dance so i clicked the camper and spent 10 minutes pressing F9 F10 F11 F12 i did this several times and kept wondering why it was never paying it took me a while to realize you had to right click and sit on the thing to dance for money. when i built up some money i went back to Kaimono Mall and rented a booth and tried to make a bit of cash out of those BIAB's i acquired in freebie dungeon
  2. if you are used to LL's V2/V3 viewers you might want to try from the TPV list Firestorm with it you can log in V3 mode Firestorm mode or Hybird mode plus there is an excellent inworld support group you can join if you have issues. while i find it reliable and stable you may not there is also the Dolphin viewer based on V3. Phoenix and Impudence are V1 based viewers i think Singularity and Emergence are too and possibily Restrained Love. the rest of the viewers are non graphical. of the full viewers install the ones you want and test them out till you find one you are comfortable with
  3. i don't use the chairs but i use a lucky board from the same creator i have nothing against them my lucky board doesn't exactly pull in hoards of people but then neiter does my MM board i see these devices as adding something to the shopping experience if someone drops by and their letter is on the board they may click and walk off with a with a prize if i shop inworld i don't go somewhere just because there's lucky devices back at the height of the MM craze i would have but if the store happens to have one i might hang around a while see if my letter comes up
  4. i was under the impression that when the option to add a demo to a listing came along that separate demo listings would be eliminated and the demo link on a full product wouldn't just be a link to a listing for a demo. even in the days of xstreet demos were a problem when they were lumped together in the freebie section. with the demo option on the marketplace there shouldn't be need to show listings for a demo in search exclude all demo listings and when someone searches for a demo bring up all full products with a demo linked to it
  5. i've been using TPV's since Emerald viewer there was a lot of buzz around it i decided to try it i didn't instantly get on with it but once i got used to extra buttons and menus i made it my full time viewer just before they bought breast physics to the grid in it's day it had many useful features that carried over to Phoenix viewer which i went on to use once Emerald got banned and also made their way in to the LL viewer though LL improved on them things such as Physics, Secondary Attachments, Radar i now use Phoenix Firestorm viewer and it still keeps the features i've come to rely on from Phoenix viewer such as Temp Uploads, Radar, Area Search, Teleport History, Avi Script Count, Double Click Teleport, Spell Checker, Private Camming, Chat Commands and more the viewer took a bit of time to get used to but with a guide to make it look as V1 as possible it was a massive UI improvement on the awful LL V2 viewer
  6. i bought something a couple of days ago and received it in record time i think it arrived before i managed to tab back to SL i was fully expecting to wait a good 45 minutes as usual before it decided to deliver
  7. if you pick the linden home a house of the style you've chosen is automatically assigned to you on a sim where there is a vacant home the home sits on a 512sqm sized plot and the prims of the home don't count towards the prim count of the plot so when you take posession of the home you'll have a full 117 prims at your disposal if you wish to use a home you have made or bought you must buy land for the home to sit on and the prim count of the home will count against that of the land so if you buy a 30 prim home and rezz it on the land you bought assuming it's a 512sqm plot and the homes footprint is upto 16x32 you will have 87 prims left to use
  8. you don't use a Flight Feather do you? or perhaps some similar flight aid hud if so click the hud and the text will disappear
  9. fair enough the marketplace has gone downhill since LL did away with xstreet and i do see failed deliveries at the worst i can remember them being as a merchant i have had a few requests for re-delivery the past few months where as i think there were none on xstreet. also anything you buy on the marketplace takes longer and longer to deliver if you are faced with a non delivery first get in touch with the merchant if after a few days of IM's NC's or PM's via the new web profiles you hear nothing file a support ticket with LL they have a special category for marketplace delivery issues if you fill in all the correct details LL will re-deliver what ever you have purchased
  10. as a renter i have two 10prim booths i rent in malls one i pay L$10/wk the other L$30/wk but on my travels around sl i have seen L$100/wk is pretty average for between 25-50prims in very popular locations you can expect to pay L$250/wk or more for 50-100+ prims
  11. if you mean one of those Businesses in a Box full of full perm pre-made clothes there aren't really any rules on what you can/can't do with them but since anyone if they look around a bit can pick up those clothes free you can charge what you like and the majority of residents won't buy them knowing they can get them free elsewhere
  12. Innula Zenovka wrote: I tried V2 when it first came out, and hated it, partly because it was unfamiliar but mostly because it had a load of things wrong with it. It's improved ever since, and the new 3.2, with the FUI (no sidebar to slide out, position the buttons where you want), is a completely different beast from the V2.1 or so that people tried, hated and gave up on. no sidebar wow when i get some time i'll give V3 a try in every version of V2 i tried the sidebar was the single worst thing about the whole viewer i just couldn't get used to it no matter how much time i spent on V2
  13. for me my favourite viewer is Firestorm i switched to it permanently just before Phoenix with mesh was released knowing phoe is comming to the end of it's life Phoenix pre mesh was always my fave viewer and i still find myself going to use keyboard shortcuts that worked in phoe even though they don't work in FS i don't use the LL viewers anymore i haven't touched V2 or 1.23 since late 2010 some how i don't see my self wanting to try V3 after knowing how rubbish V2 was
  14. if you mean you've bought a pregnancy pack and decided to simulate a pregnancy the birthing clinic location would probably have been included in the pack you bought or you can contact the creator to get a location to get your baby
  15. nothing wrong with finding an av free area to dress i often change clothes in my skybox it always used to be out of the way of other av's then i got neighbours that often get within 96m on my mysti-tool within the double click to perv cam range of Phoenix/Firestorm's radar. if i'm honest i'll dress anywhere it's very rare that i'll get totally starkers before putting on a new outfit
  16. the blocks and or squares are unicode characters your computer doesn't support i used to find it a problem on an old computer i used to use i couldn't really find a fix for it. Edit: i think you need to install extra languages on to your computer to get rid of the blocks and they might come on the OS disc
  17. if you are uploading your own sculpts it's L$10 per texture upload if you want to comission a sculpt from someone else they can charge you what ever they see fit
  18. kalliopi Ziplon wrote: they are so many others things like it , for ex. i have many tattoos and clothes and art , when someone opens my marketplace store she or he must view all of them and get upset , if the marketplace had pages so you could say i want to view the clothes only or the gestures you could see the menu and click to what kind of stuff you want to see from that store . when a store has so many pages is hard to view them all if you only want a kind of item . not the case when someone visits your store they can view every single item or on the left hand side of the page they can view your items by category so if they click say apparel they can view all your apparel items or refine their search further by clicking say womens and refine their search ever further by clicking say footwear or swimwear. all through out from the moment they enter your marketplace store they can also sort items by price prims or perms
  19. there are several ways to make cash inworld that don't require you to work for someone those that i have used include: Meetro - initally pays you in points which you can later redeem for L$ at selected locations you get L$1-2 per average 6 minute stay (some places require you stay longer) Bletaverse - pays you as long as you stay in a location a set number of minutes usually 10 minutes you get about L$3-4 SL Travel Money Hud - pays you to visit locations as long as you wander round the location and don't afk you can get L$2 for 3mins up to L$20 for 13minutes you cash out via the hud Coin Hunting - all the coins i've seen (scrap coins) give you L$0.05 though there are higher value ones if you collect enough coins you can exchange them for L$ Earn2Life - not one i'd recommend at all it works in a similar way to the travel money hud except the e2l hud is more complicated to use there are different user levels and the lower your level the more days you have to wait before you can get your earnings after cashing out on their website also you can get hefty fines (a negative balance on the hud) you have to work off with the hud and if they think you're someones alt you're banned Linden Realms - this is a new Linden run game you complete quests and collect different coloured crystals when i 'played' it all i got was 3 misely L$ for completeing it selected Lucky Chairs & Boards - some owners allow their boards to dish out money as low as L$1 in exchange for the user's name starting with the same letter on the device Camping - if you can find it the typical payout is L$1 per 10 minutes
  20. phoenix viewer doesn't have a 'destinations' tab but the phoenix firestorm viewer does if you are used to a V2/V3 viewer you might prefer Firestorm
  21. if you are using the all new mesh version of phoenix you might want to revert back to 1185 the previous non mesh version or switch to firestorm while it brilliant the devs have bought out a mesh release their website/blog says they haven't been able to garuntee it's stability and if you have problems to go back to the non mesh version
  22. photoshop isn't free but if you don't need the full version of photoshop you can get the latest elements version from £70+ or you can always try gimp
  23. Sena Selona wrote: I was trying to find on Marketplace but nathing. on the marketplace you need to change your maturity rating to General, Moderate, Adult or just Adult if you want to search for genitals if you're not after anything with all the fancy scripted sculpted bells and whistles on a good female skin will have the female parts 'painted' on to the skin
  24. why not view web profiles through your web browser it's not too difficult just use https://my.secondlife.com/ if you want to view someone's web profile just do https://my.secondlife.com/username where username would be a person with just a user name and https://my.secondlife.com/firstname.lastname where firstname.lastname would be someone with a first and last name. or with the in viewer browser click the option to view the page in your web browser. it might not be what you want but it is better than trying to view web profiles with the inworld tools
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