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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Do any of the clothes or the mesh body come with instructions? (you're in the wrong forum by the way, Creation Forum, Mesh is more for mesh creators, this would probably suit "Your Avatar" better)
  2. Not that merchants need to be doing any infighting due to the lack of work on MP, Pamela isn't referring to "new pet features that people want", how about just doing what needs to be done? I'll help by giving some examples of some recent things that happened to Marketplace:- LL broke the adult keywords, we didn't ask for this, it was working fine, LL BROKE IT! Here's the JIRA, a showstopper, it's STILL being worked on... or NOT. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6608 So, someone in LL changed the list of keywords, they must have done that because a working system is highly unlikely to just randomly reclassify listings. Since LL will have a changelog of what was changed, they would only have to revert the change to fix the issue. This issue is now 6 weeks old and it has affected merchants significantly. It's not even safe to change a listing back manually is it? We just don't know. This isn't a single persons pet problem, this is the latest show stopper that LL have inflicted and yet appear to be doing nothing about, seriously, it's not a difficult fix to revert a change and then go back and re-think. Ergo, it's reasonable to take this as evidence that they aren't actively working on it. Next example. Direct Delivery. Do you remember why this was so critical? We were told because Magic Boxes couldn't support the traffic but...they worked fine with XStreet. Now, LL tell us that there weren't as many purchases and that this was the reason. However, after some reasoned analysis from merchants, more adept at databases, systems architecture and a bit of intuition, it came about that it's because the system that LL used to implement MP is single threaded, so they introduced a bottleneck. Then they introduced some sort of overnight batch job which seriously hit delivery times for European merchants and lo' it was decided that Direct Delivery was THE MOST IMPORTANT PROJECT for the Marketplace. Direct Delivery took over a year to implement and yet it's still not finished. Where's the support for "no copy" (limited permissions) items? It doesn't exist. Deadlines were shifted and then now, it's an indefinite extension to continue using the Magic Boxes that LL were so adament needed replacing. Why is no work on this being done? Direct Delivery phase 2. I was on the beta programme for this, it just went away. poofed. gone. Why is this? This was an LL instigated project but no more. The only thing that LL has done with MP recently to introduce change, let see. Screwed around with reporting and transactions (that nobody asked for) and done dumb stuff around introducing some new fields that are so badly implemented that they shouldn't consider it finished but this was done in consultation with some tiny secret group of merchants who clearly had a stake in this but were so close to the issue that they failed to see the bigger picture and didn't consider proper use cases. No, really. Pamela isn't wrong, LL offer little evidence that they are actively doing anything to improve marketplace. There's some really really low hanging fruit but they're oblivous to the need to pick it or don't have the resources. I'll offer the opposite challenge. Find me 10 things that LL have introduced that have radically improved the Marketplace over say the past year. You can even go back two years or just make it 5 things over one year. I believe that you'll struggle to do this. Fixing their own fresh bugs doesn't really count, just find things they've addressed from merchants, or introduced of their own initiative. Personally, I feel that would be a struggle to illustrate. (In fact, one could say that the whole of SL is likely on a skeleton staff who are operating in little more than maintenance mode. LL have their focus on that new platform off in the distance, they're really not going to be spending too much resource introducing much new stuff here.)
  3. Ariel Vuissent wrote: but also may not be NEAR adult furniture or images, so you can take a screenshot in either case. For which LL do not specify how near is NEAR so it's somewhat open to interpretation. I'm pretty much the same though, i've been around a while and never encountered this. Sure a few child avatars in adult regions but they're allowed to be there (within the terms of what they're allowed to do etc.) Quite often though we hear of ageplay being described as short avatar involved with tall avatar etc. so i'm always a bit sceptical and i'll be even more so of someone so new reporting this.
  4. Splatulated wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Join the inworlds group... Firestorm English Support. where do i find a group ? In another thread you asked how to chat in a group so it follows that you know where to find them. If you can't chat in it, either you're doing something wrong or the group has a session error and won't let you connect or you don't have rights to chat, in which case you'd need to IM an officer of the group and request chat rights.
  5. As stated you HAVE to set the permissions of the objects to copy/transfer to others because otherwise, the content of these revenue splitting vendors will not be able to be sold by anyone that takes a copy of the vendor from you. This is why they are generally networked vendors because this way, the server object with the actual content, remains the property of the original content creator and the affiliate vendors are just a selling mechanism and sends a message to the creators server to deliver the product.
  6. Syo Emerald wrote: I always considered "muh" as the sound a cow makes. Hmm, that's possibly a dialect difference then? Here, they say "Moo!"
  7. If someone were to make it, they'd be breaching copyright. If someone were to make it just for you, you probably couldn't afford it.
  8. Since you don't give any information as to what "bug" it is that you're wanting to report, we can only guess so in addition to Bobbie's response on how to obtain information about the transaction so that you can report it to the merchants, if it is a bug that you feel that you've found then here:- http://jira.secondlife.com If you are just reporting a problem with a transaction for example via Marketplace where the seller isn't able to help, then you open a support case with LL Support. A transaction doesn't always have to be shopping/marketplace related so either of the above may also be applicable. Information...Information...Information...the more information we have, the better the answer you'll get.
  9. Since they referred to it as "Offcial" I suspect that there's no issue, since that's not Official at all. I can't find Offcial in any english dictionary, maybe it has meaning in another language?
  10. Let me rephrase that for you. You have found an item that you suspect breaches copyright but you cannot be certain because you yourself do not know what rights may have been granted or whether the person who created the item in SL is in fact the copyright holder. The name of the item is irrelevant as is any attribution unless explicitly required by the copyright holder in accordance with any use rights that may have been granted. In other words, you found something, if you're feeling like being an SL policeman. Notify the copyright holder. Beyond that, it's neither your issue nor LL's until they are notified by the copyright holder themselves. Is your Google still broken?
  11. More than just "sad", it's inexcusable that LL take that approach since:- LL have an avatar that act as an intermediary that forms part of the transaction process, LL IS involved. LL take a commission on a fraudulent transaction. LL profits from fraud and isn't interested in stopping it.
  12. Nothing new really, as it says, this came in with the introduction of viewer 2 UI design which was designed by people who never logged in and used SL otherwise they'd have thrown out this behaviour while still in beta. The same issue affects normal user messages, try IM'ing a newbie and see how many respond. Not many because there's no persistent indication on screen of any value that indicates that there's a new message.
  13. A script is not needed, you just edit the object and change the default click action to "open"
  14. This is not necessary but it's not OUR fault! This is simply solved by never having search return anything which is a demo. Demos are only necessary as a clickable link from the main product and since there's already a relationship between the main product and a demo, it's just a trivial query to exlcude such from the results returned by search. The issue is that creators are required to make a listing for a demo and that listing is referenced from the main product. LL haven't done the above with regard to a query and given their lack of interest in doing anything useful and positive with Marketplace, there's nothing which is likely to happen. What LL have done recently with MP:- Screw up maturity ratings thus requiring merchants to correct issues while LL do nothing to advise when this issue will be rectified. Listen to a minsicule minority of undisclosed merchants to introduce a very poor implementation of some extra fields around mesh/classic avatars which again, requires merchants to edit ALL their relevant listings to make use of this feature and even then, the implementation is so bad, it doesn't encompass all use cases. So, expect them to do something SIMPLE and get it right such as excluding related demos from search results? Not going to happen. You should worry more about what would happen if they tried to be honest.
  15. Just to suggest, you may want to make it clear whether you're expecting someone to be what is effectively a "personal shopper" to give you a "look" made up of using off the shelf clothing and probably the standard classic SL avatar or.. Whether you want someone to make in a 3D application, a completely new replacement mesh avatar that is totally custom for you. The first one is going to typically cost a few thousand L$, the second, expect several hundred to thousand or two $ USD. Bit of a difference!
  16. natethegreat880 wrote: how do I position the mesh in the exact position in Second Life, as it is in Blender on the avatar? There are no adjustments that you can make in SL, the position is influenced by the weighting of the vertices. I'm going to make one suggestion here which is that if you're looking to make clothing, the best tool out there is the Avastar plug in for Blender. It costs less than a montly sub for Marvelous Designer and deals with issues such as that which I suspect you're experiencing here which is the shape issues. If you've designed around the default shape in Blender, assuming that you've not rigged the item to collision bones for fitted mesh, then in order for it to "fit" in SL, you'd need to use the default avatar shape in SL as you are in blender. Avastar has tools for rigging to fitted mesh and will also allow shape import from SL to blender so that you can make for exactly the same shape in blender as you have in SL. Whether you bother faffing about with the beta grid to save L$11 is up to you but you will save yourself a lot more if you do three things. Simplest, set the lowest LOD value to 0 in the dialog, there's not really much point having a lowest LOD for clothing, you're only a dozen pixels on screen when it's at that LOD, nothing to see. Save out a cube from blender as a .dae and then in the physics tab, in the settings choose "from file" and select your cube. Those two actions will dramatically drop your upload cost to typically L$11 to L$12. If it's much more than that, then the third thing to do is reduce topology overall and in your case, 40,000+ vertices is kinda a LOT for a dress.
  17. The script has to be active, i.e. rezzed inworld (worn is the same as rezzed) for the script to run. Just don't rez or wear this scripted object.
  18. The simpler answer is that they HAVE to be full perm in order for you to download them and manipulate them in external graphics packages so it's a technical limitations that full permissions must be granted in order to allow people to use them in accordance with the use granted. As to whether embedded notecards in products that attempt to dictate limited use, would stand legal challenge, when the limited conditions that form part of the contract cannot be viewed prior to forming that contract is a different debate. For now, just accept the general guidance already given. Don't be a clever dick.
  19. ? I was responding to the claim that a VPN was only for getting around a government or torrent block and that they had no other use. That assertion is incorrect. I agree, there are other ways to circumvent blocks.
  20. Open a support case with LL and ask, we can't give you those answers.
  21. How do they afford it? Simple. The result of the exercise gains more revenue than it loses our they have plenty of money and don't care. As Pamela said, they are paying for traffic in the hope or expectation that being found higher in search will result in them being noticed and thus bring more shoppers. Traffic isn't factored as it used to be though but plenty of people have spare L$ to return to others in an altruistic manner, shops that make a healthy profit where the owner is not able to cash out our has no desire to for example. Ask yourself another question. Who can afford to spend $295 US per month, only to receive no income, so that others can rez boats to sail at no cost? Yep, go and see how many of the 27,000 regions in SL are profit generating... In case you aren't aware, LL do not offer SL for free out of the goodness of their heart, customers pay for land that others may roam. All of a sudden, those few free giveaway L$ pale into insignificance.
  22. bigmoe Whitfield wrote: There is not point in attempting to sell something most people will never use or have any use for. a vpn is really only useful to get around a goverment block or torrenting. really not other reason to use it or have it. Securing an open Wifi access point connection Connecting to a corporate or home network Geoblocking circumvention None of these are getting around a government block or hiding.
  23. Patrick032986 wrote: This might be a odd question. But, is it illegal to sell hosting packages like an example VPN's aka Virtual Private Networks on second life? If, so how come I don't see very many of that stuff on second life? Because to put it bluntly, nobody needs to come here to buy such services. I already have a browser, that's far more suitable to use in order to browse the web page of a hosting provider. Why would I log in to SL then TP around in order to browse a virtual shop of boxes containing absolutely nothing but a notecard on how to buy and connect to a VPN service? Sell via media on a prim to view a web page? Back to my first sentence. I have a web browser already, outside of SL that does that just fine.
  24. Not odd at all, it's a driver change, they've probably just dropped anything but fairly generic support within Windows 8.1, just like I said for my Intel 945 equipped laptop. Did you try what I suggested and use either the ATI driver or use a Windows 7 ATI driver?
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