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  1. HAH!!! Busted! Thanks! This is why I shouldn't try to do more than one thing at s time Everyone knows the saying "business before pleasure". This is why.
  2. My Store appears to be empty-- but it's not. There is one active product in the store. I'm even able to find the item when I search for it, or click on it in the 'Manage listings' section. Store image: https://gyazo.com/acf180de36f4ffc8182700d37082a405 Manage Listings: https://gyazo.com/6c1e0243dee0facfb345bf2570ba2c52 Item Search: https://gyazo.com/f2854682726408c0ba5c77571df0e839 I've no idea what's causing this issue but, I'd like to get it resolved. So... Any help would be awesome.
  3. What about building my own if it came to just parts? $500 too little still?
  4. I need a new computer and I'm at a total loss.... My old computer was an MSI gt725, loved it. It was $850.... Well, I just don't have that kind of money but I still need a laptop that can run second life at high or medium so that I can play SL or do my video editing hobby. What's out there for less than $500? I am willing to replace graphics cards if I need to.
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