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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. An obvious question which I'm sure you've already thought of . . . scripts are enabled?
  2. I hadn't run across this kink before. And to think I thought I knew you!
  3. This is the most erotic emote I've read in SL for years.
  4. Only about a half dozen more beach shots to go! (I really need to invest in an economy size bottle of sunscreen)
  5. Yeah, Canada Day in Toronto typically features fireworks at at least one or two venues, usually by the harbour or lake. In my part of the country, many people (it least of the middle class) spend this long weekend in cottage country, and so the day is often more celebrated in small towns than in the larger cities. I think for many of us, it conjures up images or memories of barbecues, parks or beaches, and fireworks over water, watched while sitting on blankets. In my neighbourhood, families on the street will pool money or fireworks for a sort of community display on the roadway once dusk falls. It's really very sweet.
  6. I think you're misunderstanding. Reflection probes aren't PBR textures and material: they are objects that produce differential lighting and "reflections" (which are really a 360 deg. image reflected into mirrors or other shiny objects) within spaces. There is no reason that I know of why mesh bodies, heads, clothing, and other attachments can't accept PBR materials. I'm not entirely sure there is a great deal of advantage to using them on skins, for instance, unless you want a shiny, reflective skin, but I'd imagine that we'll be seeing skins, hair, and so forth using PBR textures and materials pretty soon. You can already buy clothing that uses it. ETA: Now I say it, I'm not sure what would be involved in getting PBR on skins, as these use BoM, and that doesn't (currently) support materials. I'm sure there is a lot of pressure to remedy that, however.
  7. Peeve: Canada Day (which is today) comes so close to the 4th of July, that our modest little celebration gets completely drowned out under the marching bands and bunting of our next door neighbours. Ok. I'm not really peeved about this, much, because Canada Day is a much more modest affair, and for most Canadians means not a lot more than a day off, and maybe evening fireworks. But it was a good excuse to indirectly wish everyone a happy Canada Day. Yay?
  8. No, reflection probes are static and immobile, and can't be attached to an avatar. To do so would mean putting computers through an immense number of new calculations about light every time the avatar so much as twitched. PBR theoretically can be applied to anything that uses a texture.
  9. There are a fair number of new features it needs in the pipeline. And total props to the designer: he's updating and adding very quickly. My chief complaint at the moment is that the feed is full of ads and contests -- still. That's somewhat inevitable, as this was made with creators and bloggers particularly in mind. But it does get annoying. The addition of hashtags might help remedy that somewhat, or just better filters.
  10. Not from you library. But you can make folders for faves.
  11. I am aware of it. What has changed is that much of our existing library of EEPs look like garbage in the new viewer. At least before we could have at least some faith that customers were seeing products in a reasonably predictable way. Your weird paranoia is rearing up again. There's is absolutely NO reason to think that LL is going to insist on everyone using the same EEP. None. Zilch. Nothing they have said or done suggests they're going to be holding our hand, yet alone compelling us to use one or another EEP. On the contrary, they seem entirely content with an insane multiplication of EEPs, including now ones that don't look good in the new viewers.
  12. Of course it's "LL's job." It was LL's job to ensure that we had new PBR-optimized EEPs that didn't cause this kind of problem in the first place. But LL isn't going to do it, is it? Or, apparently, provide even guidance and assistance for those who want to change their EEPs, yet alone actually update their library. So, you can sit and look pouty and insist on doing nothing, because it's "LL's job." In which case, your customers are, some of them at least, going to be mystified as to why that cream-coloured jacket they bought looks sky blue when they wear it. But hey, you stuck with your principled stand, right? Or you can do something about it yourself, even if it means doing "LL's job." Your choice.
  13. Just to amplify what Frionil said, this has nothing to do with what you've got enabled or whether or not you're using PBR materials. It will happen if you're using a PBR-enabled viewer -- any PBR enabled viewer -- because PBR has changed the entire way that light is rendered in SL, on everything. This is why so many old EEP settings now just look awful. The blue sheen you are seeing is a function of the fact that a lot old EEPs use a blueish colour for "Blue Horizon": you can get rid of, or at least significantly reduce that, if you turn the setting for Blue Horizon to greyscale. Jenna Huntsman talks about this here (look at the very bottom of the page): https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Jenna_Huntsman The problem, of course, is that you have no control over the EEP that anyone else is using. If you're a creator, the appearance of any shine on the things you create is at the mercy of whatever EEP is used by your customers. (It's not dissimilar, in fact, to the way that a nicely textured object might appear flat in the older viewers if the users didn't have ALM turned on). And this is why (have I said this often enough?) LL NEEDS TO SUPPLY EVERYONE WITH NEW AND UPDATED EEPs FOR OUR LIBRARIES, even if just a handful. Because their "shiny new world" looks like crap using their unshiny old EEPs, and 99% of residents have ZERO idea of how to fix problems like the one you have by tinkering with their old EEPs. If this is an item you're selling, you might consider adding a notecard or a brief note on the MP listing outlining the issue.
  14. So far, the biggest graphic enhancement to my SL that PBR has brought with it is the fact that it forces me to use ALM (or whatever we're calling that now -- deferred rendering? Whatever), which I tended not to have on most of the time. So, new materials and mirrors aside, SL looks nicer now (at least when I'm not using an old EEP that either washes everything out, or hides it infernal shadows). And, because some strides have been made in performance, even in Firestorm, it's not throttling my FPS too much. So there's that. PBR has bullied me into nicer graphics, against my will. Which has all along been one of the reasons @Qie Niangao supported its introduction, as I recall.
  15. I'd also like to see more chatter and engagement. The problem at the moment, I think, is that there doesn't seem to be a way to respond directly to someone else's comment in a thread. And I don't think there's a way to flag someone? (or is there?)
  16. This is undeniably true. Many of them are here on this forum. But sorry, I just don't believe that more than 10% of gamers would know a normal map if they tripped over one, or have the foggiest idea of why deferred rendering is preferable to forward rendering. In other words, they don't have the skills to do more than any other resident in SL, however "used" they may be to experience PBR in video games. I use a computer all the time. Using it has not made me an expert on either the hardware or software that it employs.
  17. Mostly I agree with this. I don't especially care about the height of other people's avatars (except when I'm dancing with them), and I certainly am not a height fascist who wants to impose a standardized height or proportion. I am "realistically" proportioned, something I mostly started worrying about when I began seriously to do photography in SL-- for what I'm sure are obvious reasons. In general, it's more difficult to attain realistic proportions at taller heights (one's arm length maxes out beyond about 7m), so it made sense for me to choose a smaller, more "realistic" size. So I chose my own RL height, not because it's talismanic or anything, but just because I need a number and this one was handy -- in this case, 1.81m. Where it CAN matter, however, is with regard to one's surroundings, and to products. One reason I only buy furnishings and so forth that are mod is because I invariably need to scale them down to fit my avi. And I frequently find myself in places in SL where I am, relatively speaking, the height of a tall toddler or a prepubescent: door handles are boob or shoulder height for me, for instance. And it's another reason (although not, in fairness, the only one) why I didn't opt for a Linden Home. They aren't resizable, and their proportions dwarf me. I'm sure there are some whom that doesn't or wouldn't bother, but it does me. So, no LH for me!
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