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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Well, that's interesting. Another failed LL experiment, I guess? I wasn't really big on the idea to begin with, tbh, but weirdly I actually feel a sense of loss now!
  2. No, it's for a three-mirrored vanity. One mirror facing the front, and one on each side, slightly angled. You know, a pretty normal setup for vanity mirrors. (Not that I actually OWN a vanity in RL, mind you. I haven't had one since I was, like, 16!)
  3. I'm going to fix the proportions on my male avi. Really, I need to work on his wardrobe though. PEEVE: Men's clothing is EXPENSIVE
  4. Thank you for my morning smile, Hymn!! ❤️
  5. Awww, thanks Stella and Love! I appreciate the efforts! Honestly, I'll probably not worry about it, and just stick with the one mirror. It's not precisely "trivial," but certainly not difficult, to make a static shot work by blending three pics (I've done some pics that blended over two dozen). Maybe later today I'll do a test run and post the results!
  6. Cute idea! And yeah, he's got some looks there, hardly surprising. Only he could make Papyrus and Courier look good. (Comic Sans was hilarious!) I have a friend in-world who needs this TikTok! Thanks!
  7. That makes sense, but it's worth a look. TBH, I wasn't even sure I was going to use actual SL mirrors for this shot. I was going to use them as "cheats" to make it easier to calculate what the reflections should look like, and then take those manually and add them as reflections post-production. (Calculating the angle for reflections manually has been the worst part of doing reflections before.) But I was reasonably impressed by the quality of the reflection at 2048 resolution, so I am going to try using the native mirrors. If worse comes to worst, and I have to do three different shots, one for each mirror, it's not much extra work.
  8. Does the newest version (5.1.3?) have mirrors yet, Ceka? The PBR one I've been using is a few months old now.
  9. I'm not sure what that means? All what surfaces? Do you remember where you saw this? I've got three mirrors atop this vanity, at three slightly different angles, so I need three (and just three) mirrors. Again, I can do it with multiple shots, but it's mildly annoying. Mind you, who knows how much lag three mirrors would create?
  10. Peeve 1: Only one working mirror at a time! So, I have an idea (actually, a few ideas) involving mirrors, so I played around with them today. I want to do a shot with three different mirrors (all mounted on a vanity, at slightly different angles, as mirrors on vanities frequently are). It's mildly annoying that one can only have one working mirror at a time, but it's workable using multiple shots. It's just annoying. Peeve 2: I undressed one of my male alts to add a . . . a thing. And realized his shape is off. Ugh. More work.
  11. Ban this, ban that . . . whatevs. BORING. Can we get back to this really interesting idea of a sexy suburbs? You know, Belli on Cialis? I have ideas! And a developing business plan! ETA: And yes, that's a WHISK. Perverts.
  12. Which I purposefully avoided, but did catch the synopsis on Twitter, which was more or less . . . . . . the US is ****ed.
  13. Edit: sorry, I misunderstood! You mean the OLD Linden Homes! Yeah, who would care?
  14. Unfortunately, I suspect my take would be more Stepford Wives than Betty Page.
  15. So, the notion of a "Sexy Bellisseria" -- you know, a Pleasantville-type suburbia but with sex toy parties rather than tupperware -- has really potential. So I'm setting up to take advantage. There's money in them thar hills! I'm sure there are lots of Ward Cleavers out there who wished they had been a bit harder on the Beaver. Please feel free to distribute my business card, attached below. "Coffee, Tea, or . . . a fun game of 'What Have I Hidden in My Fishnets'?"
  16. Well, as I said, I have mixed feelings about this. Obviously, some form of segregation is desirable and even necessary: hence, the maturity rating system. But I'm not sure I like the idea of two really divided and disconnected "SLs" running in parallel, with little or no overlap or cross-fertilization (so to speak). I know a few kinksters who are in SL solely for BDSM and sex, and who almost literally have never stepped foot outside of a BDSM meeting place, a dungeon, sex club, etc. They are absolutely oblivious to everything else that SL has to offer. And, of course, if that's a conscious choice -- they don't care about those other elements -- then that's fine. But a really rigid segregation might mean that some who would benefit from knowing more about the rest of SL might never discover it. I certainly also know people who came here for the sex, but stayed because of everything else on offer. There are ways, probably, to make sure that those who come for LL's streamlined adult experience at least learn about what else is here on the platform. But I think everyone loses if we end up with two very disconnected communities.
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