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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. My favourite is Ox Tail Soup. These are only available in specialty stores here (of which, in fairness, there are actually quite a few). Along with Orange Club Bars and Rowntree Black Currant Pastels (both of which I would happily murder for).
  2. Wait, Lays is Walker's? We have Lays here, but they're really boring, without any of the cool flavours you can get with Walker's.
  3. Kyle Linden, quoted in Whirly's post Wow. What a revolutionary idea.
  4. For the last freaking time, Luna, I AM NOT "EXPECTING" CREATORS TO DO ANYTHING FOR ME. Build all the PBR-exclusive content you want, with my blessing! You go, girl! I don't care!
  5. I'm sure you know this already, but there is a very vocal contingent of creators and residents who don't want a "long transitional period," but would really like to compel everyone onto PBR viewers now. And it's pretty clear that that's LL's game as well. The assumption seems to be that 1) only a tiny minority of people are on computers that can't handle the new viewers, 2) that tiny minority really doesn't matter anyway, and 3) all those people complaining about performance hits are just whining, and anyway why can't they just buy new computers? I get it. LL's developers and some of its creators are impatient: they want the future now, and those who are holding off, for whatever reason, on updating are a drag on progress. Progress is going to happen, but I myself remain of the view, which I've stated before, that it's only worth moving forward if we can bring everyone with us. "Progress" that disenfranchises a minority (and the volume of complaints suggests a sizable one) isn't really "progress."
  6. Possibly you might like to go back and reread my posts on the previous page, because . . . I have not the slightest idea where you're getting any of this from. I am not "telling creators" anything. I did not provide advice on what to build, how to build it, or how to market it. Please show me where I do? What I did say is that, for the time being, I am going to be only purchasing goods (whether PBR or not) that I am sure can be viewed by those on non PBR viewers: I am speaking as a consumer, not as a consultant. Why would I buy goods that I can't be sure will be seen by friends or visitors to my parcel? Why would I purchase something that doesn't meet my needs???? There will, as I said above, come a time when this is no longer an issue. That time is not yet. As for this, which I laughed at: I'm not "supporting" creators -- I'm buying things that I need. And the notion that non-PBR goods are being sold by "the wealthiest creators who have plenty of time" is just weird. And yes, again -- I'm buying things that suit my "specific needs." Weird, eh?
  7. This is a slightly bizarre take, Luna. I'm not organizing boycotts or even chastising those who produce PBR textures without backup BP ones, merely noting that such goods don't currently serve my needs. For the time being, I'll be sticking to creators (whom I am sure also work very hard?) who are providing what I feel I still require. At some point, when nearly everyone is on a PBR viewer, that will no longer be the case, and I'll be willing to buy goods that don't render in the old viewers.
  8. That's fine Blush. Your choice. I get it. But my parcel is a public one, and i want it to be accessible to all. Generally I want to continue to accommodate others who haven't or feel they can't switch over yet, and that includes my personal appearance. At some point in the future, that will no longer be necessary.
  9. It isn't required, no. But I'll be thinking twice about buying goods that are labelled as PBR, but don't explicitly also use backup textures. I'm using PBR, but a great many friends are not.
  10. If this is the brand is think it is, I use a lot of their stuff. I'd heard they've updated but I'll hold off a year or so if they aren't including backup textures.
  11. Actually, when LL was going to actually reduce the number of group slots for basic accounts a few years ago, a very noisy uprising here did make a difference. LL backed down. That's not going to happen with PBR however: it's too fundamental to their future development plans.
  12. /me sighs "It'll work great," he said. "Everything will look better!" he said. "Nice nipples! Are those HD?" he said.
  13. Ok, I know that mirrors have their own probes, but what is reflected in them is a function of the probe within which they sit. Surely a mirror that is not in a manually produced probe would only be able to reflect the surroundings (which it does) if there was not an auto probe for it draw upon? I ask because I've used mirrors high in the sky, and in the absence of a manually created probe. And they still reflect the surroundings.
  14. And this is why BB caused so much controversy when it first appeared -- and why LL moved to limit what they could publish (but not necessarily what they could see). My understanding is that, for reasons known only to LL, BB has been somewhat defanged of late. I'm not sure if this is still the case, but LL had, at one point not too long ago, removed their ability to detect attachments. But, yeah. Data harvesting is always going to be a concern.
  15. Not on her own, no, but she was (and I guess still is) the "public face" of, and spokesperson for, Bonniebots.
  16. The new system has also added "automatic reflection probes" to each region as well. These can't be adjusted or moved, and are, from what I gather, somewhat imperfect, but they ensure that shiny PBR materials produce "reflections" wherever they are, regardless of the absence of a manually produced reflection probe. Which is why you don't need your own personal reflection probe attachment. (And you'll wreak havoc if you try to wear one.)
  17. Yeah. This is wearisome, especially because we've beaten it to death in previous threads. I have zero problems with nudity. The human body is not merely arousing; it is beautiful, and it's also meaningful in interesting ways, which is why I photograph nudes. (I've recently become more interested in nudes that are in some way "imperfect" -- awkwardly posed for instance, rather than draped beguilingly across a chaise longe -- these too are beautiful, because they are in some sense more human, more vulnerable.) Unfortunately, we live in a culture, and this is maybe particularly true of North America, that has a hard time distinguishing between nudity and sexuality. And too, inevitably we also live in a culture where sexuality is sometimes predatory and toxic. And both of those things mean that there are legalistic and PR reasons for LL to make the changes they've recently made to the ToS. But it's precisely the fact that I cling stubbornly to the belief that nudity is not necessarily sexual that I think it important that simple nudity continue to be permitted in Moderate areas. Banishing it entirely to Adult areas is a surrender to those who lack the imagination to recognize that there is both a simple beauty, and an endless variety of meanings, associated with the naked human form. I don't want to live in a world, virtual or real, where the human body becomes nothing more than a signifier for sex, to be targeted and reviled by the puritanical on the one hand, or reduced to the mechanics of sex by the prurient on the other.
  18. No. What they FAQ says is that, in the case of an actual AR, Governance will consider all factors, including context, when determining whether there is fault, or the severity of the punishment (if any). The ToS is now absolutely clear, however: child avatars are not permitted to be anywhere near nudity. And a nude avatar in a General region is, without any ambiguity, violating the ToS. Yes, that's the point. It's not that child avatars are permitted in some circumstances to be around nudity. It is that Governance will take action determined by their interpretation of what happened. In other words, it may not be the child avatar's fault, and it may be the nude adult who is sanctioned. None of this changes the fact that the new child policy is absolutely crystal clear: no child avatars around nudity. Not even their own.
  19. If someone shows up in a General rated region naked, whether "surprising" or not, they should be at the least told to leave (or put clothes on), or possibly even ARed. There are a number of reasons for that, but foremost now is the fact that a child avatar in proximity of a naked avatar runs the danger of being reported and penalized. Someone naked in a General area, where a child avatar should reasonably expect to be completely safe, is endangering other people.
  20. Indeed not. Hence nude non-adult beaches. And I produce a not-negligible number of nude photos, but they are almost never sexual or even "erotic." However, for the purposes of this discussion, that distinction is moot, because the ToS doesn't, for the purposes of considering the presence of child avatars, acknowledge the difference. Sexual or non-sexual, however, my point remains: I VERY rarely see nude avatars. And that's not because I consciously go out of my way to avoid them.
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