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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I do not want to be reflective any more Envying and despising unreflective things Finding pathos in dogs and undeveloped handwriting And young girls doing their hair and all the castles of sand Flushed by the children's bedtime, level with the shore. The tide comes in and goes out again, I do not want To be always stressing either its flux or its permanence, I do not want to be a tragic or philosophic chorus But to keep my eye only on the nearer future And after that let the sea flow over us. Come then all of you, come closer, form a circle, Join hands and make believe that joined Hands will keep away the wolves of water Who howl along our coast. And be it assumed That no one hears them among the talk and laughter.
  2. Pretty sure they don't, except that sex (of the non a*eplay type) is only permitted, of course, behind closed doors in Moderate regions. In terms of the other sorts of things that have been in the past, or are newly forbidden by the ToS, it doesn't make a difference.
  3. Ok, we're beginning to edge over into "SL should be all about sex" and "Gamers rule!" territory again. I think we've given BJ enough of what she wanted out of this thread, so I'm gone.
  4. No, probably not. And Governance does very little about such RP anyway. The new rules barely address it.
  5. Whether it was faked or not -- and I have good reason to think a great deal of it wasn't -- the effect was the same, and could well be again. I don't know if you've noticed what's been going on in places like Texas, but things are not getting more permissive for porn out there. Correlation, as they say, does not imply causation. There were a lot of factors that contributed to that. It's not 2006 anymore. Most of those really fun people who used to run around making life miserable for the rest of us have either grown up, or found better places to be. Meanwhile, Twitter has become increasingly lawless, and is absolutely bleeding users. Nostalgia for the "good old days" is fine and well, but that crowd isn't going to save SL. And if they did, they'd render saving it pointless in the final analysis anyway.
  6. It's not a question of what I find "immoral and disgusting." I very rarely use descriptors like that because they are subjective and ultimately irrelevant. It's a question of what some jurisdictions find illegal.
  7. You're really not getting that "in your best judgement" thing, are you? No one, and certainly not I, has said "AR everyone in a schoolgirl's outfit." My little scenario involved a number of other factors to be considered. Right, so . . . do nothing to enforce governance at all? And no one has suggested vigilantes or AR parties. I talked about "running across things." That's a classic instance of a strawman argument. For who? Yeah, I remember the "good old days" when WU and others ran amok in SL. Fun stuff. Oh, and remember when that German newspaper discovered there was a*eplay here? Really helped the platform, that did. No one has suggested it should be. The whole point of the approach LL has taken to self-administered governance has been to avoid the extremes between becoming a hell hole of griefers and illegal activities on the one hand, and a police state on the other. Your approach, if people listened -- which they won't, fortunately -- would inevitably lead to either the one or the other. Either way, SL dies.
  8. The situation I described didn't involve "spying" -- I specified running across something "pretty obvious." What this suggests is that, so long as it is "consensual" and you think that both parties are adults IRL, it shouldn't be ARed? Well, it's pretty much always "consensual" in SL, in most senses. And the vast majority of cases of a*eplay are going to involve RL adults. So . . . do nothing about a*eplay in SL, in effect? The ethics of that aside, you don't think that letting a*eplay here endangers the platform?
  9. No one who isn't actively and obviously causing real harm to someone else in my presence need worry about an AR from me. And, as I say, I haven't had a case like that in over a decade. So, no, I'm not going to be running around hunting down a*eplayers. The question, as I say, is hypothetical. If, in our best judgement, we see a case of a*eplay, do we do anything about it? Or do we wink and look away? And yeah, it's always, as I say, going to be about judgement, unless one finds oneself in the unlikely situation of tripping over them going at it on the road. Some have good judgement, and some less so, of course. But Governance ensures that that shouldn't matter too much because they have access to information we don't. I'd be very cautious about ARing someone myself for a*eplay -- it would have to be pretty obvious. But if in my judgement, that was what was happening, I certainly would, because without ARs the entire governance system here falls apart. OR we end up forcing LL to do the policing for us, which would not be pleasant for any us.
  10. It's a hypothetical, Jaylin. BJ clearly believes, or wants US to assume, that this was a case of a*eplay. I haven't ARed anyone or anything that wasn't actively griefing my parcel in 13 years.
  11. Short girl in ponytails, smacking bubble gum through her braces, wearing a school uniform, bent over teacher's desk while she lisps, "Please sir, I'll remember my homework next week"? Could be anything, really, couldn't it? Why jump to conclusions? Just live and let live! "You be you!" This is always going to be about judgement, Coffee. Hopefully people will use it intelligently. And yes, your conclusions might be different than mine. How fortunate then that, if I send in a report and get it wrong, LL's Governance team will have access to the sorts of information that I don't have, and will be able to make an informed decision. It's utterly insane that, on the one hand, you don't want LL using invasive "proactive" policing (and I'm with you on that), but on the other you don't want residents availing themselves of the AR system to report possible or probable violations when they see them. I'll repeat what I've said before: I'll take resident-centred "community policing" any day over a surveillance society or roving bands of LL cops. Or, do we just shrug and give up on enforcing the ToS entirely? Serious question: what's left if you don't want to settle for either option? Do we just let everything slide because, on the one hand, we don't want LL snooping around, and on the other, we don't want to be snitches? How do you enforce the ToS then, Coffee? How do you "govern" SL so that it doesn't become a known haven for a*eplayers, griefers, etc.?
  12. You know who could be sure? Governance. But apparently they'd never know if you have your way?
  13. BJ obviously thought it was a case of a*eplay, assuming it did even happen. Playing cop, as you put it, is the only way of preventing SL from becoming a hell hole of illegal, shady, or toxic crap, which would eventually result in SL being abandoned by most residents or shut down by someone else. How else exactly do you think we should respond to this sort of thing? Who will stop it if we don't? And if we don't, you are leaving LL with no alternative but instituting the kind of invasive "proactive measures" you most fear. Winking at illegality when we see it isn't doing SL or any of us any favours.
  14. And you did a real service, BJ. A*eplayers everywhere salute you. They now know they can feel safe with you.
  15. There are many things I could say, but . . . you do you, I guess.
  16. What exactly is a "secret skybox"? Do you mean like a normal person's non-public skybox? Or is there some weird stealth technology out there I don't know about? And . . . why exactly are you asking this question?
  17. So, ANYWAYS . . . My apartment block in Voroznia is one of a number that are clustered around a public square (including obligatory statue of Lenin) that features also a fountain built in the fine tradition of frighteningly uninteresting Soviet Modernist art, and, more usefully, a public swimming pool. Pic of pool coming soon. (This is a terrible photo, and I look like an utter simpleton. What can I say -- not every snapshot is golden, right?)
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