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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. On the anti-peeve side of things, just bumped into an old forum acquaintance, @cariboustag, who caught me just as I was leaving a store (I had my head down and wasn't paying a lot of attention). We had a lovely chat! (I have a feeling, for some reason, that we've bumped into each other before, too!) I love these serendipitous little meetings with forum people in-world! They give one a much fuller sense of the person behind the name!
  2. Ok, back to more mundane peeves. One store is advertising what looks to be a sweater and shorts set. They're organized in mini-fps of four colours each, and, of course, one expects that the sweater and shorts need to be purchased separately. Which is standard and fine. BUT I get there, and it turns out that the sweaters (which is what I was mostly interested in) are NOT in fact for sale at all, but only available at a not-terribly-cheap full price. AND only one of the shorts sets is set for sale -- the "greyscale" one. Yeah. Won't be shopping there again.
  3. Oh, no no no. I'm not talking about ME! Damned if I'm getting preggers with the virtual Antichrist! Eeeek. There aren't enough epidurals in the world! No, I play the beautiful and brilliant scientist who tries to warn LL about what is happening. And gets romanced, of course, by the incredibly handsome and rugged, but also deeply sensitive and respectful programmer who is working to find a hack to prevent this calamity! (He has a closely shaven but slightly unkempt beard. Ryan Gosling will do in a pinch.)
  4. That would be a true miracle, an immaculate conception, for more reasons than one. OMG. Plot for futuristic scifi horror movie: woman's avatar in virtual world somehow becomes "pregnant," and gives birth to a charmingly dangerous digital human hybrid who will destroy the world by merging the real with the virtual . . .
  5. So, the public pool at Voroznia isn't pretty, really -- it's classic Soviet Brutalism -- but is actually kind of nice overall. And it weirdly gets used: when I was taking this shot last night, there was another Voroznian wandering around in his swimming trunks! (I look distressingly tummy-ish in this pic. Clearly one of the things I should be doing is more swimming!) I should do some more pics there.
  6. Lol Caer! No apologies necessary! I am just jesting! (And I DO have a somewhat pointy chin! I've spent enough time on my avi to know it! What really makes me self-conscious is my nose, though.) And thanks re. my pics! (And to Roxy who also said something kind about them earlier!)
  7. Oh good lord. Are we this short of things to talk about???? 😮 Maybe we need someone to start up another child avatar thread . . . can never have too many! I know of at least two, and have met one in-world. She wasn't nearly as monstrous as I am. Oh, I don't remember this, but the RA was pretty insane sometimes, so maybe! I did sort of unintentionally imitate myself, briefly, when I showed up here in 2013/14 using my Laskya account, but I got sussed out almost immediately, so that doesn't really count. Too good an imitation, I guess? I'd be good with that! I can also see that! I do wear it in a side part quite frequently though. There are probably about 30 styles I wear quite regularly, so there's some variation! Usually though I part it to the left. Well, now I feel self-conscious . . . ! My pic here is a slightly modified crop of one that was part of my "Intimacies" project, and actually was intended to look pretty adoring, or at least very fond, because it shows me waiting for my partner (I imagined my RL one) who is late. https://flic.kr/p/2mUMVEQ I cropped and modified it for here because I wanted a "friendly" and sort of "open" look, and that seemed to mostly fit the bill. And of course I do utterly adore everyone here, sooooo . . . 😏 OK TIME TO TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE!!!!
  8. Pfft. People say I have "convictions." Nonsense! Sure, there were a few charges, but they were never able to make them stick in court! Thank you, Caer, that's a very kind thing to say! ❤️
  9. Garnet can correct me, but I think the friend in this instance was Lazarus. And it's ok, it had a happy ending!
  10. I do not want to be reflective any more Envying and despising unreflective things Finding pathos in dogs and undeveloped handwriting And young girls doing their hair and all the castles of sand Flushed by the children's bedtime, level with the shore. The tide comes in and goes out again, I do not want To be always stressing either its flux or its permanence, I do not want to be a tragic or philosophic chorus But to keep my eye only on the nearer future And after that let the sea flow over us. Come then all of you, come closer, form a circle, Join hands and make believe that joined Hands will keep away the wolves of water Who howl along our coast. And be it assumed That no one hears them among the talk and laughter.
  11. Pretty sure they don't, except that sex (of the non a*eplay type) is only permitted, of course, behind closed doors in Moderate regions. In terms of the other sorts of things that have been in the past, or are newly forbidden by the ToS, it doesn't make a difference.
  12. Ok, we're beginning to edge over into "SL should be all about sex" and "Gamers rule!" territory again. I think we've given BJ enough of what she wanted out of this thread, so I'm gone.
  13. No, probably not. And Governance does very little about such RP anyway. The new rules barely address it.
  14. Whether it was faked or not -- and I have good reason to think a great deal of it wasn't -- the effect was the same, and could well be again. I don't know if you've noticed what's been going on in places like Texas, but things are not getting more permissive for porn out there. Correlation, as they say, does not imply causation. There were a lot of factors that contributed to that. It's not 2006 anymore. Most of those really fun people who used to run around making life miserable for the rest of us have either grown up, or found better places to be. Meanwhile, Twitter has become increasingly lawless, and is absolutely bleeding users. Nostalgia for the "good old days" is fine and well, but that crowd isn't going to save SL. And if they did, they'd render saving it pointless in the final analysis anyway.
  15. It's not a question of what I find "immoral and disgusting." I very rarely use descriptors like that because they are subjective and ultimately irrelevant. It's a question of what some jurisdictions find illegal.
  16. You're really not getting that "in your best judgement" thing, are you? No one, and certainly not I, has said "AR everyone in a schoolgirl's outfit." My little scenario involved a number of other factors to be considered. Right, so . . . do nothing to enforce governance at all? And no one has suggested vigilantes or AR parties. I talked about "running across things." That's a classic instance of a strawman argument. For who? Yeah, I remember the "good old days" when WU and others ran amok in SL. Fun stuff. Oh, and remember when that German newspaper discovered there was a*eplay here? Really helped the platform, that did. No one has suggested it should be. The whole point of the approach LL has taken to self-administered governance has been to avoid the extremes between becoming a hell hole of griefers and illegal activities on the one hand, and a police state on the other. Your approach, if people listened -- which they won't, fortunately -- would inevitably lead to either the one or the other. Either way, SL dies.
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