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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. It would suggest that it's something of a rarity, yes. And if I DID see it, I would respond using the tools provided us all, by ARing it.
  2. This is at best a disingenuous argument. I am among those who feel that women should be permitted to go topless in any context that men currently can, in both RL and SL. The main reason we can't do that now is that our culture continually sexualizes breasts, and assigns to them as their main meaning "sexual plaything" (generally for men), rather than "nature's way of permitting women to nurture infants." And that is precisely what that image, coupled with an advert for an "Adult" group, did. That was a "oooh, look, boobies! What fun!" poster. It was emphatically not one that was normalizing breasts as "un-sexual." It drew attention to the breasts as a component of what the group had to offer, rather than naturalizing them as just body parts associated with women. And who are you to decide what regions or areas should be of interest to other people, regardless of how they represent? it's odd how your laments for your supposedly "lost freedoms" mask a very real determination to constrain the liberty of others.
  3. Ricky should know. Or not, as the case may be. How much more interesting this would have been had he sung Rocket Man instead.
  4. @Saskia Rieko and her partner Konrad re-opened their art region Natthimmel today with a new theme -- it's a gorgeous and HUGE field of lavender, with touches that set it in the south of France. This pic doesn't do justice to how very pretty it is. https://secondlife.com/destination/natthimmel
  5. Oh, I'm so glad we're finally having this discussion here. I was worried there'd be one corner of GD untouched by this incessant debate. This is simple.The sign violates the letter of the ToS. It violates the spirit of the ToS. It's been ARed. I am pretty sure something will be done about it, but just to be sure we should bring it to the attention of @Dyna Mole and @Quartz Mole, as they've been very good about raising issues that have been reported here with the Lindens. Can those who are "disgusted" with child avatars and who believe that wanting to remove a sign that is in clear contravention of the ToS is somehow an infringement of their right to act like children while RPing adults please take their outrage to another thread, rather than endangering this one? Thank you.
  6. "Don't be scared"???? THAT IS TERRIFYING!!!!! 😮
  7. Not sure where this is, but if I find out, I won't be shopping there.
  8. I hope it has a little maple leaf on it too???
  9. I own ONE sports jersey, which I bought for this ancient pic.
  10. I've just checked the MP. There is a surprisingly good selection of football uniforms, but none that I could see specifically for this round of the Euro Cup. On the other hand, if you're an Australian footie fan, you're set for life! I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to make the uniforms oneself.
  11. I recall back in -- 2010 I guess? -- I managed to really annoy a lot of forumites who were posting in a thread pretty much identical to this one by regularly contributing a fashion critique of the team uniforms. I think, in fact, that I made predictions based on how nice the uniforms were. Drove some people bonkers! Bwahahahah! Ah, memories . . . Yours is an equally valid criterion though. And maybe more enjoyable?
  12. When you become a more experienced shopper, you'll be amazed at how much you can buy in 18 seconds!! I jest. Yes, as everyone else has suggested, this is stupid. I'm not sure I wouldn't boycott such a place in the future just out of principle. They're not actually helping themselves, and they sure aren't helping the platform. And welcome to SL!
  13. In Black Dragon (but not, I think, Firestorm), you can turn shadows off on individual projector lights. That's potentially useful because one can currently only employ 2 projectors that cast shadows in a given scene. There may be instances where one wants more than 2 directional lights in a scene, but you don't need them all casting shadows. Imagine for instance a long wall with multiple sconces, all casting light in a cone downwards. With BD (and I'm 90% sure this is the case because I think I've done it) you could have, say 3 or 4 projectors in a scene shining directionally downwards -- but set only two of those to cast shadows. One MAJOR improvement (for me anyway, because I use a LOT of lights typically in a single scene for pics) is that there is now no limit to the number of point lights you can use at once.
  14. Yeah, I've been using the FS Beta (and Alpha before that), as well as the PBR-enabled Black Dragon, so I know that projectors (and shadows) are working in them. I'm just confused by Animat's comment which, if I read it correctly, applies to the gITF standard and suggests that SL's projectors aren't part of that. What he's calling "cone" lighting sounds like projectors -- directional lighting -- but without shadows? I'm sure I'm just getting all of this very confused though.
  15. Wait, what? No projectors or lights that cast shadows and ambient light????
  16. I know, but I don't want to peeve our very nice mods. Let's just say that, whatever it was, I lol'ed. A lot. Nearly three dozen times in fact! True this. Reminds me of a Canadian joke about American beer which I may have told here before. Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? Because it's ****ing close to water.
  17. Good news, if that's so. I haven't tried this in the latest version; I'll have to give it a go. Thanks!
  18. If this is true, then it is "fixable." And they've just decided not to do it. Stupid.
  19. And this is the other stupid thing that, so far as I know, they've not fixed. Were I cynical, I'd say this was a deliberate move to speed up the adoption of PBR viewers. You say "most viewers." Is there one that has fixed this?
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